Gaiers’ Digital Photography Curriculum September 20, 2008

Color isolation is a digital effect related to the old hand coloring technique. Hand coloring is done by using transparent layers(diluted oil paint) on top of the image so that the photograph is visible underneath the paint. Hand coloring goes back to the early 20th century and earlier where a black and white image or sienna type is painted. This effect is most recently made popular by the late John Belushi’s wife to video footage of the Saturday Night Live footage from the 1970’s. Video after all is a series of still images about 29 photographs per second stored on a magnetic plastic material. Now video is digital and the image is broken into a binary code of 1s and zeros.

Color Isolation- 25-60% opacity a focal point( small portion of the total image)
Digital hand color – 25-60% opactity over the entire image no black and white anywhere.
Scale distortion- “Godzilla meets Metropolis” the notion of scale is tweeked to make 

unreal looking images that are humorous.

Halftone- A digital image is converted into a series of dots for a printing process to cloth or paper.
“The Marcel Duchamp”- Jerk said that If I paint a moustache on a photo of the mona Lisa, I have made a new piece of art. Humorous, not serious art also considered 

Avante Garde, Cousin to the “shock art”. How many of us have ever drew a moustache on a ladies face in a magazine or newspaper? I used to do this all of the time when I was a child. Today, my children get so much joy from drawing moustaches and blackening out teeth on the fashion models faces in the LA Times. Duchamp enjoyed this as well.

The Caravaggio”- dramatic lighting digitally that darken the image and really focus the viewer to a specific source of light or place in the image.

“The Kurosawa	-  ie the movie “dreams”  the man goes into the van gogh painting and starts walking around.  The use of an artistic background in focus or out creates a superb background for portraiture.  

The Schwab – Making an photograph into an entirely opaque digital painting that looks somewhat cartoonish like the movie “A Scanner Darkly” or the Charles Schwab Commericals.

“The Preservative”- This is a photograph of food that you enhance digitally. Either into a Caravaggio/Rembrandt

The Archimboldo” - take anything and make it into a face

“The Beverly Doolittle”- like archimboldo, but it includes faces and animals hidden in landscapes

Conservation/ Restoration of old torn and creased images

archiving and organizing images.

power point portfolio with text over the image

The “Mixed-Up- Media I” From digital to chemical and back to digi again.

The “Mixed-Up- Media II” from chemical to digitally altered and back to film

The PSA Poster Motto and social progress theme

 The Widget- A logo and motto for a fictional product.
 The Kennedy PR Page Statistics, demographics, photographs and narratives about Kennedy
       “Whos who” from Kennedy.

 How to register for a google docs or Wikipedia Commons account(get a unified account). 

(The mothership to send all images and files.) This achives and publishes at the same time to a permanent online site that will hold your images until the end of time. The only caveat is you never want confidential or very personal information such as your home address, your home phone number, your cell phone, your email address or even a photo of yourself. The purpose of this class is publish academic and artistic work. THERE ARE MANY PREDATORS OUT THERE AND ALL OF THE ABOVE SAFEGUARDS MUST BE FOLLOWED OR A STUDENT COULD BECOME VUNERABLE.