
For my last article, I wanted to choose the opposite of the first one, that is, find an article about a topic that originated in the US, and compare it to other languages. I decided to compare the English article about Leatherman, a tool company that was created in the US, with its Hebrew counterpart. Since this is the English Wikipedia and the topic was originally from the US, I would expect the English article to have more information than the Hebrew Wikipedia.

One thing I noticed was that although the English version did indeed have more information, it has been flagged as appearing to be written like an advertisement. So while the English article may have more information, it may not be the best article compared to the Hebrew one in terms of neutrality. The English article covers everything that the Hebrew article covers about plus more. Information about dates, names etc. are the same, however the English one gives more stats as well as a more in-depth history of Leatherman compared to the Hebrew one. They both also cover information about the description of their tools, but the English one also provides a chart for every single model. There are also a lot more pictures in the English article.

After more investigating it turns out that while both articles have an external links section, the Hebrew one does not have any section where they cite their information. But since their information is almost the same when compared to the English article, it could be possible that the Hebrew article was a partial translation from the English one.