Praeceptor - Language: Latin; Part of Speech: Noun; Definition: TEACHER

Praeceptor. Teacher. That would be me. Ed Rimkus. I teach kids. I've taught big ones, little ones, ones of color, smart ones, troubled ones, talented ones, screwed-up ones, abstract-random ones, logical-sequential ones, artistic ones, English language ones, exchange ones, rich ones, homeless ones, body-smart ones, nature-smart ones, clueless ones, challenging ones, challenged ones. Became fond of them all. Currently I teach at ACHIEVE Language Academy, a K-8 charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

I'm a newbie, with the usual reluctance to dive right in. Patience and latitude respectfully requested.

I guess I think that if it's in print with the intent to instruct, it darn well better be accurate. Spelled correctly, too. Grammar wouldn't hurt. Nor would a world view. And readability. What about removal of bias?

On second thought, get me that editing pen!