Guatemala April 27, 2017 Friends: Let us reflect, let us pause for a moment, try to be better, to be positive, to forget the past and start a new world today, we wear our present existence for things that in the future, those who take our place on this earth will inherit. Let us take each moment seriously, we can not continue to be divided, in any sense, we have to solve any kind of difference, and when I write I mean economy, commercial, justice, inequality, rights, in everything. Every life is unique, every second that passes does not return, life does not return, and in the end we are writing a story, that no one will want to read, would you read such a story? Everyone has the right to one more opportunity, wealth in life is the present that we live, no wealth will give more years of existence and when you hurt another being that resembles you because it is human you hurt yourself, if you win You lose, because he makes you part of your life and if you make a living like a liar you will live longer or better when you get bored, you will want more and more and one day nothing will give you satisfaction. You have seen a baby smile, you were a baby and you laugh, it is a human being is joyful by nature, you like joy, you like others to be happy, if you are only happy you must be happy, you forget to be happy. You forget to tell jokes, talk to friends, play you know some game or you are bored to be with another human being, as your topic of conversation now, you think now. Examine yourself, if you can not do it is because you already forgot about yourself. You walk for life, looking for in you do not know that, playing the luck with your time of life. Exist, if you exist share existence we need to exist today so that tomorrow exists.