Plenty of men can do good work for a spurt and with immediate PROMOTION in mind, but for PROMOTION you want a man in whom good work has become a habit.


Creativity is the ability to use imagination, insight and intellect - as well as feeling and emotion - to move an idea from its present state to an alternate, previously unexplored state. Angelique Burzynski

Creativity is an end to any means that is constructed to be shared and created to inspire and to motivate. Salvador Palacios

Creativity is the expression of inner emotions. Liliana Perez

Creatvity is one's own imagination coming out in the real world. Nilou Yamini

Creativity is the process of taking something (or an idea) and making it your own creation. Erin Goulding

Creativity is the ability to have "unique" thoughts and feelings about anything and everything. Toni Bowes

Creativity is a subjective term which entails using your brain and making yourself and others happy. Sara Deardorff

Creativity is your personal touch - born of individualism. Jackie Lynn Tosches

Creativity is the art of organizing thoughts in different ways - other than "standard" ways of doing things. It is a reflection of feelings, ideas and perspectives. Nancy Perez

Creativity is the ability to combine physical things and imaginary things to make something new - sometimes unusual. Geronimo Mendoza

Creativity is an expression that one can use to refer to many different things: dancing, writing, etc. Creativity can be thought of as something unique. Karen Spencer

Creativity is the ability to have an open mind to limitless possibilities through exploration and experiences. Ruben Salvador

Creativity is something unique to an individual - a talent or gift. Frances Bandi Truitt

Creativity is the ability to use and share the God-given talents we were endowed with. I believe that these talents are what makes a person and defines his/her personality. It is through these talents that a person can express himself/herself. Minerva Rozo

Creativity comes from a person's heart, mind and soul. BichChi Pham

Creativity is something that someone makes from the inside of himself/herself. It is done with feeling. Alyssa Westmoreland

Creativity is the expression of one's personal thoughts, feelings and experiences. Edie Marks

Creativity is the ability to relate thoughts and ideas without constant guidelines and restrictions. Debbie Pelmont

Creativity is the ability for people to do or say - or to make things - while being original - being an individual and not just going along with the "herd." Jason S. Goldberg

Creative endeavors are expressions of emotions through various acts. Anna Perez

Creativity involves uniques ideas. Deannna Hughes

To me, creativity is a passion - like a hobby (e.g., music, painting) that you pursue. It is something that you are born with but develop though life and through different experiences. Regina Zeltser

Creativity is having the ability to solve problems and create anything in life in a unique way - unlike anyone else. Tessa Ackermann

Creativity is the ability use one's mind to invent or make something from nothing. Bits and pieces of things, when creatively combined, can result in a new object or use. Creativity is the ability to use your mind in a way that is different from just using what you have been taught. Dave Avaness

Creativity is using your imagination and past experience and putting them to use with whatever the situation may be. Rita Awanes

Creativity is the quality or process of "freeing up," reserving judgement and letting one's "creative muse" act through you. Susie Bryant

Creativity is the force behind making dreams into reality. William M. Burton, Jr.

Creativity is subjective and exists in each individual. Each individual expresses his/her creativity differently - with music, painting, poetry, story-writing, etc. No one person can really define creativity because creativity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Mary Carrera

Creativity is the materialization of one's imagination when one is permitted to think freely and is encouraged to be individualistic. Michelle Castro

Creativity is the process of producing that which does not exist - or considering that which is not known or understood. David Deans

Creativity is a work of people's inspirations, ideas or genius. Sherly Delshad

Creativity is a thinking process that is different from that of other people - a unique way of doing things. Polet Der Hovanesssian

Creativity is what makes a person be able to express her/himself through art. Veronica Federovsky

Creativity is a person's own ambition to do something unique and special. Wendy Gottlieb

Creativity refers to the brain's ability to process thought in ways beyond simple motor actions and survival skills. Jim Harmon

Creativity is something produced that is new, innovative and usually beautiful - at least to some people. Elizabeth Hobson

Everybody is creative, whatever you are doing. When you are interested and your mind is working, whatever you do makes you excited. Candace Howerton

Creativity is a new idea or a new way of looking at something that may help organize things or may be aesthetically pleasing. Brad Huss

Creativity is finding the extraordinary in the ordinary - trying to see something from another perspective that may not be obvious to others. Nancy Kanter

Creativity is finding a solution to a problem that could not be solved by going from point A to point B to point C. It is an inventive way to design, envision, and/or create something or to do an existing task somewhat differently. Niels Kasmann

Creativity is doing something that is worthwhile and productive in a way that is different from an established way of doing it. It is daydreaming, introspection and thinking as well as action. Carole Livengood

Creativity is the ability to create something from what seems to be nothing, either physically (art), mentally (ideas, music), emotionally (theater), etc. Trina Mallach

Creativity is the ability to generate new, novel concepts or ideas with little if any inspiration. Darnell C. Murphy, Sr.

Creativity is the unlimited effort of the mind to express itself and its uniqueness. Ken Rappe

Creativity is the ability of the mind to take various bits of information from different modes of brain activity (e.g., attitudes, feelings, thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.) and build a new entity (creation) as a whole expression of the self. Mark Strauss

Creativity is individuality. Elizabeth Watson