User:RBH archaeology/sandbox/Stone Rows, and other unexplained mysteries

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     Profesionals and amateur archaeologists have struggled to find the function of the stone rows or stone allignments on Dartmoor,Bodmin Moor,and in Brittany,Wales, Scotland and Ireland.Academics such as Aubrey Burl, author of "From Carnac to Callanish",Alexander Thom who surveyed and recorded stone rows in Carnac,Crossing and Worth whose knowledge of Dartmoor was undeniable were unable to offer convincing solutions. Jeremy Butler author of "Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities" is unable to suggest a function.He simply states "despite several excavations and numerous theories the little that is knownabout them at presentis open to almost any imaginative interpretation, and their function remains mysterious as ever." Devon Archaeological society in their leaflet "The Drizzlecombe Stone Rows" says "The question of use has to remain open. Quite possibly the answer will never be known."
     Early guesses were not convincing. They were for rites connected with the flood, or Gymnasia, landscaped serpents, druidical pathways,race courses,shelters whose roofs had decayed and imitations of armies.The more modern suggestion that they were astronomical observatories has been rejected by most archaeologists. Most archaeologists acept the vague explanation that they had ceremonial or religious function.