User:ProteinBoxBot/PBB Log Wiki 11-18-2007-NRNC-Request-Retry-1

Log page index: User:ProteinBoxBot/PBB_Log_Index

Protein Status Quick Log - Date: 04:04, 19 November 2007 (UTC)


Proteins without matches (10)


Proteins with a High Potential Match (8)


Redirected Proteins (5)


Created (4)


Manual Inspection (Page not found) (14)


Updated (5)


Protein Status Grid - Date: 04:04, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

HUGO Symbol Action Summary Target page(s) WP Symbol Search
ESR2 Updated Other Pages: Estrogen receptor 2 (No Data); ESR2 (Good Codes + Entrez Match); ER-BETA (No Data); Er-beta (No Data); ESR-BETA (No Data); Esr-beta (No Data); ESRB (Redirect -> Entertainment_Software_Rating_Board); Esrb (No Data); ESTRB (No Data); Estrb (No Data); Erb (DisAmbig); NR3A2 (No Data); Nr3a2 (No Data); Entertainment Software Rating Board (Unknown Data); [1]
ESR1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Estrogen receptor 1 (No Data); ESR1 (Redirect -> Estrogen receptor); ER (DisAmbig); Er (Redirect -> ER); DKFZp686N23123 (No Data); Dkfzp686n23123 (No Data); ESR (DisAmbig); Esr (Redirect -> ESR); ESRA (DisAmbig); Esra (No Data); Era (Unknown Data); NR3A1 (No Data); Nr3a1 (No Data); Estrogen receptor (Protein Template); [2]
NR4A3 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 (Redirect -> Nur (biology)); NR4A3 (No Data); CHN (DisAmbig); Chn (No Data); TEC (DisAmbig); Tec (Redirect -> TEC); CSMF (No Data); Csmf (No Data); MINOR (No Data); Minor (DisAmbig); NOR1 (Redirect -> Neuron-derived orphan receptor 1); Nor1 (No Data); Nur (biology) (Protein Template); Neuron-derived orphan receptor 1 (Protein Template); [3]
NR4A2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 (Redirect -> Nur (biology)); NR4A2 (No Data); RNR1 (No Data); Rnr1 (No Data); HZF-3 (No Data); Hzf-3 (No Data); NOT (Redirect -> Not); Not (DisAmbig); NURR1 (Redirect -> Nuclear receptor related 1 protein); Nurr1 (Redirect -> Nuclear receptor related 1 protein); TINUR (No Data); Tinur (No Data); Nur (biology) (Protein Template); Nuclear receptor related 1 protein (Protein Template); [4]
NR4A1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 (Redirect -> Nur (biology)); NR4A1 (No Data); GFRP1 (No Data); Gfrp1 (No Data); HMR (DisAmbig); Hmr (No Data); MGC9485 (No Data); Mgc9485 (No Data); N10 (DisAmbig); NAK-1 (No Data); Nak-1 (No Data); NGFIB (Redirect -> Nerve Growth factor IB); Ngfib (No Data); NP10 (No Data); Np10 (No Data); NUR77 (No Data); Nur77 (Redirect -> Nerve Growth factor IB); TR3 (Unknown Data); Tr3 (No Data); Nur (biology) (Protein Template); Nerve Growth factor IB (Protein Template); [5]
NR0B2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 (No Data); NR0B2 (No Data); SHP1 (No Data); Shp1 (No Data); SHP (DisAmbig); Shp (Redirect -> SHP); [6]
NR6A1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 (No Data); NR6A1 (No Data); GCNF (Redirect -> Germ cell nuclear factor); Gcnf (No Data); GCNF1 (No Data); Gcnf1 (No Data); NR61 (No Data); Nr61 (No Data); RTR (DisAmbig); Rtr (No Data); Germ cell nuclear factor (Protein Template); [7]
NR3C2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 (No Data); NR3C2 (No Data); MCR (DisAmbig); Mcr (Redirect -> MCR); MGC133092 (No Data); Mgc133092 (No Data); MLR (DisAmbig); Mlr (No Data); MR (DisAmbig); Mr (Redirect -> MR); [8]
NR3C1 Updated Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 (No Data); NR3C1 (Redirect -> Glucocorticoid receptor); GCCR (No Data); Gccr (No Data); GCR (DisAmbig); Gcr (No Data); GR (DisAmbig); Gr (Redirect -> GR); GRL (DisAmbig); Grl (No Data); Glucocorticoid receptor (Good Codes + Entrez Match); [9]
NR0B1 Updated Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 (No Data); NR0B1 (Redirect -> DAX1); AHC (Redirect -> American Head Charge); Ahc (No Data); AHCH (No Data); Ahch (No Data); AHX (Redirect -> American_History_X); Ahx (No Data); DAX-1 (No Data); Dax-1 (No Data); DAX1 (Good Codes + Entrez Match); Dax1 (No Data); DSS (DisAmbig); Dss (No Data); GTD (Redirect -> Getting_Things_Done); Gtd (Redirect -> Getting Things Done); HHG (Redirect -> The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy); Hhg (No Data); NROB1 (No Data); Nrob1 (No Data); American Head Charge (Unknown Data); American History X (Unknown Data); Getting Things Done (Unknown Data); The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Unknown Data); [10]
AR Updated Location: Androgen_receptor; [11]
NR2E3 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2E3 (No Data); PNR (Redirect -> Passenger Name Record); Pnr (No Data); ESCS (No Data); Escs (No Data); MGC49976 (No Data); Mgc49976 (No Data); RNR (Redirect -> Royal Naval Reserve); Rnr (No Data); Rd7 (No Data); Passenger Name Record (Unknown Data); Royal Naval Reserve (Unknown Data); [12]
NR2E1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2E1 (No Data); TLX (Protein Template); Tlx (No Data); TLL (DisAmbig); Tll (No Data); XTLL (No Data); Xtll (No Data); [13]
NR2F6 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2F6 (No Data); EAR-2 (No Data); Ear-2 (Redirect -> V-erbA-related gene); EAR2 (No Data); Ear2 (No Data); ERBAL2 (No Data); Erbal2 (No Data); V-erbA-related gene (Protein Template); [14]
PGR Updated Other Pages: Progesterone receptor (Good Codes + Entrez Match); PGR (DisAmbig); NR3C3 (Redirect -> Progesterone receptor); Nr3c3 (Redirect -> Progesterone receptor); PR (DisAmbig); Pr (Redirect -> PR); [15]
ESRRG Created Other Pages: Estrogen-related receptor gamma (No Data); ESRRG (No Data); DKFZp781L1617 (No Data); Dkfzp781l1617 (No Data); ERR3 (No Data); Err3 (No Data); FLJ16023 (No Data); Flj16023 (No Data); KIAA0832 (No Data); Kiaa0832 (No Data); NR3B3 (No Data); Nr3b3 (No Data); [16]
NR5A2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 5 (No Data); NR5A2 (No Data); B1F (No Data); B1f (No Data); B1F2 (No Data); B1f2 (No Data); CPF (DisAmbig); Cpf (No Data); FTF (DisAmbig); Ftf (No Data); FTZ-F1 (No Data); Ftz-f1 (No Data); FTZ-F1beta (No Data); Ftz-f1beta (No Data); LRH-1 (Redirect -> Liver receptor homolog-1); Lrh-1 (No Data); HB1F (No Data); Hb1f (No Data); HB1F-2 (No Data); Hb1f-2 (No Data); Liver receptor homolog-1 (Protein Template); [17]
NR2C2 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2C2 (No Data); TAK1 (No Data); Tak1 (No Data); TR2R1 (No Data); Tr2r1 (No Data); TR4 (DisAmbig); Tr4 (No Data); HTAK1 (No Data); Htak1 (No Data); [18]
NR5A1 Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 5 (No Data); NR5A1 (No Data); AD4BP (No Data); Ad4bp (No Data); ELP (DisAmbig); Elp (Unknown Data); FTZ1 (No Data); Ftz1 (No Data); FTZF1 (No Data); Ftzf1 (No Data); SF-1 (No Data); Sf-1 (No Data); SF1 (Redirect -> SF 1); Sf1 (No Data); SF 1 (Unknown Data); [19]
NR2F2 Created Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2F2 (No Data); ARP1 (No Data); Arp1 (No Data); COUP-TFII (No Data); Coup-tfii (No Data); COUPTFB (No Data); Couptfb (No Data); MGC117452 (No Data); Mgc117452 (No Data); SVP40 (No Data); Svp40 (No Data); TFCOUP2 (No Data); Tfcoup2 (No Data); [20]
NR2F1 Created Other Pages: Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 (No Data); NR2F1 (No Data); COUP-TFI (No Data); Coup-tfi (No Data); EAR-3 (No Data); Ear-3 (No Data); EAR3 (No Data); Ear3 (No Data); ERBAL3 (No Data); Erbal3 (No Data); NR2F2 (No Data); Nr2f2 (No Data); SVP44 (No Data); Svp44 (No Data); TCFCOUP1 (No Data); Tcfcoup1 (No Data); TFCOUP1 (No Data); Tfcoup1 (No Data); [21]
ESRRB Created Other Pages: Estrogen-related receptor beta (No Data); ESRRB (No Data); ERR2 (No Data); Err2 (No Data); ERRb (No Data); Errb (No Data); ERRbeta (No Data); Errbeta (No Data); ERRbeta-2 (No Data); Errbeta-2 (No Data); ESRL2 (No Data); Esrl2 (No Data); NR3B2 (No Data); Nr3b2 (No Data); [22]
ESRRA Manual Inspection (Page not found) Other Pages: Estrogen-related receptor alpha (No Data); ESRRA (No Data); ERR1 (No Data); Err1 (No Data); ERRa (No Data); Erra (DisAmbig); ERRalpha (No Data); Erralpha (No Data); ESRL1 (No Data); Esrl1 (No Data); NR3B1 (No Data); Nr3b1 (No Data); [23]

Vebose Log - Date: 04:04, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

  • INFO: Beginning work on AR... {November 18, 2007 7:33:15 PM PST}
  • REDIRECT: Protein Redirected to: Androgen_receptor {November 18, 2007 7:34:06 PM PST}
  • UPDATE PROTEIN BOX: Updating Protein Box, No errors. {November 18, 2007 7:34:08 PM PST}
  • SKIP SUMMARY: Skipping Summary, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:34:08 PM PST}
  • SKIP CITATIONS: Skipping Citations, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:34:08 PM PST}
  • UPDATED: Updated protein page: Androgen_receptor {November 18, 2007 7:34:15 PM PST}
  • INFO: Beginning work on ESR1... {November 18, 2007 7:35:23 PM PST}
  • REDIRECT: Page directory gave bad page (Estrogen receptor). Continuing with search.. Please correct entry: <2099,Estrogen receptor>. {November 18, 2007 7:35:42 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:36:01 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_ESR1_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1a52.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1a52}}, {{PDB2|1ere}}, {{PDB2|1err}}, {{PDB2|1g50}}, {{PDB2|1gwq}}, {{PDB2|1gwr}}, {{PDB2|1hcp}}, {{PDB2|1hcq}}, {{PDB2|1l2i}}, {{PDB2|1pcg}}, {{PDB2|1qkt}}, {{PDB2|1qku}}, {{PDB2|1r5k}}, {{PDB2|1sj0}}, {{PDB2|1uom}}, {{PDB2|1x7e}}, {{PDB2|1x7r}}, {{PDB2|1xp1}}, {{PDB2|1xp6}}, {{PDB2|1xp9}}, {{PDB2|1xpc}}, {{PDB2|1xqc}}, {{PDB2|1yim}}, {{PDB2|1yin}}, {{PDB2|1zky}}, {{PDB2|2ayr}}, {{PDB2|2b1v}}, {{PDB2|2b1z}}, {{PDB2|2b23}}, {{PDB2|2bj4}}, {{PDB2|2fai}}, {{PDB2|2g44}}, {{PDB2|2g5o}}, {{PDB2|2i0j}}, {{PDB2|2jf9}}, {{PDB2|2jfa}}, {{PDB2|2ouz}}, {{PDB2|2p15}}, {{PDB2|3erd}}, {{PDB2|3ert}}
 | Name = Estrogen receptor 1
 | HGNCid = 3467
 | Symbol = ESR1
 | AltSymbols =; ER; DKFZp686N23123; ESR; ESRA; Era; NR3A1
 | OMIM = 133430
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 47906
 | MGIid = 1352467
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003677 |text = DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004872 |text = receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008289 |text = lipid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030235 |text = nitric-oxide synthase regulator activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030284 |text = estrogen receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005737 |text = cytoplasm}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016020 |text = membrane}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016585 |text = chromatin remodeling complex}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016049 |text = cell growth}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030520 |text = estrogen receptor signaling pathway}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045839 |text = negative regulation of mitosis}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2099
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000091831
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_000116
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_000125
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 6
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 152170379
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 152466099
    | Hs_Uniprot = P03372
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 13982
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000019768
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = XM_985634
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = XP_990728
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 10
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 5342780
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 5734495
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3UT58
'''Estrogen receptor 1''', also known as '''ESR1''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ESR1 estrogen receptor 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = The estrogen receptor (ESR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor composed of several domains important for hormone binding, DNA binding, and activation of transcription. Alternative splicing results in several ESR1 mRNA transcripts, which differ primarily in their 5-prime untranslated regions. The translated receptors show less variability.[supplied by OMIM]<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ESR1 estrogen receptor 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=McDonnell DP, Norris JD |title=Connections and regulation of the human estrogen receptor. |journal=Science |volume=296 |issue= 5573 |pages= 1642-4 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12040178 |doi= 10.1126/science.1071884 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Simoncini T, Fornari L, Mannella P, ''et al.'' |title=Novel non-transcriptional mechanisms for estrogen receptor signaling in the cardiovascular system. Interaction of estrogen receptor alpha with phosphatidylinositol 3-OH kinase. |journal=Steroids |volume=67 |issue= 12 |pages= 935-9 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12398989 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lannigan DA |title=Estrogen receptor phosphorylation. |journal=Steroids |volume=68 |issue= 1 |pages= 1-9 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12475718 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Herrington DM |title=Role of estrogen receptor-alpha in pharmacogenetics of estrogen action. |journal=Curr. Opin. Lipidol. |volume=14 |issue= 2 |pages= 145-50 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12642782 |doi= 10.1097/01.mol.0000064045.68936.23 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Tanaka Y, Sasaki M, Kaneuchi M, ''et al.'' |title=Estrogen receptor alpha polymorphisms and renal cell carcinoma--a possible risk. |journal=Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. |volume=202 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 109-16 |year= 2004 |pmid= 12770739 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ali S, Coombes RC |title=Estrogen receptor alpha in human breast cancer: occurrence and significance. |journal=Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia |volume=5 |issue= 3 |pages= 271-81 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14973389 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Olsson H |title=Estrogen receptor content in malignant breast tumors in men--a review. |journal=Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia |volume=5 |issue= 3 |pages= 283-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14973390 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Surmacz E, Bartucci M |title=Role of estrogen receptor alpha in modulating IGF-I receptor signaling and function in breast cancer. |journal=J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. |volume=23 |issue= 3 |pages= 385-94 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15595626 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Evinger AJ, Levin ER |title=Requirements for estrogen receptor alpha membrane localization and function. |journal=Steroids |volume=70 |issue= 5-7 |pages= 361-3 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15862818 |doi= 10.1016/j.steroids.2005.02.015 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wang CL, Tang XY, Chen WQ, ''et al.'' |title=Association of estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms with bone mineral density in Chinese women: a meta-analysis. |journal=Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA |volume=18 |issue= 3 |pages= 295-305 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17089081 |doi= 10.1007/s00198-006-0239-2 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Keaveney M, Klug J, Gannon F |title=Sequence analysis of the 5' flanking region of the human estrogen receptor gene. |journal=DNA Seq. |volume=2 |issue= 6 |pages= 347-58 |year= 1992 |pmid= 1476547 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Piva R, Gambari R, Zorzato F, ''et al.'' |title=Analysis of upstream sequences of the human estrogen receptor gene. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=183 |issue= 3 |pages= 996-1002 |year= 1992 |pmid= 1567414 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Reese JC, Katzenellenbogen BS |title=Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutation in the hormone binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. Studies in cell extracts and intact cells and their implications for hormone-dependent transcriptional activation. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=267 |issue= 14 |pages= 9868-73 |year= 1992 |pmid= 1577818 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Dotzlaw H, Alkhalaf M, Murphy LC |title=Characterization of estrogen receptor variant mRNAs from human breast cancers. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=6 |issue= 5 |pages= 773-85 |year= 1992 |pmid= 1603086 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Keaveney M, Klug J, Dawson MT, ''et al.'' |title=Evidence for a previously unidentified upstream exon in the human oestrogen receptor gene. |journal=J. Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=6 |issue= 1 |pages= 111-5 |year= 1991 |pmid= 2015052 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Reese JC, Katzenellenbogen BS |title=Mutagenesis of cysteines in the hormone binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. Alterations in binding and transcriptional activation by covalently and reversibly attaching ligands. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=266 |issue= 17 |pages= 10880-7 |year= 1991 |pmid= 2040605 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Schwabe JW, Neuhaus D, Rhodes D |title=Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of the oestrogen receptor. |journal=Nature |volume=348 |issue= 6300 |pages= 458-61 |year= 1991 |pmid= 2247153 |doi= 10.1038/348458a0 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Tora L, Mullick A, Metzger D, ''et al.'' |title=The cloned human oestrogen receptor contains a mutation which alters its hormone binding properties. |journal=EMBO J. |volume=8 |issue= 7 |pages= 1981-6 |year= 1989 |pmid= 2792078 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ponglikitmongkol M, Green S, Chambon P |title=Genomic organization of the human oestrogen receptor gene. |journal=EMBO J. |volume=7 |issue= 11 |pages= 3385-8 |year= 1989 |pmid= 3145193 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Greene GL, Gilna P, Waterfield M, ''et al.'' |title=Sequence and expression of human estrogen receptor complementary DNA. |journal=Science |volume=231 |issue= 4742 |pages= 1150-4 |year= 1986 |pmid= 3753802 |doi=  }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on ESR2... {November 18, 2007 7:36:01 PM PST}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: Control Box Found: ESR2 {November 18, 2007 7:36:53 PM PST}
  • UPDATE PROTEIN BOX: Updating Protein Box, No errors. {November 18, 2007 7:36:54 PM PST}
  • UPDATE SUMMARY: Updating Summary, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:36:54 PM PST}
  • UPDATE CITATIONS: Updating Citations, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:36:54 PM PST}
  • UPDATED: Updated protein page: ESR2 {November 18, 2007 7:37:01 PM PST}
  • INFO: Beginning work on ESRRA... {November 18, 2007 7:37:01 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:37:31 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_ESRRA_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1lo1.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1lo1}}, {{PDB2|1xb7}}
 | Name = Estrogen-related receptor alpha
 | HGNCid = 3471
 | Symbol = ESRRA
 | AltSymbols =; ERR1; ERRa; ERRalpha; ESRL1; NR3B1
 | OMIM = 601998
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 20941
 | MGIid = 1346831
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_ESRRA_1487_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_ESRRA_203193_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016439 |text = tRNA-pseudouridine synthase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2101
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000173153
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_004442
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_004451
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 11
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 63829616
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 63840786
    | Hs_Uniprot = P11474
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 26379
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000024955
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_007953
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_031979
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 19
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 6978022
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 6988862
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3U110
'''Estrogen-related receptor alpha''', also known as '''ESRRA''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ESRRA estrogen-related receptor alpha| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = The protein encoded by this gene is a nuclear receptor that is closely related to the estrogen receptor. This protein acts as a site-specific transcription regulator and has been also shown to interact with estrogen and the transcripton factor TFIIB by direct protein-protein contact. The binding and regulatory activities of this protein have been demonstrated in the regulation of a variety of genes including lactoferrin, osteopontin, medium-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (MCAD) and thyroid hormone receptor genes. A processed pseudogene of ESRRA is located on chromosome 13q12.1.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: ESRRA estrogen-related receptor alpha| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Giguère V, Yang N, Segui P, Evans RM |title=Identification of a new class of steroid hormone receptors. |journal=Nature |volume=331 |issue= 6151 |pages= 91-4 |year= 1988 |pmid= 3267207 |doi= 10.1038/331091a0 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wiley SR, Kraus RJ, Zuo F, ''et al.'' |title=SV40 early-to-late switch involves titration of cellular transcriptional repressors. |journal=Genes Dev. |volume=7 |issue= 11 |pages= 2206-19 |year= 1993 |pmid= 8224847 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yang N, Shigeta H, Shi H, Teng CT |title=Estrogen-related receptor, hERR1, modulates estrogen receptor-mediated response of human lactoferrin gene promoter. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=271 |issue= 10 |pages= 5795-804 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8621448 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Johnston SD, Liu X, Zuo F, ''et al.'' |title=Estrogen-related receptor alpha 1 functionally binds as a monomer to extended half-site sequences including ones contained within estrogen-response elements. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=11 |issue= 3 |pages= 342-52 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9058380 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sladek R, Bader JA, Giguère V |title=The orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor alpha is a transcriptional regulator of the human medium-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase gene. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=17 |issue= 9 |pages= 5400-9 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9271417 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Shi H, Shigeta H, Yang N, ''et al.'' |title=Human estrogen receptor-like 1 (ESRL1) gene: genomic organization, chromosomal localization, and promoter characterization. |journal=Genomics |volume=44 |issue= 1 |pages= 52-60 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9286700 |doi= 10.1006/geno.1997.4850 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sladek R, Beatty B, Squire J, ''et al.'' |title=Chromosomal mapping of the human and murine orphan receptors ERRalpha (ESRRA) and ERRbeta (ESRRB) and identification of a novel human ERRalpha-related pseudogene. |journal=Genomics |volume=45 |issue= 2 |pages= 320-6 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9344655 |doi= 10.1006/geno.1997.4939 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Vanacker JM, Bonnelye E, Delmarre C, Laudet V |title=Activation of the thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene promoter by the orphan nuclear receptor ERR alpha. |journal=Oncogene |volume=17 |issue= 19 |pages= 2429-35 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9824153 |doi= 10.1038/sj.onc.1202167 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zhang Z, Teng CT |title=Estrogen receptor alpha and estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha1 compete for binding and coactivator. |journal=Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. |volume=172 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 223-33 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11165056 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Eiler S, Gangloff M, Duclaud S, ''et al.'' |title=Overexpression, purification, and crystal structure of native ER alpha LBD. |journal=Protein Expr. Purif. |volume=22 |issue= 2 |pages= 165-73 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11437591 |doi= 10.1006/prep.2001.1409 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zhou D, Chen S |title=PNRC2 is a 16 kDa coactivator that interacts with nuclear receptors through an SH3-binding motif. |journal=Nucleic Acids Res. |volume=29 |issue= 19 |pages= 3939-48 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11574675 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Tchernev VT, Mansfield TA, Giot L, ''et al.'' |title=The Chediak-Higashi protein interacts with SNARE complex and signal transduction proteins. |journal=Mol. Med. |volume=8 |issue= 1 |pages= 56-64 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11984006 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kraus RJ, Ariazi EA, Farrell ML, Mertz JE |title=Estrogen-related receptor alpha 1 actively antagonizes estrogen receptor-regulated transcription in MCF-7 mammary cells. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 27 |pages= 24826-34 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11986328 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M202952200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ichida M, Nemoto S, Finkel T |title=Identification of a specific molecular repressor of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1alpha). |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 52 |pages= 50991-5 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12397057 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M210262200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Schreiber SN, Knutti D, Brogli K, ''et al.'' |title=The transcriptional coactivator PGC-1 regulates the expression and activity of the orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha). |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue= 11 |pages= 9013-8 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12522104 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M212923200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Igarashi M, Kawaguchi Y, Hirai K, Mizuno F |title=Physical interaction of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen leader protein (EBNA-LP) with human oestrogen-related receptor 1 (hERR1): hERR1 interacts with a conserved domain of EBNA-LP that is critical for EBV-induced B-cell immortalization. |journal=J. Gen. Virol. |volume=84 |issue= Pt 2 |pages= 319-27 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12560563 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sengupta K, Banerjee S, Saxena N, Banerjee SK |title=Estradiol-induced vascular endothelial growth factor-A expression in breast tumor cells is biphasic and regulated by estrogen receptor-alpha dependent pathway. |journal=Int. J. Oncol. |volume=22 |issue= 3 |pages= 609-14 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12579315 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sumi D, Ignarro LJ |title=Estrogen-related receptor alpha 1 up-regulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=100 |issue= 24 |pages= 14451-6 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14610283 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.2235590100 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Laganière J, Tremblay GB, Dufour CR, ''et al.'' |title=A polymorphic autoregulatory hormone response element in the human estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) promoter dictates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha control of ERRalpha expression. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=279 |issue= 18 |pages= 18504-10 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14978033 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M313543200 }}

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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7961
 | Symbol = NR0B2
 | AltSymbols =; SHP1; SHP
 | OMIM = 604630
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 8030
 | MGIid = 1346344
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR0B2_206410_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003714 |text = transcription corepressor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000122 |text = negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008203 |text = cholesterol metabolic process}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 8431
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000131910
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_068804
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_021969
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 1
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 27110566
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 27113047
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q15466
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 23957
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000037583
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_011850
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_035980
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 4
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 132825456
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 132828611
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q62227
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2''', also known as '''NR0B2''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR0B2 nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = The protein encoded by this gene is an unusual orphan receptor that contains a putative ligand-binding domain but lacks a conventional DNA-binding domain. The gene product is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family, a group of transcription factors regulated by small hydrophobic hormones, a subset of which do not have known ligands and are referred to as orphan nuclear receptors. The protein has been shown to interact with retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors, inhibiting their ligand-dependent transcriptional activation. In addition, interaction with estrogen receptors has been demonstrated, leading to inhibition of function. Studies suggest that the protein represses nuclear hormone receptor-mediated transactivation via two separate steps: competition with coactivators and the direct effects of its transcriptional repressor function.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR0B2 nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Seol W, Choi HS, Moore DD |title=An orphan nuclear hormone receptor that lacks a DNA binding domain and heterodimerizes with other receptors. |journal=Science |volume=272 |issue= 5266 |pages= 1336-9 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8650544 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee HK, Lee YK, Park SH, ''et al.'' |title=Structure and expression of the orphan nuclear receptor SHP gene. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=273 |issue= 23 |pages= 14398-402 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9603951 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Seol W, Hanstein B, Brown M, Moore DD |title=Inhibition of estrogen receptor action by the orphan receptor SHP (short heterodimer partner). |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=12 |issue= 10 |pages= 1551-7 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9773978 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee YK, Dell H, Dowhan DH, ''et al.'' |title=The orphan nuclear receptor SHP inhibits hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor transactivation: two mechanisms for repression. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=20 |issue= 1 |pages= 187-95 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10594021 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Johansson L, Båvner A, Thomsen JS, ''et al.'' |title=The orphan nuclear receptor SHP utilizes conserved LXXLL-related motifs for interactions with ligand-activated estrogen receptors. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=20 |issue= 4 |pages= 1124-33 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10648597 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lu TT, Makishima M, Repa JJ, ''et al.'' |title=Molecular basis for feedback regulation of bile acid synthesis by nuclear receptors. |journal=Mol. Cell |volume=6 |issue= 3 |pages= 507-15 |year= 2000 |pmid= 11030331 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nishigori H, Tomura H, Tonooka N, ''et al.'' |title=Mutations in the small heterodimer partner gene are associated with mild obesity in Japanese subjects. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=98 |issue= 2 |pages= 575-80 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11136233 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.021544398 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee YK, Moore DD |title=Dual mechanisms for repression of the monomeric orphan receptor liver receptor homologous protein-1 by the orphan small heterodimer partner. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 4 |pages= 2463-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11668176 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M105161200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nishizawa H, Yamagata K, Shimomura I, ''et al.'' |title=Small heterodimer partner, an orphan nuclear receptor, augments peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma transactivation. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 2 |pages= 1586-92 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11696534 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M104301200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sanyal S, Kim JY, Kim HJ, ''et al.'' |title=Differential regulation of the orphan nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner (SHP) gene promoter by orphan nuclear receptor ERR isoforms. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 3 |pages= 1739-48 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11705994 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M106140200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Gobinet J, Auzou G, Nicolas JC, ''et al.'' |title=Characterization of the interaction between androgen receptor and a new transcriptional inhibitor, SHP. |journal=Biochemistry |volume=40 |issue= 50 |pages= 15369-77 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11735420 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Klinge CM, Jernigan SC, Risinger KE |title=The agonist activity of tamoxifen is inhibited by the short heterodimer partner orphan nuclear receptor in human endometrial cancer cells. |journal=Endocrinology |volume=143 |issue= 3 |pages= 853-67 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11861507 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ogata M, Awaji T, Iwasaki N, ''et al.'' |title=Nuclear translocation of SHP and visualization of interaction with HNF-4alpha in living cells. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=292 |issue= 1 |pages= 8-12 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11890664 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Cao H, Hegele RA |title=Identification of polymorphisms in the human SHP1 gene. |journal=J. Hum. Genet. |volume=47 |issue= 8 |pages= 445-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12181644 |doi= 10.1007/s100380200062 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Brendel C, Schoonjans K, Botrugno OA, ''et al.'' |title=The small heterodimer partner interacts with the liver X receptor alpha and represses its transcriptional activity. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=16 |issue= 9 |pages= 2065-76 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12198243 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Borgius LJ, Steffensen KR, Gustafsson JA, Treuter E |title=Glucocorticoid signaling is perturbed by the atypical orphan receptor and corepressor SHP. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 51 |pages= 49761-6 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12324453 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M205641200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hung CC, Farooqi IS, Ong K, ''et al.'' |title=Contribution of variants in the small heterodimer partner gene to birthweight, adiposity, and insulin levels: mutational analysis and association studies in multiple populations. |journal=Diabetes |volume=52 |issue= 5 |pages= 1288-91 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12716767 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lai K, Harnish DC, Evans MJ |title=Estrogen receptor alpha regulates expression of the orphan receptor small heterodimer partner. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue= 38 |pages= 36418-29 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12842887 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M303913200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kovacic A, Speed CJ, Simpson ER, Clyne CD |title=Inhibition of aromatase transcription via promoter II by short heterodimer partner in human preadipocytes. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=18 |issue= 1 |pages= 252-9 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14593077 |doi= 10.1210/me.2003-0211 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2C2... {November 18, 2007 7:52:40 PM PST}
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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7972
 | Symbol = NR2C2
 | AltSymbols =; TAK1; TR2R1; TR4; hTAK1
 | OMIM = 601426
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 2475
 | MGIid = 1352466
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR2C2_206038_s_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003713 |text = transcription coactivator activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007399 |text = nervous system development}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 7182
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000177463
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_003289
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_003298
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 3
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 15020395
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 15059704
    | Hs_Uniprot = P49116
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 22026
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000005893
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = XM_984385
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = XP_989479
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 6
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 92104498
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 92133463
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3U015
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 2''', also known as '''NR2C2''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2C2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

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| section_title = 
| summary_text = Members of the nuclear hormone receptor family, such as NR2C2, act as ligand-activated transcription factors. The proteins have an N-terminal transactivation domain, a central DNA-binding domain with 2 zinc fingers, and a ligand-binding domain at the C terminus. The activated receptor/ligand complex is translocated to the nucleus where it binds to hormone response elements of target genes (Yoshikawa et al., 1996).[supplied by OMIM]<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2C2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Hirose T, Fujimoto W, Tamaai T, ''et al.'' |title=TAK1: molecular cloning and characterization of a new member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=8 |issue= 12 |pages= 1667-80 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7708055 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chang C, Da Silva SL, Ideta R, ''et al.'' |title=Human and rat TR4 orphan receptors specify a subclass of the steroid receptor superfamily. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=91 |issue= 13 |pages= 6040-4 |year= 1994 |pmid= 8016112 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yoshikawa T, DuPont BR, Leach RJ, Detera-Wadleigh SD |title=New variants of the human and rat nuclear hormone receptor, TR4: expression and chromosomal localization of the human gene. |journal=Genomics |volume=35 |issue= 2 |pages= 361-6 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8661150 |doi= 10.1006/geno.1996.0368 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Young WJ, Smith SM, Chang C |title=Induction of the intronic enhancer of the human ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor (CNTFRalpha) gene by the TR4 orphan receptor. A member of steroid receptor superfamily. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=272 |issue= 5 |pages= 3109-16 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9006963 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee CH, Chinpaisal C, Wei LN |title=A novel nuclear receptor heterodimerization pathway mediated by orphan receptors TR2 and TR4. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=273 |issue= 39 |pages= 25209-15 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9737983 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee YF, Shyr CR, Thin TH, ''et al.'' |title=Convergence of two repressors through heterodimer formation of androgen receptor and testicular orphan receptor-4: a unique signaling pathway in the steroid receptor superfamily. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=96 |issue= 26 |pages= 14724-9 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10611280 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wang X, Yeh S, Wu G, ''et al.'' |title=Identification and characterization of a novel androgen receptor coregulator ARA267-alpha in prostate cancer cells. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=276 |issue= 44 |pages= 40417-23 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11509567 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M104765200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yeung KC, Rose DW, Dhillon AS, ''et al.'' |title=Raf kinase inhibitor protein interacts with NF-kappaB-inducing kinase and TAK1 and inhibits NF-kappaB activation. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=21 |issue= 21 |pages= 7207-17 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11585904 |doi= 10.1128/MCB.21.21.7207-7217.2001 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Shyr CR, Hu YC, Kim E, Chang C |title=Modulation of estrogen receptor-mediated transactivation by orphan receptor TR4 in MCF-7 cells. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 17 |pages= 14622-8 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11844790 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M110051200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Tanabe O, Katsuoka F, Campbell AD, ''et al.'' |title=An embryonic/fetal beta-type globin gene repressor contains a nuclear receptor TR2/TR4 heterodimer. |journal=EMBO J. |volume=21 |issue= 13 |pages= 3434-42 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12093744 |doi= 10.1093/emboj/cdf340 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yang Y, Wang X, Dong T, ''et al.'' |title=Identification of a novel testicular orphan receptor-4 (TR4)-associated protein as repressor for the selective suppression of TR4-mediated transactivation. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue= 9 |pages= 7709-17 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12486131 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M207116200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lin WJ, Li J, Lee YF, ''et al.'' |title=Suppression of hepatitis B virus core promoter by the nuclear orphan receptor TR4. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue= 11 |pages= 9353-60 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12522137 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M205944200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Takaesu G, Surabhi RM, Park KJ, ''et al.'' |title=TAK1 is critical for IkappaB kinase-mediated activation of the NF-kappaB pathway. |journal=J. Mol. Biol. |volume=326 |issue= 1 |pages= 105-15 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12547194 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Inui S, Lee YF, Chang E, ''et al.'' |title=Differential and bi-directional regulation between TR2/TR4 orphan nuclear receptors and a specific ligand mediated-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha in human HaCaT keratinocytes. |journal=J. Dermatol. Sci. |volume=31 |issue= 1 |pages= 65-71 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12615366 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ishitani T, Takaesu G, Ninomiya-Tsuji J, ''et al.'' |title=Role of the TAB2-related protein TAB3 in IL-1 and TNF signaling. |journal=EMBO J. |volume=22 |issue= 23 |pages= 6277-88 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14633987 |doi= 10.1093/emboj/cdg605 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Cheung PC, Nebreda AR, Cohen P |title=TAB3, a new binding partner of the protein kinase TAK1. |journal=Biochem. J. |volume=378 |issue= Pt 1 |pages= 27-34 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14670075 |doi= 10.1042/BJ20031794 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ota T, Suzuki Y, Nishikawa T, ''et al.'' |title=Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=36 |issue= 1 |pages= 40-5 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14702039 |doi= 10.1038/ng1285 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bouwmeester T, Bauch A, Ruffner H, ''et al.'' |title=A physical and functional map of the human TNF-alpha/NF-kappa B signal transduction pathway. |journal=Nat. Cell Biol. |volume=6 |issue= 2 |pages= 97-105 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14743216 |doi= 10.1038/ncb1086 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2E1... {November 18, 2007 7:51:57 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:52:40 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 1
 | HGNCid = 7973
 | Symbol = NR2E1
 | AltSymbols =; TLX; TLL; XTLL
 | OMIM = 603849
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 37750
 | MGIid = 1100526
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR2E1_207443_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016439 |text = tRNA-pseudouridine synthase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007275 |text = multicellular organismal development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007399 |text = nervous system development}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 7101
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000112333
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_003260
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_003269
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 6
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 108593955
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 108616706
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q9Y466
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 21907
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000019803
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_152229
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_689415
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 10
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 42250385
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 42272047
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3UXE8
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 1''', also known as '''NR2E1''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2E1 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = 

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Yu RT, McKeown M, Evans RM, Umesono K |title=Relationship between Drosophila gap gene tailless and a vertebrate nuclear receptor Tlx. |journal=Nature |volume=370 |issue= 6488 |pages= 375-9 |year= 1994 |pmid= 8047143 |doi= 10.1038/370375a0 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Jackson A, Panayiotidis P, Foroni L |title=The human homologue of the Drosophila tailless gene (TLX): characterization and mapping to a region of common deletion in human lymphoid leukemia on chromosome 6q21. |journal=Genomics |volume=50 |issue= 1 |pages= 34-43 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9628820 |doi= 10.1006/geno.1998.5270 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kobayashi M, Yu RT, Yasuda K, Umesono K |title=Cell-type-specific regulation of the retinoic acid receptor mediated by the orphan nuclear receptor TLX. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=20 |issue= 23 |pages= 8731-9 |year= 2000 |pmid= 11073974 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Abrahams BS, Mak GM, Berry ML, ''et al.'' |title=Novel vertebrate genes and putative regulatory elements identified at kidney disease and NR2E1/fierce loci. |journal=Genomics |volume=80 |issue= 1 |pages= 45-53 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12079282 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Mungall AJ, Palmer SA, Sims SK, ''et al.'' |title=The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 6. |journal=Nature |volume=425 |issue= 6960 |pages= 805-11 |year= 2003 |pmid= 14574404 |doi= 10.1038/nature02055 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, ''et al.'' |title=The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). |journal=Genome Res. |volume=14 |issue= 10B |pages= 2121-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15489334 |doi= 10.1101/gr.2596504 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Abrahams BS, Kwok MC, Trinh E, ''et al.'' |title=Pathological aggression in "fierce" mice corrected by human nuclear receptor 2E1. |journal=J. Neurosci. |volume=25 |issue= 27 |pages= 6263-70 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16000615 |doi= 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4757-04.2005 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kumar RA, Leach S, Bonaguro R, ''et al.'' |title=Mutation and evolutionary analyses identify NR2E1-candidate-regulatory mutations in humans with severe cortical malformations. |journal=Genes Brain Behav. |volume=6 |issue= 6 |pages= 503-16 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17054721 |doi= 10.1111/j.1601-183X.2006.00277.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kumar RA, Everman DB, Morgan CT, ''et al.'' |title=Absence of mutations in NR2E1 and SNX3 in five patients with MMEP (microcephaly, microphthalmia, ectrodactyly, and prognathism) and related phenotypes. |journal=BMC Med. Genet. |volume=8 |issue=  |pages= 48 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17655765 |doi= 10.1186/1471-2350-8-48 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sun G, Yu RT, Evans RM, Shi Y |title=Orphan nuclear receptor TLX recruits histone deacetylases to repress transcription and regulate neural stem cell proliferation. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=104 |issue= 39 |pages= 15282-7 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17873065 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.0704089104 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2E3... {November 18, 2007 7:56:49 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:57:43 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
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| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3
 | HGNCid = 7974
 | Symbol = NR2E3
 | AltSymbols =; PNR; ESCS; MGC49976; RNR; rd7
 | OMIM = 604485
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 84397
 | MGIid = 1346317
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR2E3_208388_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016439 |text = tRNA-pseudouridine synthase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006366 |text = transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007601 |text = visual perception}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007602 |text = phototransduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0050896 |text = response to stimulus}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 10002
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000031544
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_055064
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_014249
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 15
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 69889948
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 69897613
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q9Y5X4
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 23958
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000032292
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_013708
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_038736
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 9
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 59740777
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 59748085
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q543C7
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3''', also known as '''NR2E3''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2E3 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This protein is part of a large family of nuclear receptor transcription factors involved in signaling pathways. Nuclear receptors have been shown to regulate pathways involved in embryonic development, as well as in maintenance of proper cell function in adults. Members of this family are characterized by discrete domains that function in DNA and ligand binding. This gene encodes a retinal nuclear receptor that is a ligand-dependent transcription factor. Defects in this gene are a cause of enhanced S cone syndrome. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2E3 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Kobayashi M, Takezawa S, Hara K, ''et al.'' |title=Identification of a photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=96 |issue= 9 |pages= 4814-9 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10220376 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chen F, Figueroa DJ, Marmorstein AD, ''et al.'' |title=Retina-specific nuclear receptor: A potential regulator of cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein expressed in retinal pigment epithelium and Müller glial cells. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=96 |issue= 26 |pages= 15149-54 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10611353 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Haider NB, Jacobson SG, Cideciyan AV, ''et al.'' |title=Mutation of a nuclear receptor gene, NR2E3, causes enhanced S cone syndrome, a disorder of retinal cell fate. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=24 |issue= 2 |pages= 127-31 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10655056 |doi= 10.1038/72777 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Rendtorff ND, Vissing H, Tümer Z, ''et al.'' |title=Assignment of the NR2E3 gene to mouse chromosome 9 and to human chromosome 15q22.33-->q23. |journal=Cytogenet. Cell Genet. |volume=89 |issue= 3-4 |pages= 279-80 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10965145 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Gerber S, Rozet JM, Takezawa SI, ''et al.'' |title=The photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor gene (PNR) accounts for retinitis pigmentosa in the Crypto-Jews from Portugal (Marranos), survivors from the Spanish Inquisition. |journal=Hum. Genet. |volume=107 |issue= 3 |pages= 276-84 |year= 2000 |pmid= 11071390 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Haider NB, Naggert JK, Nishina PM |title=Excess cone cell proliferation due to lack of a functional NR2E3 causes retinal dysplasia and degeneration in rd7/rd7 mice. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=10 |issue= 16 |pages= 1619-26 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11487564 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Milam AH, Rose L, Cideciyan AV, ''et al.'' |title=The nuclear receptor NR2E3 plays a role in human retinal photoreceptor differentiation and degeneration. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 1 |pages= 473-8 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11773633 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.022533099 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sharon D, Sandberg MA, Caruso RC, ''et al.'' |title=Shared mutations in NR2E3 in enhanced S-cone syndrome, Goldmann-Favre syndrome, and many cases of clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration. |journal=Arch. Ophthalmol. |volume=121 |issue= 9 |pages= 1316-23 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12963616 |doi= 10.1001/archopht.121.9.1316 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Cheng H, Khanna H, Oh EC, ''et al.'' |title=Photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor NR2E3 functions as a transcriptional activator in rod photoreceptors. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=13 |issue= 15 |pages= 1563-75 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15190009 |doi= 10.1093/hmg/ddh173 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bumsted O'Brien KM, Cheng H, Jiang Y, ''et al.'' |title=Expression of photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor NR2E3 in rod photoreceptors of fetal human retina. |journal=Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. |volume=45 |issue= 8 |pages= 2807-12 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15277507 |doi= 10.1167/iovs.03-1317 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wright AF, Reddick AC, Schwartz SB, ''et al.'' |title=Mutation analysis of NR2E3 and NRL genes in Enhanced S Cone Syndrome. |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=24 |issue= 5 |pages= 439 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15459973 |doi= 10.1002/humu.9285 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chen J, Rattner A, Nathans J |title=The rod photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor Nr2e3 represses transcription of multiple cone-specific genes. |journal=J. Neurosci. |volume=25 |issue= 1 |pages= 118-29 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15634773 |doi= 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3571-04.2005 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Peng GH, Ahmad O, Ahmad F, ''et al.'' |title=The photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor Nr2e3 interacts with Crx and exerts opposing effects on the transcription of rod versus cone genes. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=14 |issue= 6 |pages= 747-64 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15689355 |doi= 10.1093/hmg/ddi070 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hayashi T, Gekka T, Goto-Omoto S, ''et al.'' |title=Novel NR2E3 mutations (R104Q, R334G) associated with a mild form of enhanced S-cone syndrome demonstrate compound heterozygosity. |journal=Ophthalmology |volume=112 |issue= 12 |pages= 2115 |year= 2005 |pmid= 16225923 |doi= 10.1016/j.ophtha.2005.07.002 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Olsen JV, Blagoev B, Gnad F, ''et al.'' |title=Global, in vivo, and site-specific phosphorylation dynamics in signaling networks. |journal=Cell |volume=127 |issue= 3 |pages= 635-48 |year= 2006 |pmid= 17081983 |doi= 10.1016/j.cell.2006.09.026 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Coppieters F, Leroy BP, Beysen D, ''et al.'' |title=Recurrent mutation in the first zinc finger of the orphan nuclear receptor NR2E3 causes autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=81 |issue= 1 |pages= 147-57 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17564971 |doi= 10.1086/518426 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2F1... {November 18, 2007 7:48:17 PM PST}
  • CREATE: Found no pages, creating new page. {November 18, 2007 7:49:56 PM PST}
  • CREATED: Created new protein page: NR2F1 {November 18, 2007 7:50:04 PM PST}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2F2... {November 18, 2007 7:50:04 PM PST}
  • CREATE: Found no pages, creating new page. {November 18, 2007 7:51:47 PM PST}
  • CREATED: Created new protein page: NR2F2 {November 18, 2007 7:51:57 PM PST}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NR2F6... {November 18, 2007 7:34:15 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:35:23 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 6
 | HGNCid = 7977
 | Symbol = NR2F6
 | AltSymbols =; EAR-2; EAR2; ERBAL2
 | OMIM = 132880
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 7706
 | MGIid = 1352453
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR2F6_209262_s_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_NR2F6_209261_s_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004887 |text = thyroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043153 |text = entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0048666 |text = neuron development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0050965 |text = detection of temperature stimulus during sensory perception of pain}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2063
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000160113
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_005225
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_005234
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 19
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 17203694
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 17217151
    | Hs_Uniprot = P10588
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 13864
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000002393
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_010150
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_034280
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 8
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 74303116
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 74310656
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3UIT0
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 6''', also known as '''NR2F6''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR2F6 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 6| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = 

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Miyajima N, Kadowaki Y, Fukushige S, ''et al.'' |title=Identification of two novel members of erbA superfamily by molecular cloning: the gene products of the two are highly related to each other. |journal=Nucleic Acids Res. |volume=16 |issue= 23 |pages= 11057-74 |year= 1989 |pmid= 2905047 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bähler M, Kehrer I, Gordon L, ''et al.'' |title=Physical mapping of human myosin-IXB (MYO9B), the human orthologue of the rat myosin myr 5, to chromosome 19p13.1. |journal=Genomics |volume=43 |issue= 1 |pages= 107-9 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9226381 |doi= 10.1006/geno.1997.4776 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Avram D, Ishmael JE, Nevrivy DJ, ''et al.'' |title=Heterodimeric interactions between chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor family members ARP1 and ear2. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=274 |issue= 20 |pages= 14331-6 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10318855 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zhang Y, Dufau ML |title=Nuclear orphan receptors regulate transcription of the gene for the human luteinizing hormone receptor. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=275 |issue= 4 |pages= 2763-70 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10644740 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zhu XG, Park KS, Kaneshige M, ''et al.'' |title=The orphan nuclear receptor Ear-2 is a negative coregulator for thyroid hormone nuclear receptor function. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=20 |issue= 7 |pages= 2604-18 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10713182 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Liu X, Huang X, Sigmund CD |title=Identification of a nuclear orphan receptor (Ear2) as a negative regulator of renin gene transcription. |journal=Circ. Res. |volume=92 |issue= 9 |pages= 1033-40 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12690040 |doi= 10.1161/01.RES.0000071355.82009.43 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Beausoleil SA, Jedrychowski M, Schwartz D, ''et al.'' |title=Large-scale characterization of HeLa cell nuclear phosphoproteins. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=101 |issue= 33 |pages= 12130-5 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15302935 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.0404720101 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, ''et al.'' |title=The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). |journal=Genome Res. |volume=14 |issue= 10B |pages= 2121-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15489334 |doi= 10.1101/gr.2596504 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR3C1... {November 18, 2007 7:44:08 PM PST}
  • UPLOAD: Added new Image to wiki:   {November 18, 2007 7:44:46 PM PST}
  • SEARCH REDIRECT: Control Box Found: Glucocorticoid receptor {November 18, 2007 7:45:07 PM PST}
  • UPDATE PROTEIN BOX: Updating Protein Box, No errors. {November 18, 2007 7:45:09 PM PST}
  • SKIP SUMMARY: SKIPPING Summary, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:45:09 PM PST}
  • UPDATE CITATIONS: Updating Citations, No Errors. {November 18, 2007 7:45:09 PM PST}
  • UPDATED: Updated protein page: Glucocorticoid receptor {November 18, 2007 7:45:16 PM PST}
  • INFO: Beginning work on NR3C2... {November 18, 2007 7:46:07 PM PST}
  • AMBIGUITY: Did not locate an acceptable page to update. {November 18, 2007 7:46:46 PM PST}
 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
| update_page = yes 
| require_manual_inspection = no 
| update_protein_box = yes
| update_summary = yes
| update_citations = yes

<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR3C2_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1gdc.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1gdc}}, {{PDB2|1rgd}}, {{PDB2|1y9r}}, {{PDB2|1ya3}}, {{PDB2|2a3i}}, {{PDB2|2aa2}}, {{PDB2|2aa5}}, {{PDB2|2aa6}}, {{PDB2|2aa7}}, {{PDB2|2aax}}, {{PDB2|2ab2}}, {{PDB2|2abi}}, {{PDB2|2gda}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7979
 | Symbol = NR3C2
 | AltSymbols =; MCR; MGC133092; MLR; MR
 | OMIM = 600983
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 694
 | MGIid = 99459
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR3C2_205259_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004872 |text = receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008289 |text = lipid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006883 |text = cellular sodium ion homeostasis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007588 |text = excretion}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 4306
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000151623
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_000892
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_000901
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 4
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 149219370
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 149582973
    | Hs_Uniprot = P08235
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 110784
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000031618
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = XM_899576
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = XP_904669
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 8
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 79804344
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 80138602
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3UW58
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2''', also known as '''NR3C2''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR3C2 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = 

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Hellal-Levy C, Fagart J, Souque A, Rafestin-Oblin ME |title=Mechanistic aspects of mineralocorticoid receptor activation. |journal=Kidney Int. |volume=57 |issue= 4 |pages= 1250-5 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10760050 |doi= 10.1046/j.1523-1755.2000.00958.x }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sheppard KE |title=Nuclear receptors. II. Intestinal corticosteroid receptors. |journal=Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. |volume=282 |issue= 5 |pages= G742-6 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11960770 |doi= 10.1152/ajpgi.00531.2001 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kjellander CG |title=[The psychotherapeutic society--utopia or nightmare?] |journal=Lakartidningen |volume=72 |issue= 12 |pages= 1160-1 |year= 1975 |pmid= 1134129 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Alnemri ES, Maksymowych AB, Robertson NM, Litwack G |title=Overexpression and characterization of the human mineralocorticoid receptor. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=266 |issue= 27 |pages= 18072-81 |year= 1991 |pmid= 1655735 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Morrison N, Harrap SB, Arriza JL, ''et al.'' |title=Regional chromosomal assignment of the human mineralocorticoid receptor gene to 4q31.1. |journal=Hum. Genet. |volume=85 |issue= 1 |pages= 130-2 |year= 1990 |pmid= 2162806 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Fan YS, Eddy RL, Byers MG, ''et al.'' |title=The human mineralocorticoid receptor gene (MLR) is located on chromosome 4 at q31.2. |journal=Cytogenet. Cell Genet. |volume=52 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 83-4 |year= 1990 |pmid= 2558856 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Arriza JL, Weinberger C, Cerelli G, ''et al.'' |title=Cloning of human mineralocorticoid receptor complementary DNA: structural and functional kinship with the glucocorticoid receptor. |journal=Science |volume=237 |issue= 4812 |pages= 268-75 |year= 1987 |pmid= 3037703 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bloem LJ, Guo C, Pratt JH |title=Identification of a splice variant of the rat and human mineralocorticoid receptor genes. |journal=J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. |volume=55 |issue= 2 |pages= 159-62 |year= 1996 |pmid= 7495694 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Jalaguier S, Mornet D, Mesnier D, ''et al.'' |title=Human mineralocorticoid receptor interacts with actin under mineralocorticoid ligand modulation. |journal=FEBS Lett. |volume=384 |issue= 2 |pages= 112-6 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8612804 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Thénot S, Henriquet C, Rochefort H, Cavaillès V |title=Differential interaction of nuclear receptors with the putative human transcriptional coactivator hTIF1. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=272 |issue= 18 |pages= 12062-8 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9115274 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zennaro MC, Farman N, Bonvalet JP, Lombès M |title=Tissue-specific expression of alpha and beta messenger ribonucleic acid isoforms of the human mineralocorticoid receptor in normal and pathological states. |journal=J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. |volume=82 |issue= 5 |pages= 1345-52 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9141514 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bruner KL, Derfoul A, Robertson NM, ''et al.'' |title=The unliganded mineralocorticoid receptor is associated with heat shock proteins 70 and 90 and the immunophilin FKBP-52. |journal=Receptors & signal transduction |volume=7 |issue= 2 |pages= 85-98 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9392437 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Geller DS, Rodriguez-Soriano J, Vallo Boado A, ''et al.'' |title=Mutations in the mineralocorticoid receptor gene cause autosomal dominant pseudohypoaldosteronism type I. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=19 |issue= 3 |pages= 279-81 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9662404 |doi= 10.1038/966 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lupo B, Mesnier D, Auzou G |title=Cysteines 849 and 942 of human mineralocorticoid receptor are crucial for steroid binding. |journal=Biochemistry |volume=37 |issue= 35 |pages= 12153-9 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9724527 |doi= 10.1021/bi980593e }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Halushka MK, Fan JB, Bentley K, ''et al.'' |title=Patterns of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes for blood-pressure homeostasis. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=22 |issue= 3 |pages= 239-47 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10391210 |doi= 10.1038/10297 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Freeman BC, Felts SJ, Toft DO, Yamamoto KR |title=The p23 molecular chaperones act at a late step in intracellular receptor action to differentially affect ligand efficacies. |journal=Genes Dev. |volume=14 |issue= 4 |pages= 422-34 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10691735 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Geller DS, Farhi A, Pinkerton N, ''et al.'' |title=Activating mineralocorticoid receptor mutation in hypertension exacerbated by pregnancy. |journal=Science |volume=289 |issue= 5476 |pages= 119-23 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10884226 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hellal-Levy C, Fagart J, Souque A, ''et al.'' |title=Crucial role of the H11-H12 loop in stabilizing the active conformation of the human mineralocorticoid receptor. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=14 |issue= 8 |pages= 1210-21 |year= 2001 |pmid= 10935545 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Watzka M, Beyenburg S, Blümcke I, ''et al.'' |title=Expression of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in the human hippocampus. |journal=Neurosci. Lett. |volume=290 |issue= 2 |pages= 121-4 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10936692 |doi=  }}

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 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR4A1_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1cit.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1cit}}, {{PDB2|1yje}}, {{PDB2|2gbd}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1
 | HGNCid = 7980
 | Symbol = NR4A1
 | AltSymbols =; GFRP1; HMR; MGC9485; N10; NAK-1; NGFIB; NP10; NUR77; TR3
 | OMIM = 139139
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 1612
 | MGIid = 1352454
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR4A1_202340_x_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_NR4A1_210226_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004879 |text = ligand-dependent nuclear receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006917 |text = induction of apoptosis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043154 |text = negative regulation of caspase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045944 |text = positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 3164
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000123358
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_002126
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_002135
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 12
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 50717766
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 50739552
    | Hs_Uniprot = P22736
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 15370
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000023034
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_010444
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_034574
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 15
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 101094887
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 101102826
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q545Q1
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1''', also known as '''NR4A1''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes a member of the steroid-thyroid hormone-retinoid receptor superfamily. Expression is induced by phytohemagglutinin in human lymphocytes and by serum stimulation of arrested fibroblasts. The encoded protein acts as a nuclear transcription factor. Translocation of the protein from the nucleus to mitochondria induces apoptosis. Multiple alternatively spliced variants, encoding the same protein, have been identified.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Winoto A, Littman DR |title=Nuclear hormone receptors in T lymphocytes. |journal=Cell |volume=109 Suppl |issue=  |pages= S57-66 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11983153 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Engelse MA, Arkenbout EK, Pannekoek H, de Vries CJ |title=Activin and TR3 orphan receptor: two 'atheroprotective' genes as evidenced in dedicated mouse models. |journal=Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. |volume=30 |issue= 11 |pages= 894-9 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14678255 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bondy GP |title=Phorbol ester, forskolin, and serum induction of a human colon nuclear hormone receptor gene related to the NUR 77/NGFI-B genes. |journal=Cell Growth Differ. |volume=2 |issue= 4 |pages= 203-8 |year= 1991 |pmid= 1651101 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nakai A, Kartha S, Sakurai A, ''et al.'' |title=A human early response gene homologous to murine nur77 and rat NGFI-B, and related to the nuclear receptor superfamily. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=4 |issue= 10 |pages= 1438-43 |year= 1991 |pmid= 2283997 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ryseck RP, Macdonald-Bravo H, Mattéi MG, ''et al.'' |title=Structure, mapping and expression of a growth factor inducible gene encoding a putative nuclear hormonal binding receptor. |journal=EMBO J. |volume=8 |issue= 11 |pages= 3327-35 |year= 1989 |pmid= 2555161 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chang C, Kokontis J, Liao SS, Chang Y |title=Isolation and characterization of human TR3 receptor: a member of steroid receptor superfamily. |journal=J. Steroid Biochem. |volume=34 |issue= 1-6 |pages= 391-5 |year= 1990 |pmid= 2626032 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Uemura H, Mizokami A, Chang C |title=Identification of a new enhancer in the promoter region of human TR3 orphan receptor gene. A member of steroid receptor superfamily. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=270 |issue= 10 |pages= 5427-33 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7890657 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hirata Y, Kiuchi K, Chen HC, ''et al.'' |title=The phosphorylation and DNA binding of the DNA-binding domain of the orphan nuclear receptor NGFI-B. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=268 |issue= 33 |pages= 24808-12 |year= 1993 |pmid= 8227042 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Harrison DC, Roberts J, Campbell CA, ''et al.'' |title=TR3 death receptor expression in the normal and ischaemic brain. |journal=Neuroscience |volume=96 |issue= 1 |pages= 147-60 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10777386 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Li H, Kolluri SK, Gu J, ''et al.'' |title=Cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by mitochondrial targeting of nuclear orphan receptor TR3. |journal=Science |volume=289 |issue= 5482 |pages= 1159-64 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10947977 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Pekarsky Y, Hallas C, Palamarchuk A, ''et al.'' |title=Akt phosphorylates and regulates the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=98 |issue= 7 |pages= 3690-4 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11274386 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.051003198 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sohn YC, Kwak E, Na Y, ''et al.'' |title=Silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors and activating signal cointegrator-2 as transcriptional coregulators of the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=276 |issue= 47 |pages= 43734-9 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11559707 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M107208200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee MO, Kang HJ, Cho H, ''et al.'' |title=Hepatitis B virus X protein induced expression of the Nur77 gene. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=288 |issue= 5 |pages= 1162-8 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11700033 |doi= 10.1006/bbrc.2001.5910 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Slagsvold HH, Østvold AC, Fallgren AB, Paulsen RE |title=Nuclear receptor and apoptosis initiator NGFI-B is a substrate for kinase ERK2. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=291 |issue= 5 |pages= 1146-50 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11883936 |doi= 10.1006/bbrc.2002.6579 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wu WS, Xu ZX, Ran R, ''et al.'' |title=Promyelocytic leukemia protein PML inhibits Nur77-mediated transcription through specific functional interactions. |journal=Oncogene |volume=21 |issue= 24 |pages= 3925-33 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12032831 |doi= 10.1038/sj.onc.1205491 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Liu S, Wu Q, Ye XF, ''et al.'' |title=Induction of apoptosis by TPA and VP-16 is through translocation of TR3. |journal=World J. Gastroenterol. |volume=8 |issue= 3 |pages= 446-50 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12046067 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wansa KD, Harris JM, Muscat GE |title=The activation function-1 domain of Nur77/NR4A1 mediates trans-activation, cell specificity, and coactivator recruitment. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 36 |pages= 33001-11 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12082103 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M203572200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chtarbova S, Nimmrich I, Erdmann S, ''et al.'' |title=Murine Nr4a1 and Herpud1 are up-regulated by Wnt-1, but the homologous human genes are independent from beta-catenin activation. |journal=Biochem. J. |volume=367 |issue= Pt 3 |pages= 723-8 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12153396 |doi= 10.1042/BJ20020699 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wu Q, Liu S, Ye XF, ''et al.'' |title=Dual roles of Nur77 in selective regulation of apoptosis and cell cycle by TPA and ATRA in gastric cancer cells. |journal=Carcinogenesis |volume=23 |issue= 10 |pages= 1583-92 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12376465 |doi=  }}

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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR4A2_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1cit.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1cit}}, {{PDB2|1ovl}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7981
 | Symbol = NR4A2
 | AltSymbols =; RNR1; HZF-3; NOT; NURR1; TINUR
 | OMIM = 601828
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 4509
 | MGIid = 1352456
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR4A2_216248_s_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_NR4A2_204621_s_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = PBB_GE_NR4A2_204622_x_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007399 |text = nervous system development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0019735 |text = antimicrobial humoral response}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030182 |text = neuron differentiation}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0042053 |text = regulation of dopamine metabolic process}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045944 |text = positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 4929
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000153234
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_006177
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_006186
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 2
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 156889194
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 156897474
    | Hs_Uniprot = P43354
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 18227
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000026826
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_013613
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_038641
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 2
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 56922903
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 56939527
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q3TYI4
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2''', also known as '''NR4A2''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A2 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes a member of the steroid-thyroid hormone-retinoid receptor superfamily. The encoded protein may act as a transcription factor. Mutations in this gene have been associated with disorders related to dopaminergic dysfunction, including Parkinson disease, schizophernia, and manic depression. Misregulation of this gene may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Four transcript variants encoding four distinct isoforms have been identified for this gene. Additional alternate splice variants may exist, but their full length nature has not been determined.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A2 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Le W, Appel SH |title=Mutant genes responsible for Parkinson's disease. |journal=Current opinion in pharmacology |volume=4 |issue= 1 |pages= 79-84 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15018843 |doi= 10.1016/j.coph.2003.09.005 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wedler B, Wüstenberg PW, Naumann G |title=[Treatment of hypertonus in diabetes mellitus] |journal=Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete |volume=30 |issue= 13 |pages= 437-42 |year= 1976 |pmid= 4929 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Perlmann T, Jansson L |title=A novel pathway for vitamin A signaling mediated by RXR heterodimerization with NGFI-B and NURR1. |journal=Genes Dev. |volume=9 |issue= 7 |pages= 769-82 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7705655 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Okabe T, Takayanagi R, Imasaki K, ''et al.'' |title=cDNA cloning of a NGFI-B/nur77-related transcription factor from an apoptotic human T cell line. |journal=J. Immunol. |volume=154 |issue= 8 |pages= 3871-9 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7706727 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Forman BM, Umesono K, Chen J, Evans RM |title=Unique response pathways are established by allosteric interactions among nuclear hormone receptors. |journal=Cell |volume=81 |issue= 4 |pages= 541-50 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7758108 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Mages HW, Rilke O, Bravo R, ''et al.'' |title=NOT, a human immediate-early response gene closely related to the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor NAK1/TR3. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=8 |issue= 11 |pages= 1583-91 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7877627 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Maruyama K, Sugano S |title=Oligo-capping: a simple method to replace the cap structure of eukaryotic mRNAs with oligoribonucleotides. |journal=Gene |volume=138 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 171-4 |year= 1994 |pmid= 8125298 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Suzuki Y, Yoshitomo-Nakagawa K, Maruyama K, ''et al.'' |title=Construction and characterization of a full length-enriched and a 5'-end-enriched cDNA library. |journal=Gene |volume=200 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 149-56 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9373149 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Torii T, Kawarai T, Nakamura S, Kawakami H |title=Organization of the human orphan nuclear receptor Nurr1 gene. |journal=Gene |volume=230 |issue= 2 |pages= 225-32 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10216261 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ichinose H, Ohye T, Suzuki T, ''et al.'' |title=Molecular cloning of the human Nurr1 gene: characterization of the human gene and cDNAs. |journal=Gene |volume=230 |issue= 2 |pages= 233-9 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10216262 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Chen YH, Tsai MT, Shaw CK, Chen CH |title=Mutation analysis of the human NR4A2 gene, an essential gene for midbrain dopaminergic neurogenesis, in schizophrenic patients. |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. |volume=105 |issue= 8 |pages= 753-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11803525 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ishiguro H, Okubo Y, Ohtsuki T, ''et al.'' |title=Mutation analysis of the retinoid X receptor beta, nuclear-related receptor 1, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha genes in schizophrenia and alcohol dependence: possible haplotype association of nuclear-related receptor 1 gene to alcohol dependence. |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. |volume=114 |issue= 1 |pages= 15-23 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11840500 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=McEvoy AN, Murphy EA, Ponnio T, ''et al.'' |title=Activation of nuclear orphan receptor NURR1 transcription by NF-kappa B and cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate response element-binding protein in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue. |journal=J. Immunol. |volume=168 |issue= 6 |pages= 2979-87 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11884470 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Xu PY, Liang R, Jankovic J, ''et al.'' |title=Association of homozygous 7048G7049 variant in the intron six of Nurr1 gene with Parkinson's disease. |journal=Neurology |volume=58 |issue= 6 |pages= 881-4 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11914402 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bannon MJ, Pruetz B, Manning-Bog AB, ''et al.'' |title=Decreased expression of the transcription factor NURR1 in dopamine neurons of cocaine abusers. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 9 |pages= 6382-5 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11959923 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.092654299 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Le WD, Xu P, Jankovic J, ''et al.'' |title=Mutations in NR4A2 associated with familial Parkinson disease. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=33 |issue= 1 |pages= 85-9 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12496759 |doi= 10.1038/ng1066 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Satoh J, Kuroda Y |title=The constitutive and inducible expression of Nurr1, a key regulator of dopaminergic neuronal differentiation, in human neural and non-neural cell lines. |journal=Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology |volume=22 |issue= 4 |pages= 219-32 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12564761 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Iwayama-Shigeno Y, Yamada K, Toyota T, ''et al.'' |title=Distribution of haplotypes derived from three common variants of the NR4A2 gene in Japanese patients with schizophrenia. |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. |volume=118 |issue= 1 |pages= 20-4 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12627459 |doi= 10.1002/ajmg.b.10053 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kim KS, Kim CH, Hwang DY, ''et al.'' |title=Orphan nuclear receptor Nurr1 directly transactivates the promoter activity of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene in a cell-specific manner. |journal=J. Neurochem. |volume=85 |issue= 3 |pages= 622-34 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12694388 |doi=  }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR4A3... {November 18, 2007 7:54:15 PM PST}
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 <!-- The PBB_Controls template provides controls for Protein Box Bot, please see Template:PBB_Controls for details. -->
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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR4A3_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1cit.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1cit}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3
 | HGNCid = 7982
 | Symbol = NR4A3
 | AltSymbols =; CHN; TEC; CSMF; MINOR; NOR1
 | OMIM = 600542
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 5074
 | MGIid = 1352457
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR4A3_207978_s_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_NR4A3_209959_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = PBB_GE_NR4A3_216979_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004887 |text = thyroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005488 |text = binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0001707 |text = mesoderm formation}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008150 |text = biological_process}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 8013
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000119508
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_008912
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_006981
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 9
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 101623958
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 101668994
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q92570
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 18124
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000028341
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_015743
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_056558
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 4
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 48066409
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 48107545
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q9QZB6
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3''', also known as '''NR4A3''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A3 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

<!-- The PBB_Summary template is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes a member of the steroid-thyroid hormone-retinoid receptor superfamily. The encoded protein may act as a transcriptional activator. The protein can efficiently bind the NGFI-B Response Element (NBRE). Three different versions of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas (EMCs) are the result of reciprocal translocations between this gene and other genes. The translocation breakpoints are associated with Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 4, Group A, Member 3 (on chromosome 9) and either Ewing Sarcome Breakpoint Region 1 (on chromosome 22), RNA Polymerase II, TATA Box-Binding Protein-Associated Factor, 68-KD (on chromosome 17), or Transcription factor 12 (on chromosome 15). Four transcript variants encoding three distinct isoforms have been identified for this gene.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR4A3 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Ohkura N, Hijikuro M, Yamamoto A, Miki K |title=Molecular cloning of a novel thyroid/steroid receptor superfamily gene from cultured rat neuronal cells. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=205 |issue= 3 |pages= 1959-65 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7811288 |doi= 10.1006/bbrc.1994.2900 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Clark J, Benjamin H, Gill S, ''et al.'' |title=Fusion of the EWS gene to CHN, a member of the steroid/thyroid receptor gene superfamily, in a human myxoid chondrosarcoma. |journal=Oncogene |volume=12 |issue= 2 |pages= 229-35 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8570200 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hedvat CV, Irving SG |title=The isolation and characterization of MINOR, a novel mitogen-inducible nuclear orphan receptor. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=9 |issue= 12 |pages= 1692-700 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8614405 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Labelle Y, Zucman J, Stenman G, ''et al.'' |title=Oncogenic conversion of a novel orphan nuclear receptor by chromosome translocation. |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=4 |issue= 12 |pages= 2219-26 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8634690 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ohkura N, Ito M, Tsukada T, ''et al.'' |title=Structure, mapping and expression of a human NOR-1 gene, the third member of the Nur77/NGFI-B family. |journal=Biochim. Biophys. Acta |volume=1308 |issue= 3 |pages= 205-14 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8809112 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ohkura N, Ito M, Tsukada T, ''et al.'' |title=Alternative splicing generates isoforms of human neuron-derived orphan receptor-1 (NOR-1) mRNA. |journal=Gene |volume=211 |issue= 1 |pages= 79-85 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9573341 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Labelle Y, Bussières J, Courjal F, Goldring MB |title=The EWS/TEC fusion protein encoded by the t(9;22) chromosomal translocation in human chondrosarcomas is a highly potent transcriptional activator. |journal=Oncogene |volume=18 |issue= 21 |pages= 3303-8 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10359536 |doi= 10.1038/sj.onc.1202675 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Panagopoulos I, Mencinger M, Dietrich CU, ''et al.'' |title=Fusion of the RBP56 and CHN genes in extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas with translocation t(9;17)(q22;q11). |journal=Oncogene |volume=18 |issue= 52 |pages= 7594-8 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10602519 |doi= 10.1038/sj.onc.1203155 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sjögren H, Wedell B, Meis-Kindblom JM, ''et al.'' |title=Fusion of the NH2-terminal domain of the basic helix-loop-helix protein TCF12 to TEC in extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma with translocation t(9;15)(q22;q21). |journal=Cancer Res. |volume=60 |issue= 24 |pages= 6832-5 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11156374 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ohkura N, Ohkubo T, Maruyama K, ''et al.'' |title=The orphan nuclear receptor NOR-1 interacts with the homeobox containing protein Six3. |journal=Dev. Neurosci. |volume=23 |issue= 1 |pages= 17-24 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11173923 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Laflamme C, Filion C, Bridge JA, ''et al.'' |title=The homeotic protein Six3 is a coactivator of the nuclear receptor NOR-1 and a corepressor of the fusion protein EWS/NOR-1 in human extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas. |journal=Cancer Res. |volume=63 |issue= 2 |pages= 449-54 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12543801 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Liu D, Jia H, Holmes DI, ''et al.'' |title=Vascular endothelial growth factor-regulated gene expression in endothelial cells: KDR-mediated induction of Egr3 and the related nuclear receptors Nur77, Nurr1, and Nor1. |journal=Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. |volume=23 |issue= 11 |pages= 2002-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14525795 |doi= 10.1161/01.ATV.0000098644.03153.6F }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Rius J, Martínez-González J, Crespo J, Badimon L |title=Involvement of neuron-derived orphan receptor-1 (NOR-1) in LDL-induced mitogenic stimulus in vascular smooth muscle cells: role of CREB. |journal=Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. |volume=24 |issue= 4 |pages= 697-702 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14962944 |doi= 10.1161/01.ATV.0000121570.00515.dc }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Humphray SJ, Oliver K, Hunt AR, ''et al.'' |title=DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9. |journal=Nature |volume=429 |issue= 6990 |pages= 369-74 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15164053 |doi= 10.1038/nature02465 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hisaoka M, Okamoto S, Yokoyama K, Hashimoto H |title=Coexpression of NOR1 and SIX3 proteins in extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas without detectable NR4A3 fusion genes. |journal=Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. |volume=152 |issue= 2 |pages= 101-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15262426 |doi= 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2003.11.011 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Laflamme C, Filion C, Labelle Y |title=Functional characterization of SIX3 homeodomain mutations in holoprosencephaly: interaction with the nuclear receptor NR4A3/NOR1. |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=24 |issue= 6 |pages= 502-8 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15523651 |doi= 10.1002/humu.20102 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Rius J, Martínez-González J, Crespo J, Badimon L |title=NOR-1 is involved in VEGF-induced endothelial cell growth. |journal=Atherosclerosis |volume=184 |issue= 2 |pages= 276-82 |year= 2006 |pmid= 15949808 |doi= 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2005.04.008 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Pei L, Castrillo A, Chen M, ''et al.'' |title=Induction of NR4A orphan nuclear receptor expression in macrophages in response to inflammatory stimuli. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=280 |issue= 32 |pages= 29256-62 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15964844 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M502606200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bonta PI, van Tiel CM, Vos M, ''et al.'' |title=Nuclear receptors Nur77, Nurr1, and NOR-1 expressed in atherosclerotic lesion macrophages reduce lipid loading and inflammatory responses. |journal=Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. |volume=26 |issue= 10 |pages= 2288-94 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16873729 |doi= 10.1161/01.ATV.0000238346.84458.5d }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nomiyama T, Nakamachi T, Gizard F, ''et al.'' |title=The NR4A orphan nuclear receptor NOR1 is induced by platelet-derived growth factor and mediates vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=281 |issue= 44 |pages= 33467-76 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16945922 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M603436200 }}

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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR5A1_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1ymt.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1ymt}}, {{PDB2|1yow}}, {{PDB2|1yp0}}, {{PDB2|1zdt}}, {{PDB2|2a66}}, {{PDB2|2ff0}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1
 | HGNCid = 7983
 | Symbol = NR5A1
 | AltSymbols =; AD4BP; ELP; FTZ1; FTZF1; SF-1; SF1
 | OMIM = 184757
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 3638
 | MGIid = 1346833
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR5A1_210333_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003674 |text = molecular_function}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003713 |text = transcription coactivator activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004872 |text = receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004879 |text = ligand-dependent nuclear receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005496 |text = steroid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008289 |text = lipid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0016439 |text = tRNA-pseudouridine synthase activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0001553 |text = luteinization}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007165 |text = signal transduction}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007267 |text = cell-cell signaling}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007538 |text = primary sex determination}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008406 |text = gonad development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008584 |text = male gonad development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0009888 |text = tissue development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030154 |text = cell differentiation}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0030325 |text = adrenal gland development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0045944 |text = positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0050810 |text = regulation of steroid biosynthetic process}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2516
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000136931
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_004950
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_004959
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 9
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 126283337
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 126309530
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q13285
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 26423
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000026751
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_139051
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_620639
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 2
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 38514636
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 38536513
    | Mm_Uniprot = P97782
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1''', also known as '''NR5A1''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR5A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

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| section_title = 
| summary_text = 

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Morohashi KI, Omura T |title=Ad4BP/SF-1, a transcription factor essential for the transcription of steroidogenic cytochrome P450 genes and for the establishment of the reproductive function. |journal=FASEB J. |volume=10 |issue= 14 |pages= 1569-77 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9002548 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Parker KL, Schimmer BP |title=Steroidogenic factor 1: a key determinant of endocrine development and function. |journal=Endocr. Rev. |volume=18 |issue= 3 |pages= 361-77 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9183568 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Achermann JC, Meeks JJ, Jameson JL |title=Phenotypic spectrum of mutations in DAX-1 and SF-1. |journal=Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. |volume=185 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 17-25 |year= 2003 |pmid= 11738790 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Ozisik G, Achermann JC, Jameson JL |title=The role of SF1 in adrenal and reproductive function: insight from naturally occurring mutations in humans. |journal=Mol. Genet. Metab. |volume=76 |issue= 2 |pages= 85-91 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12083805 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Jameson JL |title=Of mice and men: The tale of steroidogenic factor-1. |journal=J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. |volume=89 |issue= 12 |pages= 5927-9 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15579738 |doi= 10.1210/jc.2004-2047 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=de-Souza BF, Lin L, Achermann JC |title=Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) and its relevance to pediatric endocrinology. |journal=Pediatric endocrinology reviews : PER |volume=3 |issue= 4 |pages= 359-64 |year= 2006 |pmid= 16816804 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sadovsky Y, Crawford PA, Woodson KG, ''et al.'' |title=Mice deficient in the orphan receptor steroidogenic factor 1 lack adrenal glands and gonads but express P450 side-chain-cleavage enzyme in the placenta and have normal embryonic serum levels of corticosteroids. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=92 |issue= 24 |pages= 10939-43 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7479914 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sasano H, Shizawa S, Suzuki T, ''et al.'' |title=Ad4BP in the human adrenal cortex and its disorders. |journal=J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. |volume=80 |issue= 8 |pages= 2378-80 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7629233 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Taketo M, Parker KL, Howard TA, ''et al.'' |title=Homologs of Drosophila Fushi-Tarazu factor 1 map to mouse chromosome 2 and human chromosome 9q33. |journal=Genomics |volume=25 |issue= 2 |pages= 565-7 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7789992 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Shen WH, Moore CC, Ikeda Y, ''et al.'' |title=Nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 regulates the müllerian inhibiting substance gene: a link to the sex determination cascade. |journal=Cell |volume=77 |issue= 5 |pages= 651-61 |year= 1994 |pmid= 8205615 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Oba K, Yanase T, Nomura M, ''et al.'' |title=Structural characterization of human Ad4bp (SF-1) gene. |journal=Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. |volume=226 |issue= 1 |pages= 261-7 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8806624 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Asa SL, Bamberger AM, Cao B, ''et al.'' |title=The transcription activator steroidogenic factor-1 is preferentially expressed in the human pituitary gonadotroph. |journal=J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. |volume=81 |issue= 6 |pages= 2165-70 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8964846 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Bamberger AM, Ezzat S, Cao B, ''et al.'' |title=Expression of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) mRNA and protein in the human placenta. |journal=Mol. Hum. Reprod. |volume=2 |issue= 6 |pages= 457-61 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9238716 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Crawford PA, Polish JA, Ganpule G, Sadovsky Y |title=The activation function-2 hexamer of steroidogenic factor-1 is required, but not sufficient for potentiation by SRC-1. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=11 |issue= 11 |pages= 1626-35 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9328345 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nachtigal MW, Hirokawa Y, Enyeart-VanHouten DL, ''et al.'' |title=Wilms' tumor 1 and Dax-1 modulate the orphan nuclear receptor SF-1 in sex-specific gene expression. |journal=Cell |volume=93 |issue= 3 |pages= 445-54 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9590178 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=De Santa Barbara P, Bonneaud N, Boizet B, ''et al.'' |title=Direct interaction of SRY-related protein SOX9 and steroidogenic factor 1 regulates transcription of the human anti-Müllerian hormone gene. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=18 |issue= 11 |pages= 6653-65 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9774680 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hammer GD, Krylova I, Zhang Y, ''et al.'' |title=Phosphorylation of the nuclear receptor SF-1 modulates cofactor recruitment: integration of hormone signaling in reproduction and stress. |journal=Mol. Cell |volume=3 |issue= 4 |pages= 521-6 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10230405 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Achermann JC, Ito M, Ito M, ''et al.'' |title=A mutation in the gene encoding steroidogenic factor-1 causes XY sex reversal and adrenal failure in humans. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=22 |issue= 2 |pages= 125-6 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10369247 |doi= 10.1038/9629 }}

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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image = PBB_Protein_NR5A2_image.jpg
 | image_source = [[Protein_Data_Bank|PDB]] rendering based on 1yok.
 | PDB = {{PDB2|1yok}}, {{PDB2|1yuc}}, {{PDB2|1zdu}}, {{PDB2|2a66}}, {{PDB2|2ff0}}
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2
 | HGNCid = 7984
 | Symbol = NR5A2
 | AltSymbols =; B1F; B1F2; CPF; FTF; FTZ-F1; FTZ-F1beta; LRH-1; hB1F; hB1F-2
 | OMIM = 604453
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 20827
 | MGIid = 1346834
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003705 |text = RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, enhancer binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005515 |text = protein binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008289 |text = lipid binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006366 |text = transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008206 |text = bile acid metabolic process}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0009653 |text = anatomical structure morphogenesis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0009790 |text = embryonic development}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0042592 |text = homeostatic process}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0042632 |text = cholesterol homeostasis}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2494
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000116833
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_003813
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_003822
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 1
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 198263353
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 198413175
    | Hs_Uniprot = O00482
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 26424
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000026398
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = XM_990082
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = XP_995176
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 1
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 138660687
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 138776859
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q1WLP7
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2''', also known as '''NR5A2''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR5A2 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

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==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Bernier D, Thomassin H, Allard D, ''et al.'' |title=Functional analysis of developmentally regulated chromatin-hypersensitive domains carrying the alpha 1-fetoprotein gene promoter and the albumin/alpha 1-fetoprotein intergenic enhancer. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=13 |issue= 3 |pages= 1619-33 |year= 1993 |pmid= 7680097 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wong M, Ramayya MS, Chrousos GP, ''et al.'' |title=Cloning and sequence analysis of the human gene encoding steroidogenic factor 1. |journal=J. Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=17 |issue= 2 |pages= 139-47 |year= 1997 |pmid= 8938589 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Li M, Xie YH, Kong YY, ''et al.'' |title=Cloning and characterization of a novel human hepatocyte transcription factor, hB1F, which binds and activates enhancer II of hepatitis B virus. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=273 |issue= 44 |pages= 29022-31 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9786908 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Galarneau L, Drouin R, Bélanger L |title=Assignment of the fetoprotein transcription factor gene (FTF) to human chromosome band 1q32.11 by in situ hybridization. |journal=Cytogenet. Cell Genet. |volume=82 |issue= 3-4 |pages= 269-70 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9858833 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Nitta M, Ku S, Brown C, ''et al.'' |title=CPF: an orphan nuclear receptor that regulates liver-specific expression of the human cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase gene. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=96 |issue= 12 |pages= 6660-5 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10359768 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Goodwin B, Jones SA, Price RR, ''et al.'' |title=A regulatory cascade of the nuclear receptors FXR, SHP-1, and LRH-1 represses bile acid biosynthesis. |journal=Mol. Cell |volume=6 |issue= 3 |pages= 517-26 |year= 2000 |pmid= 11030332 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Wang ZN, Bassett M, Rainey WE |title=Liver receptor homologue-1 is expressed in the adrenal and can regulate transcription of 11 beta-hydroxylase. |journal=J. Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=27 |issue= 2 |pages= 255-8 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11564608 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Zhang CK, Lin W, Cai YN, ''et al.'' |title=Characterization of the genomic structure and tissue-specific promoter of the human nuclear receptor NR5A2 (hB1F) gene. |journal=Gene |volume=273 |issue= 2 |pages= 239-49 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11595170 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lee YK, Moore DD |title=Dual mechanisms for repression of the monomeric orphan receptor liver receptor homologous protein-1 by the orphan small heterodimer partner. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 4 |pages= 2463-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11668176 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M105161200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Clyne CD, Speed CJ, Zhou J, Simpson ER |title=Liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) regulates expression of aromatase in preadipocytes. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 23 |pages= 20591-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11927588 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M201117200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Brendel C, Gelman L, Auwerx J |title=Multiprotein bridging factor-1 (MBF-1) is a cofactor for nuclear receptors that regulate lipid metabolism. |journal=Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=16 |issue= 6 |pages= 1367-77 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12040021 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sirianni R, Seely JB, Attia G, ''et al.'' |title=Liver receptor homologue-1 is expressed in human steroidogenic tissues and activates transcription of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes. |journal=J. Endocrinol. |volume=174 |issue= 3 |pages= R13-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12208674 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Sablin EP, Krylova IN, Fletterick RJ, Ingraham HA |title=Structural basis for ligand-independent activation of the orphan nuclear receptor LRH-1. |journal=Mol. Cell |volume=11 |issue= 6 |pages= 1575-85 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12820970 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Privalsky ML |title=Activation incarnate. |journal=Dev. Cell |volume=5 |issue= 1 |pages= 1-2 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12852843 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Fayard E, Schoonjans K, Annicotte JS, Auwerx J |title=Liver receptor homolog 1 controls the expression of carboxyl ester lipase. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue= 37 |pages= 35725-31 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12853459 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M302370200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Annicotte JS, Fayard E, Swift GH, ''et al.'' |title=Pancreatic-duodenal homeobox 1 regulates expression of liver receptor homolog 1 during pancreas development. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=23 |issue= 19 |pages= 6713-24 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12972592 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Peng N, Kim JW, Rainey WE, ''et al.'' |title=The role of the orphan nuclear receptor, liver receptor homologue-1, in the regulation of human corpus luteum 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II. |journal=J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. |volume=88 |issue= 12 |pages= 6020-8 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14671206 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Cai YN, Zhou Q, Kong YY, ''et al.'' |title=LRH-1/hB1F and HNF1 synergistically up-regulate hepatitis B virus gene transcription and DNA replication. |journal=Cell Res. |volume=13 |issue= 6 |pages= 451-8 |year= 2004 |pmid= 14728801 |doi= 10.1038/ }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Saxena D, Safi R, Little-Ihrig L, Zeleznik AJ |title=Liver receptor homolog-1 stimulates the progesterone biosynthetic pathway during follicle-stimulating hormone-induced granulosa cell differentiation. |journal=Endocrinology |volume=145 |issue= 8 |pages= 3821-9 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15117876 |doi= 10.1210/en.2004-0423 }}

  • INFO: Beginning work on NR6A1... {November 18, 2007 7:41:56 PM PST}
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| update_protein_box = yes
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<!-- The GNF_Protein_box is automatically maintained by Protein Box Bot.  See Template:PBB_Controls to Stop updates. -->
 | image =  
 | image_source =  
 | PDB = 
 | Name = Nuclear receptor subfamily 6, group A, member 1
 | HGNCid = 7985
 | Symbol = NR6A1
 | AltSymbols =; GCNF; GCNF1; NR61; RTR
 | OMIM = 602778
 | ECnumber =  
 | Homologene = 36308
 | MGIid = 1352459
 | GeneAtlas_image1 = PBB_GE_NR6A1_207742_s_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image2 = PBB_GE_NR6A1_210391_at_tn.png
 | GeneAtlas_image3 = PBB_GE_NR6A1_210392_x_at_tn.png
 | Function = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003700 |text = transcription factor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0003707 |text = steroid hormone receptor activity}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008270 |text = zinc ion binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0043565 |text = sequence-specific DNA binding}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0046872 |text = metal ion binding}} 
 | Component = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005634 |text = nucleus}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0005667 |text = transcription factor complex}} 
 | Process = {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000122 |text = negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006350 |text = transcription}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0006355 |text = regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0007283 |text = spermatogenesis}} {{GNF_GO|id=GO:0008283 |text = cell proliferation}} 
 | Orthologs = {{GNF_Ortholog_box
    | Hs_EntrezGene = 2649
    | Hs_Ensembl = ENSG00000148200
    | Hs_RefseqProtein = NP_001480
    | Hs_RefseqmRNA = NM_001489
    | Hs_GenLoc_db =  
    | Hs_GenLoc_chr = 9
    | Hs_GenLoc_start = 126319380
    | Hs_GenLoc_end = 126573410
    | Hs_Uniprot = Q15406
    | Mm_EntrezGene = 14536
    | Mm_Ensembl = ENSMUSG00000063972
    | Mm_RefseqmRNA = NM_010264
    | Mm_RefseqProtein = NP_034394
    | Mm_GenLoc_db =  
    | Mm_GenLoc_chr = 2
    | Mm_GenLoc_start = 38545379
    | Mm_GenLoc_end = 38748226
    | Mm_Uniprot = Q687Z3
'''Nuclear receptor subfamily 6, group A, member 1''', also known as '''NR6A1''', is a human [[gene]].<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR6A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 6, group A, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

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| section_title = 
| summary_text = This gene encodes an orphan nuclear receptor which is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family. Its expression pattern suggests that it may be involved in neurogenesis and germ cell development. The protein can homodimerize and bind DNA, but in vivo targets have not been identified. The gene expresses three alternatively spliced transcript variants.<ref name="entrez">{{cite web | title = Entrez Gene: NR6A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 6, group A, member 1| url =| accessdate = }}</ref>

==Further reading==
{{refbegin | 2}}
| citations = 
*{{cite journal  | author=Greschik H, Schüle R |title=Germ cell nuclear factor: an orphan receptor with unexpected properties. |journal=J. Mol. Med. |volume=76 |issue= 12 |pages= 800-10 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9846950 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Hirose T, O'Brien DA, Jetten AM |title=RTR: a new member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that is highly expressed in murine testis. |journal=Gene |volume=152 |issue= 2 |pages= 247-51 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7835709 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Süsens U, Borgmeyer U |title=Characterization of the human germ cell nuclear factor gene. |journal=Biochim. Biophys. Acta |volume=1309 |issue= 3 |pages= 179-82 |year= 1997 |pmid= 8982251 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yan ZH, Medvedev A, Hirose T, ''et al.'' |title=Characterization of the response element and DNA binding properties of the nuclear orphan receptor germ cell nuclear factor/retinoid receptor-related testis-associated receptor. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=272 |issue= 16 |pages= 10565-72 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9099702 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lei W, Hirose T, Zhang LX, ''et al.'' |title=Cloning of the human orphan receptor germ cell nuclear factor/retinoid receptor-related testis-associated receptor and its differential regulation during embryonal carcinoma cell differentiation. |journal=J. Mol. Endocrinol. |volume=18 |issue= 2 |pages= 167-76 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9134503 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Kapelle M, Krätzschmar J, Husemann M, Schleuning WD |title=cDNA cloning of two closely related forms of human germ cell nuclear factor (GCNF). |journal=Biochim. Biophys. Acta |volume=1352 |issue= 1 |pages= 13-7 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9177477 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Agoulnik IY, Cho Y, Niederberger C, ''et al.'' |title=Cloning, expression analysis and chromosomal localization of the human nuclear receptor gene GCNF. |journal=FEBS Lett. |volume=424 |issue= 1-2 |pages= 73-8 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9537518 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Greschik H, Wurtz JM, Hublitz P, ''et al.'' |title=Characterization of the DNA-binding and dimerization properties of the nuclear orphan receptor germ cell nuclear factor. |journal=Mol. Cell. Biol. |volume=19 |issue= 1 |pages= 690-703 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9858592 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Schmitz TP, Süsens U, Borgmeyer U |title=DNA binding, protein interaction and differential expression of the human germ cell nuclear factor. |journal=Biochim. Biophys. Acta |volume=1446 |issue= 3 |pages= 173-80 |year= 1999 |pmid= 10524192 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yan Z, Jetten AM |title=Characterization of the repressor function of the nuclear orphan receptor retinoid receptor-related testis-associated receptor/germ cell nuclear factor. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=275 |issue= 45 |pages= 35077-85 |year= 2001 |pmid= 10940306 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M005566200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Süsens U, Borgmeyer U |title=Genomic structure of the gene for mouse germ-cell nuclear factor (GCNF). II. Comparison with the genomic structure of the human GCNF gene. |journal=Genome Biol. |volume=2 |issue= 5 |pages= RESEARCH0017 |year= 2001 |pmid= 11387038 |doi=  }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Mehta DV, Kim YS, Dixon D, Jetten AM |title=Characterization of the expression of the retinoid-related, testis-associated receptor (RTR) in trophoblasts. |journal=Placenta |volume=23 |issue= 4 |pages= 281-7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11969338 |doi= 10.1053/plac.2001.0779 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yan Z, Kim YS, Jetten AM |title=RAP80, a novel nuclear protein that interacts with the retinoid-related testis-associated receptor. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 35 |pages= 32379-88 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12080054 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M203475200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Lan ZJ, Chung AC, Xu X, ''et al.'' |title=The embryonic function of germ cell nuclear factor is dependent on the DNA binding domain. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=277 |issue= 52 |pages= 50660-7 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12381721 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M209586200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, ''et al.'' |title=Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=99 |issue= 26 |pages= 16899-903 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12477932 |doi= 10.1073/pnas.242603899 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Yang G, Zhang YL, Buchold GM, ''et al.'' |title=Analysis of germ cell nuclear factor transcripts and protein expression during spermatogenesis. |journal=Biol. Reprod. |volume=68 |issue= 5 |pages= 1620-30 |year= 2003 |pmid= 12606326 |doi= 10.1095/biolreprod.102.012013 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Rajkovic M, Middendorff R, Wetzel MG, ''et al.'' |title=Germ cell nuclear factor relieves cAMP-response element modulator tau-mediated activation of the testis-specific promoter of human mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=279 |issue= 50 |pages= 52493-9 |year= 2005 |pmid= 15456763 |doi= 10.1074/jbc.M404467200 }}
*{{cite journal  | author=Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, ''et al.'' |title=The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). |journal=Genome Res. |volume=14 |issue= 10B |pages= 2121-7 |year= 2004 |pmid= 15489334 |doi= 10.1101/gr.2596504 }}

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  • UPDATED: Updated protein page: Progesterone receptor {November 18, 2007 7:48:17 PM PST}

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