B.TechThis user has B.Tech degree.
EETThis user has an Electronics Engineering Technologist diploma.
C++-5This user is a professional C++ programmer.
C#-5This user is a professional C# programmer.
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
fr-2Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
HTML-3This user is an advanced HTML user.
IEEEThis user is a member of the IEEE.
800+This user has made more than 800 contributions to Wikipedia.
Public domainContent contributed by this user is released into the public domain.

Contributions edit

Articles written edit

(This doesn't include small stub-like articles.)

Extensive cleanup edit

Other edit

Entertaining Miscellany on Wikipedia edit

This section was getting too big (and funny and out-of-control) to live here, so it's been moved to User:Reinderien/Entertaining_Miscellany_on_Wikipedia.