Specimen Question papar for 12 std. For the student appearing for board exam. 2011-12 and onwards.Subject : English. Q.1 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: ( 11 Marks)

           In 1992, I wrote book titled Towards Globalization. I did not realize at the time that this was going to be the history of my family. 

Last week, we celebrated the wedding of my daughter Pallavi. A brilliant student, she had won scholarship to Oxford University and the London school of Economics. In London, she met Julio, a young man from Spain. The two decided to take up jobs in Beijing, China. Last week, they come over from Beijing to Delhi to get married. The wedding guest includes 70 friends from North America, Europe and China.

 	That may sound totally global, but arguably my elder son Shekhar has gone further. He too won scholarship to Oxford University, and then taught for a year at a school in Colombo.

Next he went to Toronto, Canada for higher studies. There he met a German girl, Franziska. They both got job with the International Monitory Fund in Washington DC, USA. This meant that they constantly travelled on IMF business to desperate countries. Shekhar advised and went on mission to Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Kyrgyzstan and Laos. Franziska went to Rwanda. Tajikistan and Russia. They interrupted these perambulations to get married in late 2003.

1. Who decided to take up jobs in Beijing? 1 2. Which country does Julio belong to? 1 3. What do you mean by IMF? 1 4. What shows that the writer’s family is truly a global family? 2 5. Do you like to work in foreign country? Why? 2 6. Do as directed: a. We celebrated the wedding of my daughter Pallavi. (Change the voice.) 1 b. She met Julio, a young man from Spain.

(Make it a complex sentence.)		1

c. They both got job with the International Monitory Fund in Washington DC. (Frame a wh- question to get underlined part as answer.) 1

7. Write Noun form of the following verbs:

   a.  celebrate											 	1/2
   b.  decide											 	1/2

(B) Do as directed 1. -------Sun rises in ------east. (Insert the correct article wherever necessary.) 1 2. Gopal is standing -------- Sopan and Sham -------the ground. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.) 1 3. Anita said to her friend, “I am going to college by bus.”

                                                          (Change it into indirect speech)			2
 Q.2 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:  ( 11 Marks)
Academic at Gothenburg University in Sweden have come up with an interesting proposition: hard work is the only path to happiness. Their research, concluded over three years, show that money brings only temporary joy, whereas the efforts taken to achieve a goal provides lasting satisfaction. The researchers have pitted their findings against the claims of the tourism industry, which tell potential customers that a break from work is the best way to be happy. You need not be an Einstein or Max Weber to know that the Swedes have got it absolutely right. 

Happiness can’t be bought with cash. Neither can the leisure industry sale. Happiness has to be earned by pursuing it in meaningful ways, and what is meaningful varies from person to person. For a scientist, the engagement with a scientific problem is the most meaningful aspect of his existence. In the case of writer, it is his struggle with words, plots, images, ideas that defines happiness. A magician discovers joy when he manages to express himself in his music. In each case, the journey is what matters and not the destination.

1. What is an interesting proposition? 1 2. What is happiness? 1 3. What is the most meaningful aspect of his existence for a scientist? 1 4. What is the passage about? 2 5. Do you think that money is necessary to be happy? Support you answer

   with reason.												2

6. Do as directed: a) The researchers have pitted their findings. (Change the voice.) 1 b) Happiness can’t be bought with cash. (Add a question tag.) 1 c) The Swedes have got it absolutely right. (Identify the tense.) 1

7. Find out antonyms of the following the passage : i. permanent 1/2 ii. meaningless 1/2

(B) Read the following extract carefully and draw a tree diagram on the “Types of Tomatoes”

In most greenhouses you will find tomatoes growing. It is surprising that we have an irrepressible urge to grow them. They are classified into two types: Growth type and Fruit type. There are two variety of growth type – Carbon and Bush. Carbon is the single stemmed plant which requires support using a cane or string. It grows 6 ft or more. Where height is a problem, grow a bush type. It grows to 1-3 ft high but its growth is rather untidy. The fruit type varieties are- Hybrid, Beefsteak and Cheery. The Hybrid variety has two important advantages – they are generally heavier yielding and also have a high degree of disease resistance. The Beefsteak variety produces the large and meaty tomatoes ---- which are very popular in the U.S. They are excellent for sandwiches but not for frying. The Cherry or bite-sized tomato is much smaller but the flavor is outstanding.

Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: ( 11 Marks)

          When one of the most famous monuments needs a makeover what’s the best way to do it? Give it a mudpack facial. The Archaeological Survey of India, which is responsible for the up keeping of the Taj Mahal is taking recourse to a pack of Multani mitti to restore the yellowing monument to its pristine white beauty.

Multani mitti; a lime – rich clay which takes its name from a place in Pakistan where it is abundant, has used for years by Indian women as a beauty treatment. Now, it’s going to give Shahajahan’s marvel in marbal- which was recently voted as ‘one of the new seven wonders of the world’—its sheen back. In a couple of months, say ASI officials, a sterilized version of this mud will be applied to the mausoleum, left to dry for a couple of days until it flakes off and then the Taj will be washed clean with salt free water. The result? A sparkling white Taj sans the years of polluting build-up that have changed its colour. “It’s a non-abrasive formula that won’t do any damage to the monument and will remove accretionary deposits” said a senior ASI official.

1. What is the effect of pollution on Taj Mahal? 1 2. What is the Archaeological Survey of India responsible for? 1 3. Why are the ASI officials taking recourse to Multani matti? 1 4. What would be the procedure adopted by the ASI officials? 2 5. What suggestions would you give for the up keeping of our famous monuments?


6. Do as directed: i. What is the best way to do it. (Use gerund form of underlined verb.) 1 ii. Taj will be washed clean with salt free water. 1 ( Rewrite using a modal auxiliary showing ‘obligation’) iii. Multani mitti takes its name from a place in Pakistan . 1 ( Rewrite using The Present Perfect Tense.) 7.Give meaning of :

i.  abundant 												1/2
ii. monument 												1/2

(B) Write a brief summary of the above extract and suggest a suitable title. (4 Marks)

Q.4 Read the following extract and answers the question given below: (8 Marks)

In front of my house Several birds on the tree Earthen pots in the kitchen Ant hills in the forest Now all has become history

The aangan in front of my door In that yard, the rangoli For Nagpanchami baked patoli Bitter karit fruits for Diwali Now all has become history!

The neighbours around my house Those devotees of warmth and affection

Came running at a call Helped when in need That’s now history indeed.

Now apartment decorates the city Closed doors of neighbour’s live-ins Bonsai- cacti thrives in pots within But neighbourliness has, sadly, Now become history!

    1. What is in front of the house? 								1

2. What features of city life are seen in the poem? 2 3. What do you like the most - city life or village life ? Why? 2

    4. Find out an example of the figure of speech- ‘Repetition’				1
    5. There are words from a regional language in the poem. What are they? 		2

Q.5 (A) Read the following extract and answer the question given below: (4 Marks)

Watson has been associated with me in many and varied cases. We were bachelors then and shared rooms in Bakers Street. It was early in April of 1883, that he woke one morning to find me standing, fully dressed, by the side of his bed. I was late riser as a rule, and as it was only a quarter- past seven, he blinked at me in some surprise. “Very sorry to knock you up, Watson,” said I , but a young lady has arrived I great excitement and insists on seeing me. She is waiting now I presume it is a something very pressing. Should it prove to be an interesting case, you would, I am sure, wish to follow it from the beginning.” “My dear fellow, I would not miss it for anything,” he promised me. He was dressed in a few minutes and accompanied me into the sitting-room. A lady, dressed in black and heavily veiled, rose as we entered.

1. When did the incident take place? 1 2. How was the lady dressed? 1 3. Do you like detective stories? If yes, why? 2

(b) Composition: (4 marks)

    Imagine that you are Sherlock Holmes and narrate the story extract.

Q.6 (a) Letter writing (Any one) (4marks)

Read the following classified advertisement and prepare a letter of application in response to it. (Do not write bio-data.)

Wanted: Electronic Engineer, for repairing and maintenance at Nokia Mobile Shoppe. Experience candidate will be preferred. Write to:

The manager, Nokia Mobile showroom, Laxmi Road, Pune.

Reference: Your advertisement in “Times” dated on 8th Feb. 2011.

Subject: Application for the post of electronic


   	I wish to apply for the post of a ------------------.

I have completed graduation from G.L. College Pune. I have two years experience to work as Electronic Engineer Samsungs Mobile showroom, Laxmi Road, Pune. Waiting for your favourable response. Thanks.


You are living in an urban area. The is problem of pollution and traffic cognition due to heavy traffic. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper requesting him to publish the issue in a reputed newspaper.

The editor, The Indian Express, Pune-10.

Subject: About problem of pollution and traffic cognition due to heavy traffic.

Sir, I am living in an urban area. There is problem of pollution and traffic cognition due to heavy traffic.

	Please highlight the issue in your reputed  newspaper to get it solved.


Yours faithfully

(B) Write on any ONE of the following items as directed (4 marks)

Write a short tourist leaflet about the place of tourist importance near your village with the help of following points.

1. How to go there? 2. Where to stay? 2. What to see? 4. Any thing special about the place OR Read the following headline and prepare dateline, lead and continuing paragraph to any ONE of the following:

• 2 killed 7 injured in bus accident • India gets 51 Gold Medals in CWG

2 killed 7 injured in bus accident Pune, 10th Feb. 2011. (P.T.I.) Today at about 9.30 pm 2 passengers

are killed  passengers are 7 injured 

in bus accident 25 km from here , the official sources said.

	The accident took place because of 

some technical problem. 2 passengers are killed passengers are 7 injured in an accident. dead bodies are sent to K.K. Hospital, Pune for the post mortem exam. 7 injured passangers are admitted in J.J. Hospital Pune, they added.

C) Read the following table and prepare a short paragraph and prepare a short paragraph regarding the sale of two wheelers in the year 1998. No. of Vehicles (Figures in lakh)


Prepare a paragraph to be used for the counter –view section on the following topic- “Use of Mobile phone is harmful”

View –section:      Mobile is useful device.
  • Mobile is useful for the modern man. * It is time saving.
  • Useful for Educational propose. * Useful for distance communication.

Q.7 Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 250 words: (7 marks)

1. Trees Our Best Friends 2. Importance of Newspapers 3. Life Indian Village