pumpkinsherbet is not a real sherbet flavour. however, the user of this title believes it should be.



pumpkinsherbet was born may 3 1978 in a small town in missouri. when she was three days old her mother gave her the name kelly (though she likes to spell it kellee). while she was still an infant, she relocated to texas with her mother and her older brother. she's lived in several towns and cities in texas, including a short time in brenham, texas, home of the famous blue bell factory.

while working a job commissioned by the military, kellee's mom met who would soon become kellee's adopted father, a retired vietnam veteran.



kellee's history includes much traveling, as well as residency in several places.



other places kellee has lived includes: arizona (so her mother says, though she is too young to remember), oregon, and Saudi Arabia. kellee currently resides in texas with her fiancé



kellee has visited several places


canada, mexico, netherlands

states in the u.s.: (in no particular order)

new mexico, louisiana, colorado, illinois, north and south carolina, south dakota, georgia, pensylvania, washington, michigan, minnesota, tennessee, alabama, and florida



kellee has studied criminal justice, law, medical assisting, drama, sociology and psychology. however, she likes to consider herself a student of the world, learning new things everyday. some things kellee likes to study on a regular basis include but are not limited to fairy folklore, culture, science and computers.

kellee was a tender 6 years old when she first became exposed to a foreign language. this language was french. she continued to study french until the eighth grade, as she went to a high school in a small town where french was not available on the curriculum. she can still speak some french, though she is not as fluent as she believes she should be. other languages of interest are german, russian and spanish.

kellee plans to return to school to study writing, french and architecture. she would also like to learn how to play the violin.



kellee currently works retail, although she aspires to be a physical trainer.



kellee gets along with most people, though she harbours a shyness and slight misanthropy that makes it difficult for her to meet new people. she relates mostly to the elements of fire (passionate, quick tempered) and water (creative, easily adaptable).



kellee's hobbies include reading, writing, drawing (mostly abstract), designing houses, and putting together a scrapbook.

kellee is currently working on two stories and a comic book.

kellee also enjoys a good movie and good music. she also enjoys cooking, and doesn't feel she does enough. she is also a self-proclaimed workaholic and avid gamer.



colours: orange, pink, silver, black and white

foods: pasta, cheesecake, orange sherbet w/ vanilla ice cream, eggdrop soup and mexican dishes

t.v. shows: charmed, angel, nip/tuck, vampire princess miyu, hex

movies: closer, the last unicorn, casablanca, the princess bride, the professional, the omen, the stepford wives (original)

comics: sandman, nightmares and fairytales, serenity rose, johnny the homicidal maniac, batman arkham asylum

books: 1984, the last unicorn, tuck everlasting, dune series, harry potter series, alice in wonderland, etc.

bands/musicians: tori amos, fiona apple, cranes, dresden dolls, pink floyd, beatles, toadies, bob dylan, etc.

games: diablo II, american mcgee's alice, sims2

sports: baseball, hockey



if you were to ask kellee her natural hair colour, the best she could do is guess. she has not seen it in ages, as she tends to experiment with her hair colour. most used colourings include reds and dark browns, though she likes to experiment with other colours such as orange, pink and blue.

kellee has a rather lovely collection of knives and other combat weapons. she is very adept at weaponry combat, though she is very poor with hand to hand combat. she was 8 years old when she learned the fine art of archery.

kellee sleeps with a stuffed cow named toby. she calls him her vicious guard cow. kellee loves animals, though she currently is under the ownership of none.