• Taskforce of the FBI however have stated that war demonstators and protestors should be considered by local authorities as possible terrorists. And some have claimed that economic disruption (like the WTO protests in Seattle) are indeed terrorist acts. Free_speech_zone
  • On 1 April 2003, in Sturgis, Michigan, seven men aged 17 to 20 placed signs all over town that read "All your base are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your time." They said they were playing an April Fools joke by mimicking the famous Flash animation which depicted the slogan ubiquitously. Not many people who saw the signs got the joke. Many residents were upset that the signs appeared while the U.S. was at war with Iraq, and police chief Eugene Alli said the signs could be "a borderline terrorist threat depending on what someone interprets it to mean." All your base are belong to us, [1]
  • The Milice ("militia") was a police force created in 1943 to help fight "terrorism" in Vichy France – that is to say, to fight against the French Resistance. Milice

Torture in Iraq: [2]