Who am I and what do I do?


My name is Craig Bennett and I am a postdoc in cognitive neuroscience at the University of California, Santa Barbara. My main research interests are in the fields of decision-making, risk perception, cognitive-emotional integration, and fMRI methods. As a postdoctoral researcher I am working on developing new imaging techniques to detect and quantify individual differences in brain activity. The end goal of this work is to better understand how individual differences impact clinical vulnerability to anxiety disorders.

I completed my B.S. in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Kansas in 2003 and received my PhD in Psychological and Brain Sciences from Dartmouth College in 2008. My dissertation research was supervised by Abigail Baird and George Wolford and was focused on the integration of interoceptive information with higher cognitive processes.

I keep a weblog related to my professional interests at http://prefrontal.org

Things I would like to do on Wikipedia


- Many of my research questions have focused on the development of interoception. Currently searching for interoception forwards you directly to the sense page. I want to lobby that this be changed to give interoception its own page.

- I am a strong advocate for scientific outreach and see Wikipedia as an ideal way to put peer-reviewed research results in the hands of the public. This is one of the primary reasons I am trying to move from being a consumer of information to a contributor in the Wikipedia world.