

The burntomlets is a small commuinity on a platform called Discord and its based on a Roblox game called ability wars,This small commuinity was created around 2021 and it still exists up to this year 2024 with 89 memebers.

In addicion to that every member of the Burnomlets when they get recreited they pick a color and change their roblox nickname to Burntomlet. The reason is unknown why they pick colors as names but rumors say that they pick colors to be recognised. For example their current leader is the color magenta
How do they grow in size? Based on data that has been collected it is said that they go into their main game (ability wars) and break the TOS of roblox and self advertise their group to players who are intrested to join by private chatting them and persuding them to join and telling them what activities they do.

How do they break the TOS of roblox? Burntomlets break the TOS of roblox by simple going in the game and advertising a discord server.This group may soon get canceled or break down because roblox stricly forbids self advertisment rule number 7.

Will the Burnomlets get canceled? unfortunately we arent able to answear this question but based on the intel it is probably very likely if this article is noticed by a large amount of people