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Rational Caring Clinician is the user name of a clinician who is - well - rational but caring. They are based in Australia.

This user, who also edits, doesn't post in their real name because they hold clinical registration with a health regulatory authority and have no desire to have political or philosophical views interfere with the clinician-patient relationship.

However, as an active clinician, this user is also committed to improving access for the community to reliable, valid health information, and correcting harmful misinformation.

Being scientifically precise and accurate does not conflict with the need to be caring and empathetic. Protecting patients from misinformation and pseudoscience is one of many ways of showing care.

Rational Caring Clinician is careful to distinguish the vulnerable victims of pseudoscience and misinformation from those who benefit by spreading such material and especially those who profit from it.

Rational Caring Clinician is particularly interested in health care issues such as vaccination, infectious diseases, over-diagnosis and over-treatment, and public health care provision.