From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia< User:Georgiasouthernlynn Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] 1 User page creation template 2 Contributions to Wikipedia 3 Relationship to technology 4 Philosophy of Wikipedia 5 Languages 6 Whatever you like section

[edit] User page creation template I am a sophmore at an American University in southern coastal Georgia. I graduated from a a private high school one year before I was supposed to and imediately enrolled into a university. I am currently studdying biology as a pre-proffessional major. Throguhout high school I played varsity level football, basketball, and golf. I currently still play golf at my leisure as this is my favorite stress reliever and hobby.

[edit] Contributions to Wikipedia I am fairly new to Wikipedia. I have made edits on some articles and I am currently working on my first article "The release of " This was a class prodject that will be continually trying to improve throughout the upcoming weeks. I by no means think that I know everything there is to know about writing and Wikipedia so any suggestions and/or comments are more than welcome. [edit] Relationship to technology I by no means am a computer "wizz." Being born in the 1990's i have grown up with technology and can manage a cell phone and i-pod very well. My father own a priting company which has introduced me very litely to the graphic design aspect of technology. I personally feel that technology is neccessary but at the same time has made our world that much lazier. I have used many programs throughout my career in school, but this is mainly limitted to Microsoft Word and those types of programs. Although i know how to basically navigate a computer, any help offered in this field is also very welcomed.

[edit] Philosophy of Wikipedia I personally love the idea of Wikipedia. It holds a vast wealth of knowlege and information that can be extremely helpful. Throughout school i was taught to "stay away" from using Wikipedia for prodjects. The instructors made it seem that any "nut job" could post something that was not factual. I am finding this to not be true. I had no idea how well regulated Wikipedia actually is. Overall I think Wikipedia is a great resource expecially if only a broad background knowlege of a topic is all that is needed. Also I think it is a great resource to build your research off of. [edit] Languages I am an American English speaker almost one hundred percent. I am definitely not proud of this and I aspire to learn to speak spanish, yet I am very far from that goal. I took two years of it, (it was required to take two years of a foreign language in order to graduate) but I did not come away with even a basic knowlege of the language let alone being able to speak it. [edit] Whatever you like section my life ambition is to become a medical doctor. This is what I am currently studying and this is also the field i currently am employed in. I find it fascinating because even though we feel like our society is so medically advanced, we have barely grasped the basics of this field.