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Personal Note to 1111:

Yes, I am this strange. I just wanted to talk to you, and I'm not very good at randomly making friends. I say randomly because I have to be selective about my friends. It has to do with my 'unusual disorders'- most people do not understand what it means to live inside of your own mind, while the rest of the world goes on oblivious. I have at least a few disorders, but I am 'socially' stable (which is unusual). These include Schizophrenia, Aspergers and a tossed salad of Depressive mood disorders. But I swear you'd just think I was odd if you met me. Now that I think of it, that's probably exactly what you thought about me. I gave the card to you because you accidently talked while you passed me. I'm asuming you have Pschz or something. I don't want you to go off your dose or anything- I just don't have many friends who have any idea what's going on inside my head. I like the idea of meeting other people who at least know what it's like to 'see the world (very) differently' . More than anything else, I'm looking for a friend- online is fine, but in person would be nice. It's very difficult for me to have friends, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.

I'd appreciate some written turn-down, or any response. You can just edit anywhere here. I know all about statistics, and the fact that I shouldn't set my hopes on random people. Something about beating the odds, and the fact that there aren't many people like me. I like to take it as a challenge- I wonder if it's the same with you?

I work a steady job, I'm not violent and I have no criminal record. I'd really like it if you'd ask me some kind of question, or ICQ me @ 304474630 pheadrus. I'd really just like to give you an idea of who I am, and let you judge. You know what I look like, so internet wise, this is working backwards, sort of. If you think I'm too sketchy (which I'm very used to) then we never ever have to meet.

Thanks for your time.


I'm currently writing a book. Ask me about it (caption: breaking ice).