User:Prince !n Exile!$$$/Adaptive bias

Article Draft




Adaptive Bias in Mating and Romantic Relationships


In the ancient times Men used to gain more benefits by involving in sexual encounters with multiple partners Men can involve in reproducing an offspring with minimal investment, women do a lot of investing by spending nine months carrying the baby and then taking care and lactating. men can easily increase their number of offsprings by mating more but women have to invest substantially to do that. men are sexually more eager because than women because they have to pay less price while for women its a great deal and thats the reason men are looking for more short-term relationships and are uncommitted in many relationships. whereas women are very picky when it comes to selecting a partner and they need assurance that their partner is going to be with them for having sex, during pregnancy and the whole time of child rearing. Men have more advantages when looking for short-term uncommitted relationships. So, they have been given an ability to look for cues given by women who are sexually interested. sometimes their understanding with uncertainty are prone to errors and according to error management theory, inaccurate judgements are biased towards overperception. Men generally do that because they don't want to lose a partner by underestimating her interest and losing it.

