Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria In Bodies of Water


Antibiotic-resistant bacterias—Antibiotic-resistant or Antimicrobial resistant bacterias are organisms that do not react to antibiotics we can supply with modern medicine. Being antibiotic resistant is the ability for microbes to mutate and form a resistance to the antibiotic. This is called (AMR), Antimicrobial resistance. This broader term also covers antibiotic resistance, which applies to bacteria and antibiotics. Resistance arises through one of three ways: natural resistance in certain types of bacteria; genetic mutation; or by one species acquiring resistance from another.

Resistance can appear spontaneously because of random mutations; or more commonly following gradual buildup over time, and because of misuse of antibiotics or antimicrobials. Resistant microbes are increasingly difficult to treat, requiring alternative medications or higher doses—which may be more costly or more toxic. Microbes resistant to multiple antimicrobials are called multidrug resistant (MDR); or sometimes superbugs. Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise with millions of deaths every year.A few infections are now completely untreatable because of resistance. All classes of microbes develop resistance (fungi, antifungal resistance; viruses, antiviral resistance; protozoa, antiprotozoal resistance; bacteria, antibiotic resistance)[1]]]

Dangers of Antibiotic Resistant Microbes-Many diseases that once killed people can now be treated effectively with antibiotics. However, some bacteria have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics.[2]Because these bacterias are not killed or controllable with antibiotics, they are very hard to eliminate from our environment.They are able to survive and even multiply in the presence of an antibiotic. Most infection-causing bacteria can become resistant to at least some antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics are known as multi-resistant organisms.[3] This causes a very big concern for humans because we do not have a way to treat them due to their constant mutations. A constantly mutating bacteria can be very deadly, possibly killing thousands of people a year.

Environmental impact—The impact of antibiotic-resistant microbes on our environment is an ever-growing problem. They are very destructive to beneficial bacteria and microbes that exist in our bodies of water. They can be very harmful for people that are swimming or enjoying time out on the water. These bacterias will destroy thriving ecosystems and create a dead zone. They will impact the health of our fish and plant life.

Ravens3010 (talk) 01:32, 19 October 2016 (UTC)