about this weblog: this is a personal weblog based on the powerful wordpress, i lauched this indie domain name blog from 2007.1.1,but actually i had a lot of bad blog experience using BLOG SP like DoNews Blog,DoNews WordPress Blog,Windows Live Spaces and Google Blogger for a long time before that, i realized that there is only one thing i can complete capture can satisfy me,so i startup this customizable blog at last. this blog logs what interests me, and it also covers some of my thinking and gosssip here. i appreciate everytime you visit here, enjoy your stay and you may leave me a message below .

about us: basically i have no idea how to talk about myself.i’m a poor Chinese,i was born in JiangSu province,now i work in ZheJiang as a computer network engineer. i love British and USA and i sincerely hope i can have a deep conversation with this two great countries some days.by the way,i’m a big fan of Brack Obama, president of the united states.

i’m young but i got married and i love my wife. i spent most of my time on the internet which i believe in,i’m a big fan of Google Stuff,my favorite websites are YouTube,DouBan,Twitter,Flickr and a lot of super cool internet service.I believing in the internet will make this world change and the world could be different because of the internet.

i also like reading,travel,learning english,watching movies and listening music.i spent my college life in nanjing which is the best time except too much time wasted.that’s the biggest sorrow to me.So,i will try anything make me better now.i want to read more books,i spent more time reading books especially after i realized that i spent too much time hang on the internet.my favorite writer are Jane Austen&Alain de Botton,they all british.“Pride and Prejudice” is my precious.

i always keep improving my english which i realized can help me a lot in any aspect.i found YouTube is just place can help me and i’m really in it. i’m not the guy always can stick it out ,but i knew a words about learn another language and i really love it, “To know another language is to have a second soul —Ninth Century King.Charlemagne“ i wish i can makes it.

i also love play football. Ronaldinho is my favorite football player and i love Manchester United FC the best. I may not be a true football fan,but i do love play football.although my basic football skill sucks ,but i play tough in my rest time,i hope i can do more football skills and tricks.

So,i living a sinple&enrich life and i believe in tomorrow would be different.

i hope you guys have fun here,further communion will be very nice~