
gui is a dependant sub-module of externalLinkProblem.js.

On top of subject (or talk page) a box is shown; on subject page a list of URL and hints may be visible.



An Array mw.libs.externalLinkProblem.problems has to be provided from data source.

Each element is an object with elements as described in the following table:

url string mandatory (the one and only)
URL with problem
mode number HTTP status other than 404, or curl id
since string recent years
listed boolean Spam etc.
wba string
wayback: true / id
cit string
webcitation: true / id
sub string suitable partial URL
other Array[ numbers ] pageid of other pages which had the same problem, or still have
learnt boolean true: should be resolved now
live boolean true: effective on subject page
added on subject page
url Array[ strings ] URL, present on subject page.
last true: obsolete bot section present
loose Open completely new window/tab for talk page and other link always.
levels Offer segmented URL path.
lookup Link Google search.
mode Unfold details.
  • 0 – start folded.
  • 1 – memorize last state in window/tab.
  • 2 – start always unfolded.


Source code
  • ext.gadget.externalLinkProblem/gui
  • Dependencies: mediawiki.util, oojs, oojs-ui-core, oojs-ui-widgets
  • any content (nsn ≥ 0)
Cookies externalLinkProblem (sessionStorage) Memorize toggle state.
mw.libs externalLinkProblem
mw.hook externalLinkProblem/gui.ready