What should I say about my self, A person with no significant achievement?


"A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step"

Welcome to my website and thanks for showing interest in me

Well, in homepage one is supposed tell something about him/her. But it feels bizarre and it's not nice either for someone to say something about self. Anyway, as I must have to put something, here it goes: I am friendly, ambitious, fun-loving (sometimes mischievous) and humble person. It's against my characteristic to blow my own trumpet, though I'm extrovert otherwise.


I've been to various parts of India and abroad too, and faced different situations. And I am adaptive to almost every kind of condition. Though I am very much proud of being an Indian but I am not any racist. And thanks to my multi-racial upbringing I have friend from various communities and countries. And we see us as part of extended family of each others.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes and dislikes: Almost everything under the sun! Music (all kind of), science, humour (that's the spice of life), computer, sports, movies, general knowledge, politics (to some extent), different languages (I know English, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujrati, a bit of Bhojpuri and Germany etc), relationships, world economy, pets (though I don't have any at present) and so many things are among my interests. My friends notice that I am a bit quick learner in some particular fields, though I consider that as their exaggeration caused by too much friendship!

And there is hardly anything I dislike but liars and people who look down upon others.

I've been in Mumbai for a long time, though I've to live in Dubai in between. But if I'm in India, I'll be in Mumbai only; unless I've to go overseas for official reasons.

"Don't cry that it's over, smile that it's happened"