House Targaryen of Dragonstone
Parent familyThe Targaryen Family, Valyria
  • Valyrian Freehold
  • The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros


  • Slaver´s Bay, Meereen
Place of originValyria
  • The house itself: Aegon I Targaryen, 1 AC
  • The Targaryen family, in Valyria, unknown founder
Current headDisputed since 300 AC:
  • Daenerys I, the daughter of the last Targaryen king, Aerys II, became after the death of her brother Viserys in 298 AC.
  • Aegon VI, also called Young Griff, claims to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and his wife Elia Martell.
Final rulerFinal Targaryen ruler of the Seven Kingdoms:
  • Aerys II Targaryen
In Meereen, however, Daenerys I rules the city of Meereen and styles herself Queen of Meereen.
  • Great Pyramid of Meereen




MottoFire and Blood
  • Blackfyre (In possession of the sellsword company, the Golden Company)
  • Dark Sister (Lost beyond the Wall)
  • Crown of Aegon I (Lost in Dorne)
  • Crown of Aenys I (Fate unknown)
  • Crown of Jaehaerys I (Sold by Rheanyra)
  • Crown of Aegon III (Fate unknown)
  • Crown of Aegon IV (Fate unknown)
  • Crown of Maekar I (Fate unknown)
  • Crown of Daenerys I
Deposition283 AC, Robert´s Rebellion
Cadet branchesHouse Blackfyre

House Targaryen of Dragonstone is a noble house in Westeros, in the fictional world of the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by American author George R. R. Martin and its television adaptations Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. The house was founded by Aegon Targaryen in 1 AC, known as “Aegon the Conqueror”, when he waged war against the kingdoms of Westeros, also called Aegon´s Conquest. The houses origins, however, trace back to Old Valyria.

After Aegon´s Conquest of six of the Seven Kingdoms, and his coronation in Oldtown, the House Targaryen of King´s Landing was founded. Thereafter, they held the title of King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

The house ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros for almost 300 years, until Robert´s Rebellion, also called by Targaryen loyalists The War of the Usurper. After the Sack of King´s Landing by Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm´s End was installed as the king, ending the Targaryen rule of the Seven Kingdoms and sending the remaining royalty, Viserys and Daenerys into exile.

Origins and Relocation


The Targaryen family was a dragonlord family in Valyria, located in Essos, together with other two scores of other families, they fought for power and control on the Freehold. The Targaryens were a minor family compared with the others.

It was in 114 BC however, that one of the offspring of Aenar Targaryen, also known as “Aenar the Exile”, Daenys Targaryen, also known as “Daenys the Dreamer” had a prophetic dream about the end of Valyria, that the volcanoes would erupt and destroy the Freehold´s capital, her father believed in her dream and sold all their estates on the territory and moved with slaves, wealth, their relatives and five dragons to Dragonstone, the westernmost outpost built by the Valyrians.

The House during the Century of Blood


The century after the Doom of Valyria, which destroyed the capital of the Valyrian Freehold and crumbled the country into many independent cities, like the nine Free cities and the territories of Slaver´s Bay, saw many wars between the cities, who each fought control of territories, it became known after as the Century of Blood.

House Targaryen stayed relatively neutral on the wars that plunged Essos, it was only in the end of the century that a young Aegon Targaryen (Later Aegon I) was asked by Pentos and Tyrosh to form an alliance against Volantis, Aegon then, flew with Balerion, one of the five dragons brought with Aenar´s entourage on 114 BC, and the only one to have survived to these days. To meet with the Prince of Pentos, and then flew to Lys and burned the Volantene fleet, ending their dominance on the continent of Essos.

Aegon´s Conquest


After the conflict with the First Daughter of Valyria, another name used by the city of Volantis. Aegon, now the Lord of Dragonstone, decided to marry his sisters, Visenya and Rhaena, as was Valyrian custom. It was said that Aegon married Visenya out of duty and Rhaenys because of love.

He had his eyes set to the continent of Westeros, divided in many kingdoms, it was in 2 BC, a century after Valyria of Old had fallen, Aegon sent a cloud of ravens to announce the start of his conquest.

Aegon had inicially the support of the Velaryons and Celtigars, other houses that hailed from Valyria, and the Masseys. They landed at the mouth of the Blackwater rush, with 1.600 men, the place that would later become the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, King´s Landing. there he begun the construction on its highest hill, the Aegonfort, a motte-and-bailey castle.

The lord of Dragonstone proceded to invade