
  • Bulleted list item
  • Birth date: July 12, 1954
  • Nationality: Vietnamese Married
  • Occupation: Medical Doctor, Master of Public Health, PhD in Epidemiology, Associate Professor of Epidemiology


  • 1978: Graduated from Hanoi Medical College, Vietnam
  • 1986-1988: Postgraduate training on Epidemiology and Clinical Immunology, National Institute for

Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Berlin, Germany.

  • 1/1990-4/1990: Training on HIV laboratory techniques, WHO Collaborating Center, Bangui, Central

Republic of Africa.

  • 1992-1993: Master Course on Health Development (Master of Public Health), Royal Tropical

Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • 4/1996-6/1996: Postdoctoral Course on HIV/AIDS Epidemiology, University of California, Los

Angeles, USA

  • 1/2002: PhD Degree at Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.