hahahahahahahahahahaha.... for those who simply contrive importance of the state of of witch my portfolio subducts the condition of this encyclopedia. i am sorry, i made this because i was bored... and also felt it was necessary to carry on my occasional epiphany's i had todays, or not todays.

i will not capitalize "i" to "I" when referencing myself or simply my identity of any kind in any context, it shouldn't be necessary, otherwise i would like to argue why in the talk section if yall want to.

and also, if at all by chance, my employers see this page, i have to say, "you illegally crossed your the natural moral law in my earnest beloved lord and savior accountant-ness, and i am disappointed, for your affiliation with such discrepancie in your organization i may be hoping to be included in, is but a shame for your own human ability is more, and needs to be upheld more then anything else, yet, your choice :)".

and for information regarding myself with Wikipedia, idk, i kinda hadn't done anything, i am very inexperienced

i am restraining from speaking real knowledge of my self (age, state, demographic, political opinion), out of fear it may be used in wrong hands, yet my postulations and such, i will share though outwardly

idea log 1. assuming there are certain criteria and or simply different conquest taken by shadow governments, i ought to say my own idea for a potentially beneficial form of shadow government, it be called devolucion Kairos shadow government, or return time shadow government. it would imply helping the people via letting them experience pain of existing in all forms of bad examples or even horrible examples of government, and then giving them peace time to settle back into normal lives of peace and good thoughts, while then doing the cycle again and receding back to horrible government forms. for instance, if this shadow government idea were to take place in a government, said government will OfCourse be given leisure to start up and fail and prosper gradually intel eventually there is enough resources to do the said string pulling by the return time shadow agents, that within normal ish generational timelines, (to capture vivid and clear moments of history to influence society) such as 20 ish years at least, switch the government over into something completely opposite to the original, for witch, if at all, there are elements that help the people then it is switched, and given again 20 years intel the next cycle, or if it is against the people, then it is again 20 years before next cycle, where in both cases, they return or and create a negative or positive government in the sake of the people to understand and for ever have a earnest push of change into society, and to be forever ready for said change, and to also have general society understand the best in life, while knowing the worst, so they can enjoy its fullest and worst's, under there own knowledge and experience. the agents never stop, in fact, any retaliation against them, is the indicative moment for the return time shadow government system to change over to another form of shadow governmenting in order to secure and protect itself, if the society forged by this system works in favor and actually learns something in those hardships, it shall then be readily able to dissolve the entire operation of shadow governmenting in of itself "organically", and by this point, it should also have the same power to completely counter bad figures in there native real government, and perhaps, out do traditional democracy... alternatively, you could also just force everyone to go through Inexplicably horrible forms of pain in quick secessions (or periods of 20 years lol) of time and then be given back a leisure time to such a degree that society trys to stop it and such, as this method might work to, albeit being way to similar to the purge (hmm?) ... i say this because that pain is essential to understand life, ignoring it kills you, but listening to it may help ya instead, sometimes (i truely though dont understand the exactness on how strong this is for a arguement for this, i mean, there is to something called being traumatized, and well that is just shit aint it?).

could this work 2? Fundemental particles - extrinsic-machine-like equilibrating entropy guided system - simple glider system - sophisticated glider and or data Impermanence - sophisticated glider system or a single entity (glider like) processing new/old encountered stimuli - simple automaton - sophisticated automaton - non-conscious autonomous - God, Jesus, holy spirit / trinity - the true power of god and jesus, insurmountable (from what might be least consciousness to most consciousness with ability of order and or replication

phycological things 3. God → Given the right to exist → given the right to decide your own thought, sin → Being born → Human nature, predicament and chance, flawed teaching, bad people with bad thoughts, deeper sin that lives within → Unsympathetic, ignorance, leverage over others, bodily desires → physiological stimulation, denial of wrong, blame, echo chamber, illusion of good, unresolved problems → Greed and pride, → War, conflict, failure, insuffice sacrifice and realization → wisdom and perseverance and Empathy → retaliation, revolution, spokesmanship → cycle? Death? Accension? god?

postulation 4. God and Jesus, love, experience, continuity, physical change and or mental change with or without actional outward enviromental changes, acceptance. (from most necessary to least necessary, really though there all very, very important, there prob off by importances, except for the first, all is maybe as different as a 0.00001 thing not including the first)

postulation 5. im with all certainty, that i am able to prove that, proving how and when God, or Jesus works, is just as hard as trying to explain why, vacuum energy exists (and the ironic correlation in how seemingly mystical they both similar are when they physically manifest, God and Jesus though do it better and more quickly then any other damned probabilistic phenomenon)