Here is the list of names of the 100 sons and a daughter.

  1. * * Duryodhana,
  2. * * Dussaasana,
  3. * * Dussaha,
  4. * * Dussalan,
  5. * * Jalagandha,
  6. * * Sama,
  7. * * Saha,
  8. * * Vindha,
  9. * * Anuvindha,
  10. * * Durdharsha,
  11. * * Subaahu,
  12. * * Dushpradharsha,
  13. * * Durmarshana,
  14. * * Durmukha,
  15. * * Dushkarna,
  16. * * Vikarna
  17. * * Sala,
  18. * * Sathwan,
  19. * * Sulochan,
  20. * * Chithra,
  21. * * Capachithra,
  22. * * Chithraaksha,
  23. * * Chaaruchithra,
  24. * * Saraasana
  25. * * Durmada
  26. * * Durvigaaha
  27. * * Vivilsu
  28. * * Vikatinanda
  29. * * Oornanaabha
  30. * * Sunaabha
  31. * * Nanda
  32. * * Upananda
  33. * * Chithrabaana
  34. * * Chithravarma
  35. * * Suvarma
  36. * * Durvimocha
  37. * * Ayobaahu
  38. * * Mahabaahu
  39. * * Chithraamaga
  40. * * Chitrakundala
  41. * * Bheemavega
  42. * * Bheemabela
  43. * * Vaalaki
  44. * * Belavardhana
  45. * * Ugrayudha
  46. * * Sushena
  47. * * Kundhaadhara
  48. * * Mahodara
  49. * * Chithrayudha
  50. * * Nishamgi
  51. * * Paasi
  52. * * Vrindaaraka
  53. * * Dridavarma
  54. * * Dridakshatra
  55. * * Somakeerthi
  56. * * Anthudara
  57. * * Dridasandha
  58. * * Jarasandha
  59. * * Sathyasanda
  60. * * Sadasuvaaka
  61. * * Ugrasravas
  62. * * Ugrasena
  63. * * Senani
  64. * * Dushparaj
  65. * * Aparajita
  66. * * Kundasai
  67. * * Visalaksha
  68. * * Duraadhara
  69. * * Dridahasta
  70. * * Suhastha
  71. * * Vatavega
  72. * * Suvarcha
  73. * * Adityaketu
  74. * * Bahawaasi
  75. * * Nagadata
  76. * * Ugrasaai
  77. * * Kavachi
  78. * * Kradhana
  79. * * Kundhi
  80. * * Bheemavikra
  81. * * Danurdara
  82. * * Veerabaahu
  83. * * Alolupa
  84. * * Abhaya
  85. * * Dhridhakarmavu
  86. * * Dhridharathaasraya
  87. * * Anaadhrushya
  88. * * Kundhabhedi
  89. * * Viraavi
  90. * * Chithrakundala
  91. * * Pradhama
  92. * * Amapramaadhi
  93. * * Deerakharoma
  94. * * Suveeryavaan
  95. * * Dheerkhabaahu
  96. * * Sujaatha
  97. * * Kaanchanadhwaja
  98. * * Kundhaasi
  99. * * Virajasa
  100. * * Yuyutsu
  101. * * Dussala (Daughter)

Mahabharatha is not a work of fiction.

Historians date the Mahabharata war to 3067 BC .The Mahabharata mentions that the southern kingdoms of Pandyas and Cholas took part in the war and that they were on the side of the Pandavas. Excavations by Dr. S R Rao of Bangalore at Dwarkara have revealed the existence of a city that was submerged. Fragments of pottery and stone pillars have been recovered. Indraprastha is nearDelhi and it was in this area that the Purana Qila is constructed. Here too excavations have yielded artifacts dating to the Mahabharata period. Duryodhana was killed by Bheema after the war had been won. Bheema challenged Duryodhana to a mace fight (Gada Yuddha) and killed him. Bheema also killed Dushashana during the war. It is said the Duryodhana did not cry when all his brothers were killed in the war by Bheema. The only time he wept inconsolably was when Arjuna slew Karna. It was Sahadeva who killed Shakuni. The Mahabharata says Sahadeva first killed Shakuni’s son Uluka. When Shakuni started to run away, Sahadeva taunted him about the dice game that he had rigged and killed him with a spear. Today, Kurukshetra is in Haryana state and the battleground covers several areas. There are more than 360 sight seeing places associated with the Mahabharata in the vicinity of Thaneswar or Tanesar and Kurukshetra towns. Some of the areas I have been able to come out with are Jyoti Sar where Krishna preached Bhagavath Geeta to Arjuna. There is the progeny of a banyan tree under which Krishna revealed the Geetha. It is on the Pehowa Road and is 12 kms from Kurukshetra town. Niyoga-The birth conception Niyoga is a process of conceiving a child, when a person is dead or incapable to attain fatherhood can designate or request another person to make her women to conceive a child. The selection of appointing person for this duty likely be elected on the basis of respect and admiration towardsconcern.This process of conceiving is to protect ‘dharma’ or righteousness of family. It is not to fulfill the pleasure. Artificial insemination without joining any intercourse and Cloning the fertilization of egg in laboratories,Stem cells are the other methods which comes parallel with niyoga process.

Traditional stories:

  • In the epic Ramayana, Kalmashapada who is ancestor of Lord Rama. Kalmashpada was the son of Raghu from his name Raghuvamsh name originated.Rama is a descendant of Kalmashapada. Kalmashapada queen Madayanti done niyoga process with sage Vashista to bear a child named as Ashmaka.
  • In the epic Mahabharata, Bharata kingdom queen Satyavathi called her son Sage Vyasa to do Niyoga process for her widow daughter-in-laws Ambika, Ambalika and her maid Parishrami to produce Dhritarashtra, Panduraj and Vidura as sons. Again Panduraj was incapable to give a child to her wives Kunti and madri, they got pandavas by performing Niyoga process.
  • Again Vyasa protected unfertilized egg which came out from Queen gandhari womb by keeping them in Ghee pots to give births to 101 Kauravas.
  • In Bhagavatha- 4 skanda, Their is a story of King Vena, Due to Vena curel intentions and evil activities great sages killed him. But to establish a king or legal heir for kingdom, sages churned thighs and arms of king vena to give births to Prithu, Archi and a demon. These children were born without intervention of female.
  • Another story which revolve on birth of King Balarama who is brother of Lord Krishna.In the presence of Vasudeva( father of Krishna & Balarama) Devaki 7th womb was transferred to Rohini by Yogamaya. Balarama was taken birth from Rohini.

Intresting Facts:

 Kshetrabijam, to beget a son on his wife was also explained in Kautilya Arthasastra.  Child who born in this niyoga process is considered the child of Wife and Husband. The selected person for niyoga process will not become father of child.  The born child was called as kshetraja – child of wife and husband.  The selected person will not allow to make relationship with mother or child in future.  The selected person will allow only three times for niyoga process in his life time.  The persons who participate in niyoga process, their whole bodies will be covered by ghee to eliminate lust from their minds.  According to Manusmriti this process was forbidden. And treated it as social custom, not as religious custom. Scientific assumptions:Big text  In Ramayana, the origin of Ashmaka may give an idea of Artificial insemination. Injecting a sperm in womb to fertilize egg without any physical intercourse. Even pandavs birth may be related to Artificial insemination.  The story of Kauravas will remind us Test-tube baby. Which means an egg is fertilized by sperm in outside environment.  In Bhagavatham, The story of king Vena will raise thoughts on Cloning. Reproducing genetic xerox copy of a person by propagating an organism or cell.  Balarama birth may be taken place with technology of surrogate baby or rent a womb. When health related issues arouse in pregnant lady she can transfer womb to another womb to protect the baby which is called as Surrogate baby.  In this criteria Foster father differs from biological father. But child remains as a son of foster father.