


Astrosensology is a new approach to astrology, combining traditional astrological principles with common sense and practical decision-making. It aims to address the skepticism surrounding conventional astrology by providing straightforward, non-mystical predictions that are easy to apply in everyday life.



Astrosensology acknowledges the general skepticism towards astrology due to its often unscientific claims. However, it also recognizes the human need for belief systems that provide guidance and fulfilment. By merging simplified astrological insights with practical advice, Astrosensology offers a balanced approach that is both accessible and sensible.

Key Principles

  1. Simplified Astrology: Astrosensology strips down traditional astrology to its core elements, focusing on practical and relevant aspects that can be easily understood and applied.
  2. Common Sense Predictions: The predictions made in Astrosensology are grounded in common sense, avoiding mystical and esoteric language. This makes the guidance more relatable and actionable for contemporary individuals.
  3. Practical Decision-Making: By offering straightforward advice, Astrosensology helps individuals make better decisions in their daily lives, reducing the mental energy expended on complex choices.



Astrosensology was founded on June 1, 2024, in London by Ian Bal, the first known Astrosensologist.

Founder: Ian Bal


Ian Bal's vision for Astrosensology was to provide a tool that could offer meaningful guidance without the often confusing and mystical elements of traditional astrology. His approach focuses on helping people navigate their lives with simple, clear advice that resonates with their everyday experiences.



Astrosensology can be applied in various aspects of life, including:

  • Personal Relationships: Providing insights into compatibility and communication strategies.
  • Career Guidance: Offering advice on job changes, career paths, and professional development.
  • Health and Wellness: Suggesting lifestyle adjustments and wellness practices based on astrological insights.
  • Financial Decisions: Guiding financial planning and investment strategies.

Future Prospects


As Astrosensology gains popularity, it is expected to evolve further, incorporating feedback from users and integrating more practical tools for daily decision-making. The goal is to establish Astrosensology as a credible and useful system for those seeking guidance in their lives without relying on mystical explanations.

Astrosensology represents a modern take on an ancient practice, providing a pragmatic approach to astrology that meets the needs of today's fast-paced and rational world.