There are going to be several formatting errors because I'm not going to html code anything at the moment. Right now, this is just a simple test draft as to what the page would typically contain.

Lord of Fist Article Draft

Lord of Fist (Shao Lin in Europe) is a fighting game created by Polygon Magic. Lord of Fist was released in Japan in 1999, but was released in Europe the next year. A version was to be released in the United States, but for unknown reasons, this never took place.


Lord of Fist shares similar mechanics to popular games of its time, most similarly to games like Tekken and another Polygon Magic release, Vs. The controls center around the face buttons, with the X and O buttons being used as the primary attacks (punch and kick, respectively). The attraction of Lord of Fist lies in its variety of fighting styles the player can choose from. These are Shaolin, Jeet Kune Do, Hung Gar, Eight Extremities Fist, Tai Chi Chuan, and Drunken Boxing. One can assign any of these fighting styles to any one of the accessible characters. The game is highly accessible, putting minimal emphasis on combos. One has access to grapples, which is used by pressing the Triangle button, and the ability to take a special stance, which only pertains to the fighting style the player is using.

There are three modes to choose from when playing Lord of Fist. There is the standard versus mode, which one plays against another player in one on one combat. Alternatively, one can also choose to play a variety of matches against computer controlled opponents. Another one of the game's appeal lie in this section of the game, with the ability to have eight players simultaneously on the same screen. Strangely enough, if one decides to access this option, the only character they will be able to play as is a red version of a Shaolin dummy, much like the ones that appear in Shaolin Wooden Men, or more accurately, a red version of Tekken's Mokujin. The opponents will simply be more colored variants of the same character. Lastly, there is the story mode, where one can start out as a young boy/girl with the name Jun who must embark on a journey to defeat the main antagonist of the game, Han Lao Tai. Much like in the versus modes, one must pick a fighting style, whose story the main character must follow. All stories lead to the same final battle, with the exception of the Hung Gar story.

In the story mode, there are often civilians one can talk to. More often than not, they will either offer a quick conversation, or they will offer you to spar with them. By sparring often, one can gain experience quickly and level up. Another type of character that appears in the towns is the bandit. Bandits are distinguishable from normal civilians because of their tendency to walk up to the player. Regardless of where the player chooses to go, the bandit who is following will not stop until the player initiates a conversation with them. When this happens, a fight will automatically take place. There are several types of bandits. The males often wear tiger skin headdresses and brown vests, while other male bandits may look identical to other civilians. There is also the possibility of running into two other types of bandits. One will be a young girl, and the other will oddly be a panda. In fights with bandits, one will most likely have to face multiple opponents. If the player loses a fight with a bandit twice, the game ends.


The story takes place in China circa the 1800s, with no real date given. With each of the fighting styles, there is a corresponding story, and each story starts out in the city in which the fighting style is used. For example, Hung Gar is used in Fuzhou City, Shaolin is in Guangzhou, Drunken Boxing is in Changsha, etc. The stories all inevitably lead the player to the main antagonist of the game, Han Lao Tai, who is a mystical, blue skinned gang leader, whose fighting style is always the same as the players, although he always has his own unique stance.

Shaolin Story- Jun is an orphan who was raised by his grandfather in the city of Guangzhou. He learns that his parents were killed by Han Lao Tai and his gang. Jun develops his fighting skills by going around to each of the cities and defeating each of their fighting styles' master. After accomplishing all of this, Jun goes to the Shaolin Shrine, and defeats the monk who is guarding his way inside. After having done this, he enters the Shaolin Shrine, and fights an old man who owns an inn. After defeating him, he befriends him, and is offered food and lodging. Jun then enters either the Test of the Hundred Sentries, or the Shaolin Test. The Test of the Hundred Sentries consists of Jun fighting one hundred opponents, some looking like the students he faced earlier in the game, and some being pandas. The Shaolin Test consists of a level that is extremely similar to Jackie Chan's Shaolin Wooden Men. It is a maze level in which the player takes on a third person perspective, as opposed to the bird's eye view, and must approach each part of the maze with extreme caution. At every corner, he will run into Shaolin Wooden Dummies, and must defeat every single one of them to progress. At the very end, he will have to, in an identical scene to the said film, hold the Golden pot and turn it around. After completing both of these tests, Jun goes to the old man he befriended, and finally learns the truth of what happened to his parents. He is then able to proceed into the Black Lotus Temple, where he must fight Han Lao Tai. He defeats his students, and then finally confronts Han Lao Tai himself. Han Lao Tai reveals that he killed Jun's parents because they needed ten copper to save Jun, who was sick at the time. They were murdered for shortchanging him. Jun defeats Han Lao Tai, and in his ending, returns to Guangzhou, only to be confronted by a muscular bandit. They prepare to fight and the story ends.

Jeet Kune Do Story- Han Lao Tai is planning on breaking open the Six Seals being guarded by each of the Six Temples in order to free the Demon. In this story, Jun lives in Shanghai, and learns that they are all at a time of relative peace. However, he soon discovers after training that a woman in leopard skin has broken into the temple. Bao Shan Mei, Han Lao Tai's student, was breaking the seal. Jun attempts to stop her, but is easily dispatched. After defeating his temple's master, Jun embarks on the journey to stop the Demon from being set free. However, at each place he stops at, he finds that all seals are broken. He goes to Fuzhou City, only to find that they will not fight him out of shame. After this ordeal, he returns to Guangzhou, only to find that the Grand Master of the Shaolin temple, whom he had defeated not long before, had been murdered by Han Lao Tai's men. Understanding this, the Hung Gar students finally agree to fight Jun. Jun finally gets clearance to enter the Shaolin Shrine. It is here that he discovers he is too late. The Abbot informs him that all Six Seals have been broken, and the Demon is now free. Jun passes the Test of the Hundred Sentries and the Shaolin Test, and enters the Black Lotus temple. He defeats the students and exacts revenge on Bao Shan Mei before going after Han Lao Tai. After defeating him, Jun is horrified to discover that in reality, Han Lao Tai has been possessed by the Demon, and the Demon takes on a physical form, similar to that of his now dead host. They fight, and after much struggle, Jun prevails.

Tai Chi Chuan Story- In this story, Jun has been raised by a foster grandfather in the city of Taiyuan. He learns that his parents, much like in the Shaolin story, were killed by Han Lao Tai's men when he was still an infant. As Jun defeats the students at his temple, he hears rumors around Taiyuan that it was actually his grandfather that killed his parents. Jun ignores this, and leaves Taiyuan to go and find Han Lao Tai, whom he believes killed his parents. The more he travels around, the more he hears rumors and stories that his grandfather was a bad man, and was actually part of Han Lao Tai's gang, which is met with some doubt by various people in the cities. Jun returns to Shanghai only to find out that his grandfather is dead. Eventually, Jun makes it to the Shaolin Shrine, and passes the Shaolin Test and the Test of the Hundred Sentries. Before Jun leaves, the old man reveals the truth of his parentage to Jun: Han Lao Tai is Jun's father. When his wife was impregnated, she didn't want to have the child, so when Jun was born, they neglected him. Han Lao Tai's right hand man refused to let this happen, so he took Jun, and in the struggle, he killed Han Lao Tai's wife in self defense. This same man was Jun's 'grandfather', the man who raised him. He gains entry into the Black Lotus Temple, where he defeats the students, and defeats Cha Yen Tie Ren (who looks identical to Tekken's Tetsujin, albeit with powers of invisibility) to finally confront Han Lao Tai. Han Lao Tai offers him a choice: he can fight him, or join him. If the player chooses to join him, they both wreak terror all over the world, resulting in a Game Over. If the player chooses to fight him, they save the world.

Eight Extremities Fist Story- This story is the only one in which the player takes a route that is not heroic in nature. Jun is a wanderer who takes things by force, and is very similar to the bandits that would typically attack him in other stories. He enters Cangzhou, and starts wreaking havoc, attacking and stealing from everyone. As a punishment, he is (without being told) signed up for a martial arts tournament. He defeats everyone in the tournament, including the champion Dai Chang (who is a texture swap of the typical male bandit), much to everyone's chagrin. Jun leaves town and continues to pillage every city he goes to. The player has to option of entering the Hall of Darkness on the outskirts of Fuzhou City, where the player can gamble his earnings by fighting opponents. After attacking all those within the Shaolin Shrine, Jun opts not to train, and refuses to change his ways. He forces his way into the Black Lotus Temple and defeats Jia Qiao Tong Zi to fight Han Lao Tai. After defeating him, Jun seizes control of his gang.

Hung Gar Story- Jun is a young boy looking for the most beautiful woman in the world. He is often chastised because he trains Hung Gar to impress girls. He defeats the students at his temple, and heeding the advice of his temple's Grand Master, he goes to Guangzhou in pursuit of the most beautiful woman in the world. He defeats the Shaolin temple's students, and finds that the Grand Master is about to marry the girl he has heard about. The Grand Master agrees to fight him for the woman's honor. After Jun prevails, the Grand Master gives him the option to accept her or reject her. If the player chooses to accept her, the game will end, and a screen will show stating that they were married, but later in Jun's life, he found that she was not the right one for him. If the player goes with the other option (criticizing her looks), the Grand Master will direct him to Taiyuan City, where he will find the female Grand Master of Tai Chi Chuan. The player has the option of going to Shanghai first, and attempting to woo the Grand Master of Jeet Kune Do's daughter. If the player takes this course, they will be subject to a humorous exchange with the students at the temple, who form a coalition to prevent the player from doing so. After searching all over the cities for the most beautiful girl in the world, he finds himself directed to Han Lao Tai's Black Lotus Temple. He completes his challenges in the Shaolin Shrine, and finds his cousin Tsu Chen, whom he had thought disappeared earlier in the game. Defeating him and Cha Yen Tie Ren, he proceeds to confront Han Lao Tai. However, Han Lao Tai does not intend to fight Jun, and instead, offers his daughter as the most beautiful girl in the world, and says if he can defeat her, she will be his. In a twist, he discovers that he has, in fact, three daughters. Jun takes on all three of them, and after defeating them, gains the option to choose one of them. The epilogue depicts Jun sitting down with all three daughters, enjoying himself.