This PO for Wiki from Hyderabad Sliding is done after fixing bacteria (smear) to the slide

(Heat kills and fixes the bacteria to the slide due to coagulation of bacterial protiens)

Coagulative Necrosis

staining techniques edit

  1. simple staining
  2. negative staining
  3. differential staining
  4. impregnating methods

'''simple staining'''

simple staining provides color contrast but all the bacteria in snear are atained by same color

eg..,methylene blue,basic fuchsin

'''negative staining'''

here the background gets stained and bacteria are unstained

bacterial capusules doesnt take simple stains so by negative staining we can study them.

stain:Indian ink/nigrosin

'''differential stains'''

imparts different colors to different bacterial structures /bacteria

eg..,gram stain,acid fast stain