Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 10:04pm.


  • Jon Lascelles (Captain)
  • Taia Hartman (First Officer)
  • Will Vesely (Grand Nagus)
  • David Henderson (Chief of Operations)
  • Forrest Sayrs (Constable)
  • Jeff Hibbard (Vice Admiral)
  • Marisa Bonomo
  • Ryan Culp
  • Alex "Willy Wonka" Haas
  • Eric Luken
  • Ashley Miller
  • Stephen E. Moellering
  • Adam K. Morand
  • Mike "Baby Seal" Niiro
  • Pat O'Meara
  • Joel Oberdieck
  • Joe Taylor
  • Alex Thompson
  • Monica Vorass
  • Daniel Wentzel
  • Gordon Wheeler
  • Eric "Batman" Wills
  • Guest: Sam

There were 23 attendees.

Sci-fi news


Movie news


Television news

  • Lena Headey will star in The Sarah Connor Chronicles, a sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • ABC will air a 30-minute special, Shrek the Halls, this December.
  • The Sci-Fi Channel will air a mini-series entitled The Lost Room (formerly known as Motel Man), about a key that unlocks a motel door that is actually a portal to other dimensions. It will air December 11-13; it stars Peter Krause, Julianna Margulies, Kevin Pollak, and Margaret Cho.
  • Jericho will have a cliffhanger on November 29, then go on hiatus until February 21, 2007, when it will return with a new episode each week until the end of the season (like Lost).
  • 24's new day will begin with a four-hour, two-night premiere on Sunday and Monday, January 14-15, on Fox.
  • The new series Day Break will begin on ABC next Wednesday. The main character, played by Taye Diggs, repeats the same day over and over again, keeping the memories and scars of the previous iteration. He has to solve the conspiracy which has trapped him in time.

Other news




Recruitment and Relations Committee

  • The new girl in the back (who claims "I'm not here", despite evidence to the contrary) is Sam. She is now a Prospective Member.

Movie Committee

  • Shark Hunter is the bad movie going around. Jon has seen this, and even Shark Hunter 4!
    • Different from "Shark Zone".
  • Next weekend, Happy Feet, Casino Royale, and the Horror Movie Festival all come out. Ideas for away missions to one or more of the above?
  • Jon suggests taking 24 hours to watch all four Star Wars movies, followed by March of the Penguins, so you could have the Imperial March of the Penguins.
  • "Who'd suspect James Bond's a blond?" -- Stephen

Office Resource Committee

  • The office is still there.

Discussion Group Committee

  • There was a discussion last week, though nobody seems to recall what it was about.
  • Stephen proposes a topic for tonight's discussion group: Genetic modification. Forrest proposes Anthrax. Somebody suggests genetically modified anthrax.
  • Stephen is appointed leader of the discussion group, as Anti-Mike is absent. Stephen says he may not be going to Jester's, though.

T-Shirt Committee

  • The order has been placed with the T-shirt shop. They called back today, but Marisa hadn't had a chance to tell Batman yet.
  • Batman needs another $160 from the Treasury so that he can go pick up the shirts. Can't write a check, though, since there isn't that much in the checking account. Members will pay the club the remainder of the cost when they pick up their shirts.

Trivia Committee

  • Batman won trivia last week. His trivia question this week was "What was Captain Picard's first command?"
  • David got the answer correct (The U.S.S. Stargazer), so he asks next week. However, he has a question ready, so he asks it: "What is the significance of 'CPE 1704 TKS'?"
  • Nobody got the answer, so that will be the question for next week. Be sure to do your homework!

No Report Committee

  • Ashley Miller gave the No Report. "I went and saw a [Item deleted for security reasons] seminar, and I'm no longer a [Item deleted for security reasons]."
    • "You broke Jon." -- Adam
  • No report.

Officers' Reports



  • "That was different."
  • "So I have narcolepsy."
  • Games progress. WOW, FF, etc. etc. progress.
  • Random Rage of the Week: Colorado. Elected two Democratic Representatives and Democratic governor, but banned same-sex marriage and prevented domestic partnerships or civil unions as well.
    • Quotes from various people:
      "Can we set your state on fire?"
      "Away mission!"
      "Reinstate the Trogdor Committee!"
      "I've got to play the fiddle." "I'll be the fiddle."

Communications Officer

  • Absent, so no report.

Chief of Operations

  • Since the Communications Officer is absent, the Chief is taking minutes, in accordance with Bylaw 4, Article IV, Section 2.

Grand Nagus

  • "Rogue Tomato: The Hunt Begins".
  • "If we have House Anthrax, we're just one step away from Castle Anthrax!" -- Jon
  • "Sorry, I'm suppressing 23 mental images." -- Jon
  • House/Djibouti fund? Current amounts: [to be filled in]

First Officer

  • The First Officer's dad brought her chocolate. It was once a ten-pound bar, but now it's broken and being passed around for consumption purposes.
    • "It's full of anthrax." -- somebody
    • "Reese's pieces of your flesh falling off." -- Jon
    • "I still think almond-scented Band Aids would be a great idea." -- Jon
  • She got wait-listed for two classes she needs for her major.
  • She spent two hours killing monsters, so she's no longer upset with the Registrar's Office.


  • The Captain killed his keyboard and his PS2 in same day, so now he's got his PS2 keyboard plugged into his computer.
  • Apparently, Kevin Federline got a text message asking for a divorce from Britney Spears while he was being interviewed.
  • "I just got dissed and I don't even know how." -- Stephen
    "Does that happen a lot?" -- someone
    "No, just here." -- Stephen
    "Welcome home, buddy!" -- Joe (much laughter)
    "We'll leave a light on for you." -- someone

Old Business

  • Zombiealienfest is on the way.

New Business

  • Need to start planning for the end of the semester party.
    • Joe volunteers
  • "Batman" would like to become "Xeen" again. Tabled. Constable tabled the table. Yay stripper tables.
  • Table Committee...?
  • Party Committee. Chez Xeen is open.

Other Organizations' Announcements

  • Order of Xeen, Saturday at 2pm. Adventuring and killing monsters.
  • Anime Club, Friday at 6:30pm. Voting on two new series. Gundam movie 2 showing on Tuesday.
    "I don't care, and neither should you." -- Forrest
  • Medieval College Society, Friday at 5pm. Settlers of Catan and Munchkin will be played.
  • Adam notes that the Peoria Civic Center will feature the Trans-Siberian Orchestra next Friday, November 17, at 8pm.



[to be added]



The meeting was adjourned at 11:01 p.m.