General Details


PheonixHistory22 was an account created to help edit wiki articles and allow smoother reading of said articles. This user has adequate knowledge on The Punic wars, The Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon I, Tsar Alexander I, Robespierre, The French Revolution, The Bible, The Gallic campaigns, Julius Caesar, Augustus(Octavian), The Byzantine Empire, The Roman Empire, The Russian Revolution, The Russian Civil War, Stalin, Adolf Hitler, WWI, WWII, Georgy Zhukov, The Greco-Persian Wars, Alexander the Great, The American Revolution, George Washington, The US Civil War, Cortez, and of General Geography.

Ranked Generals

This is a list of the top 10 Generals/Military Commanders as written and considered by PhoenixHistory22 along with Era and Country:

  1. Chinggiss Khan(Early Middle Ages, Mongolia)
  2. Julius Caesar(Classic Period, Rome)
  3. Napoleon Bonaparte(Napoleonic Era, France)
  4. Alexander the Great(Ancient, Greece)
  5. Cyrus the Great(Ancient, Persia)
  6. Georgy Zhukov(Modern, Soviet Union)
  7. Hannibal Barca(Early Classic, Carthage)
  8. Atilla the Hun(Classic, Germania(Note: there was not a unified German state at the time, but was from the general area)
  9. Scipio Africanus(Early Classic, Rome)
  10. Admiral Lord Nelson(Napoleonic Era, Britain)

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Sun Tzu(Ancient, China)
  2. Hamilcar Barca(Early Classic, Carthage)
  3. Robert E. Lee(Early Modern Period, USA)
  4. Flavius Belisarius(Early Middle ages/ Late Classic, Byzantium)