Cyber hind is an open non profitable organization that works for  for promoting, explaining  & spreading awareness regarding the field of Information Security and about the crimes that have been taking place 


Cyber hind was founded by a group of members that mainly includes members named, Govind Singh, Abhishek soti,Pradipta das,Vikash Pandey ,Rajeev Shaw.


Cyber hind is an organization, where the people who have expertise in information security and leaders in this field and the cyber society along with government officials on cyber security join hands and make  efforts to cooperate in addressing the most assessed topics in the field of Information Security. In today's cyber world internet/cyber security is no more a simple thing it must be available to us at each and every step used for security. It is the fifth dimension of a nation’s Security. That is the main motive of Cyber hind. This gatherings, seminars, workshops that  will grandstand front line devices, strategies and philosophies that are at the cutting edge of the worldwide risk scene. Digital rear Community is a stage for security experts, moral programmers, experts, businessperson and understudies to exhibit their specialized information and to feature their attributes. the conferences and the seminars will be a venturing stone for youth experts, data security fans, programmers, coders, software engineers, security and systems administration experts, web designers, government authorities, law requirement organizations, business and everybody who love and think about security will also love the cyber hind the organization that is working for the cause of humanity to promote a better outlook of life and to have a more

Main attendees at CYBER HIND include security professionals, Government employees, lawyers, researchers, and journalists, with interest in cyber security and its global impact on economy.

As an open to all community, Cyber hind organization also provides information to conduct regular semi-conferences/meets which will spread and aware people about latest security threats, technologies and to share knowledge and to promote better understanding for the wellbeing of humans and to have a better security for our future generations as well.

Major works done:

Major works done by the cyber hind in India involves a lot of achievements mainly in the field of security they have provided security at various levels in India, they have been helping police in various cases mainly in Kolkata they have done some various major investigations regarding criminals and in the processes where ethical hacking is highly involved.cyber hind is also organizing various seminars and workshops to provide information regarding cyber India various ATM banks were being hacked due to lack of knowledge and poor security systems has asked the people to use SBI ATM investigation of rape cases which are very common these days in India have been controlled by using cyber security systems .now people have awareness regarding the unusual processes that takes place in their surroundings to have a better understanding and have now complete access to inform such organizations so that people will not have to make more compromises any more for their lives and for their future generations


Microsoft,Dell,google,Intel,wso2,sony,Transloadit,WSO2 etc


howrah city police loopholes reported by teens

ethical hackers got whole acess of kolkata police and reported them

tv news

seminars, conducted seminars and workshop 

on Ilead,Jetking,kolkata police,iit kanpur

Team members are Govind singh ,Abhishek soti,Pradipta das,Vikash Pandey ,Rajeev shaw