Compare different ways in which employers can facilitate the career development of:

a) Women -Help them to balance between work and family: as the organization should understand that women should have more personal time and understand her priorities, being flexible is a good solution only when the required job and tasks are done. Working women will be more motivated and excited when there is no family issues caused because of work. -Training sessions for time management and prioritizing will be beneficial for working women to know how to manage their time and keep a balance in their lives to be able to develop and achieve targets. Also, trainings such as stress management will be important to be able to control herself and not mixing between family and work. -Providing some services that will help women to be less stressed such as providing a child care service, for example, Dubai Women's College is about to implement a Child Care Nursery inside the campus for women who are studying and have children, all mothers can bring their children to the nursery and check them up during break time. This idea encouraged lots of mothers to complete their education, so if an organization thought about a strategy of a child care could motivate working mother to be more relaxed while working. -Focusing on the work done and not judging according to the gender, unfortunately this is what is happening in lots of organizations, as managers don’t trust the work of women because they are just women! The organization should provide a professional working environment and not differentiate between men or women. -Continues development plan is very motivating for working women, as they will know that their efforts are noticeable and their career development is clear. They way of thinking has changed especially for a middle aged working women; they care about their future career and life not only setting at home and raising children.

b) Dual Career Couples -Couples could work for longer time in the organization because they will be able to understand the work pressure and the work requirements of each other when they will be in the same organization and following the same strategy. This will decrease the retention rate in the organization and will allow couples to work for more years together in the same organization. -They could support each other doing the work more effectively especially if they both in the same department or field. Family or spouse support is very important in employee career development and increase the motivation. -The organization could give clear rules and regulations for dual career couples, for example they are not allowed to spend the time chatting and talking about their personal issues or plans, but they can meet in the canteen during the break time. -Some organizations provide a dual career couples because they look at it from a positive point of view, as they can be a good role model for other employees or graduates who are looking to be a successful couples in the future; also they can encourage each other to develop and reach the organizational goals because the organization is supporting them.