I am Robert A. Senser, a writer and editor. My current activity in those fields are two fold: -- I publish a Weblog, Human Rights for Workers, at Media:http:humanrightsforworkers.blogspot.com, -- I write write magazine articles, in publications such as Dissent, America, and American Educator.

In both endeavors, I concentrate on how globalization impacts working men and women. After years of exploring that subject, I am convinced that the global economy undervalues work, workers, and their unions.

That conviction is the subject of my book, "Justice at Work: Globalization and the Human Rights of Workers," published in 2009 with Xlibris. During the fall 2009, it was already a text used by Binghamton University and Loyola University/New Orleans.

Some bio information: Born in Chicago BS in social science degree, Loyola University, Chicago, under GI Bill Editor of Work, published by the Catholic Council on Working Life, Chicago in late 1950 and in l960s Labor attache in the U.S. Foreign Service for 25 years with posting on four continents Author of