2.2 features

  • DBMS support
    • MySQL
      • Version 3.x
      • Version 4.0.x (optimised with 4.0.x features)
      • Version 4.1.x (optimised with 4.1.x features and MySQLi extension)
    • PostgreSQL
    • Firebird
    • Oracle
    • SQLite
    • DB2 (Possibly)
    • MSSQL
      • Native MSSQL extension
      • MSSQL over ODBC
    • MS Access
  • Internationalisation support
    • All aspects of phpBB may be internationalised
    • Translations are template-agnostic
    • Translations may be selected by the user
    • Both LTR and RTL locales are supported
    • Translated images may be included with translations
  • Look & Feel
    • Templating
      • Templates require no usage of PHP to edit
      • Compiled templates are cached for faster execution
      • Template features:
        • Simple variables
        • Nested, looping "blocks"; variables with multiple iterations which contain other variables
        • Conditional statements, with expression evaluation
        • Inclusion of other template files
        • Variable manipulation
          • Variables may be set within the template
          • Variables may be changed within the template
          • Variables may be unset within the template
        • If enabled by the administrator (off by default)
          • PHP code execution within the template
          • Inclusion of PHP files within the template.
      • Templates may be manipulated from the admin panel. The following facilities are available:
        • Editing of templates
        • Creation
        • Installation
        • Exporting (for backups and sharing with others)
        • Duplication
        • Deletion
      • Templates may be stored either in the database or as files
    • Imagesets
      • Imagesets are groups of images (icons, buttons, etc), to be made available to a template
      • Imagesets may be manipulated from the admin panel. The following facilities are available:
        • Editing of imagesets
        • Creation
          • Creation from filesystem
          • Creation from uploaded images
        • Installation
        • Exporting (for backups and sharing with others)
        • Duplication
        • Deletion
    • Themes
      • Themes are CSS stylesheets, to be made available to a template
      • Themes may be manipulated from the admin panel. The following facilities are available:
        • Editing of themes
          • "Simple" editing, where the properties of a CSS rule may be set or changed in a manner requiring no CSS knowledge
            • For colour selection, a web-safe graphical colour selector is provided
            • Selected colours are shown in a preview box when entered
          • Advanced editing, where the properties of a CSS rule may be directly edited in their raw form
          • Creation of custom CSS rules
        • Creation
        • Installation
        • Exporting (for backups and sharing with others)
        • Duplication
        • Deletion
    • Styles
      • A style defines the look and feel of phpBB
      • Styles are created by applying a theme and imageset to a template
      • Styles can be created from any combination of theme, imageset and template
  • Forums
    • May be created as or set to one of three types
      • Normal forum; a normal forum may contain posts, and also may contain any type of forum
      • Category; a category may contain any type of forum, but may not contain posts
      • Link; a link forum links to a specific URI, and optionally tracks "clickthroughs". Link forums may not contain other forums or posts
    • Default styles can be set on a per-forum basis.
    • Forums can be given a password, as a simple alternative to the permissions system
    • Specific icons may be set to represent a forum
    • Descriptions may be set for a forum, containing HTML if desired
    • Forums may be locked, to prevent new posts
    • Forums may be given specific rules, in the form of a URI or text, which will be displayed on any page within that forum
    • Search indexing may be disabled on individual forums, to reduce load
    • Topic icons may be enabled or disabled on a per-forum basis. If disabled, the topic icon column in forum display will not be shown
    • Administrators may choose whether a subforum should be linked from the index
    • Forums may be pruned, to remove topics that have not been "active" in a defined period
      • Pruning is set on a per-forum basis
        • The time since a topic was last posted in may be used to determine pruning
        • The time since a topic was last viewed may be used to determine pruning
        • Pruning can be enabled or disabled specifically for the following topic types:
          • Announcements
          • Polls (if they have not recieved votes in the maximum last-posted time)
          • Stickies
        • The frequency of automatic pruning may be set
      • Pruning may be performed manually or automatically
    • The number of topics to display on one page may be set on a per-forum basis.
  • Posts
    • Posts are organised into sequential sets called 'Topics', which take the name of the first post in the set
      • Topics can exist in different states
        • Priority states
          • Announcements
            • Global announcements are displayed at the top of every page of every forum; they exist in all forums, though remaining only one topic
            • Local announcements are displayed at the top of every page of the forum they exist in
          • Stickies are displayed at the top of the first page of the forum they exist in
          • Normal topics are displayed below the announcements and stickies, and sorted by the date of the last post in each topic. Normal topics are split onto multiple pages
          • A time limit can be set on Announcements and Stickies that will cause them to revert to normal topics at the expiration of the time limit, or they can remain forever
        • Functional states
          • Polls associate a multiple-choice poll with the topic
            • A time limit can be set that will close the poll after a certain duration, or it can stay open forever
            • The maximum number of options a user can select can be set for each poll
            • The maximum number of poll choices is configureable by the admin
            • The ability of users to change their vote can be disabled or enabled for each poll
          • Locked topics may not be posted to or edited, except by users with elevated privilidges
    • Locked posts may not be edited, except by users with elevated privilidges
    • Posts are formatted with "BBCode"; phpBB comes with the ability to create custom BBCodes, as well as many presets
      • Bold text
      • Italic text
      • Underlined text
      • Quotes
        • Quotes may be attributed to a person or entity, and the name of that person or entity may in turn be formatted with BBCode
      • Code
        • Everything except [/code] (the closing tag for the code BBCode) can be displayed within a code tag, including raw BBCode
        • Code is displayed in a monospaced font
        • Certain types of code (e.g. PHP) can be highlighted
      • Lists
        • Ordered lists
          • Numerical lists
          • Alphabetical lists
        • Unordered lists
      • Images
      • URLs
        • Alternate text can be specified
      • Font size
      • Font colour
        • A colour swatch is provided to choose colours
      • Flash embedding
      • BBCode can be disabled for individual posts
    • Textual smilies, such as :), can be automatically replaced by a graphical icon
      • Administrators can define new smilies
      • Administrators can import smilie packs
      • Users can disable smilies in individual posts