The Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit Revealed As An Icon Within Our Own Person and All Creation Both Visible and Invisible.

+ In name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

After several days of contemplating how we are made in the image of God, the thought came to teach me that since man and all creation have 3 distinct aspects of our whole nature. Namely: brain, word and breath. These 3 are inseparable and can not exist one without the other.

Now when we look at the aspect of the heart it is needed as the source of our very life. And so in the same way that we trust our own heart to keep us alive and nourish us without even thinking about it, then we should trust God the Father in all things in the same way we trust our own heart, and who is revealed to us as an icon of our hearts.

Next we have the word (our speech). Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."   (Scripture:  Matthew 12:33).  Now given that fact we can see that our words are born from our hearts. And so every word that we speak reveals Jesus Christ, the Word of God as an icon of the God the Son. Therefore our speech should used to teach the Truth, the Way, and the Life and to always say, "Glory to You, O God. Glory to You!

And the last aspect is our breath. Now we all know that we can not survive with air. Therefore it's only appropriate to trust the Holy Spirit in the same way that we trust and need air for us to live. Also this icon of the Holy Spirit is revealed to us from the very words and action of the Word of God himself when, "he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." (Scripture: John 20:22).

And therefore, in conclusion every time we look at another creature, especially a human being, we are looking at and image and icon of the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity. Our brains being the heart and source of our life and speech; our words forever being born from our brains, the breath proceeding from our brains throughout our bodies with every word we speak. We have one Godhead (divine nature) with 3 distinct persons who share in perfect union and communion without error, without any form of evil. Which this perfect union and communion is revealed in Orthodox Christianity and is impossible to error, become corrupt in anyway, become heretical, to sin in anyway, have any kind of evil, falsehood, or anything that cause separation of any kind, anything negative that is against Orthodox Christianity which is guarded for all eternity from the time Jesus Christ our Lord God and Savior sent the Holy Spirit on the First day of Pentecost. And He said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. As a written testimony to this promise throughout history we have the lives of the saints and the Seven Ecumenical Councils as proof that there is no error, sin or any kind of evil that has entered Orthodox Christianity. But by the grace and power of the Holy Trinity, God has defended his Truth, Way and Life. In the same way that force field stops anything from getting in, so also the Holy Trinity Protects and Guards those that content against evils that provoke us while we are remaining patient in fear of the Holy Trinity and submissively cooperating and trusting him and his will. Therefore remain in His ways, His Truth, His Life: the virtues.

+Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Written through His unworthy and sinful servant,

Raphael Justin Henshall