During the Vietnam War an estimated 20 million gallons of Agent Orange was used to deforest the jungles in Vietnam so that it was harder for opposing forces to hide[1]. The use of the herbicide has been linked to causing approximately 400,000 deaths and somewhere between 150-500,000 children born with birth defects[1]. The National Academy of Science has conclusive determined that Agent Orange causes Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Hodgkin Lymphoma and Chloracne[2].

  1. ^ a b Louv, Jason (2013). Monsanto vs. the World: The Monsanto Protection Act, GMOs and Our Genetically Modified Future. Ultraculture Press. p. 29. ISBN 9781484975909.
  2. ^ "Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2014".