How to Power a Lightbulb


what is a Lightbulb,and how it Works

   A lightbulb is a glass ball that makes light. When the 

electricity of a battery is in the lightbulb it gets hot.

The electricity goes up into the glass bulb it moves 

through the wire and turns hot. The steel wire will light up because

of the heat.

How it can be Powered

   The lightbulb can be powered with these materials,
  • Two wires
  • Dercell Battery
  • Miniture Lanterns-tiny light bulbs)
   To make this work take the battery and put either end of the wire on the posotive.(The side of the battery with the bump,and red wires that come in a roll) Then do the same thing with the negetive.(other end of the battery)put the posotive end on the bottom of the lightbulb