A little over 51 years ago (August 18, 1936), W. R. Hotchkiss issued an edict -- all orders coming into his company would go out the next day, regardless of time, energy and cost involved. The firm is Deluxe Check Printers, whose product is ordinary bank check. The firm publishes its service results in its annual report. Last year, 97.1 percent of orders went out the next day, and 99.6 percent were shipped error free. The report also announced $121 million of after-tax profits on $867 million of sales in 1986 -- one of the highest profit margins among the entire Fortune 500. Once again, Deluxe Check's service-added, not the "generic" check is the key.

http://www.deluxe.com/dlxab/deluxe-history.jsp : Deluxe History

Someone once said, you can judge the future by the past. At Deluxe, we believe our history points to a future of endless opportunities for success.

Deluxe Corporation, like many successful companies, came from very humble beginnings.

Our founder, William Roy Hotchkiss William Roy Hotchkiss was born to a large family in 1876, in Whitewater, Wisconsin. When his father died in 1886, 10-year-old Willie took a job at the local newspaper to help support his family. Will learned printing skills that would help him throughout his life and career.

After graduating from high school, Will Hotchkiss began a career in newspaper publishing. He bought several city and county newspapers in Wisconsin, and his career was born. In 1913, however, Hotchkiss became ill, and on doctor's orders, moved his family to Southern California to recuperate. The former publisher soon embarked on a new career: Chicken farming.

An Idea After several (unsuccessful) years on the chicken farm, Hotchkiss realized his destiny was in printing, not farming. The chicken farmer relocated his family to St. Paul, Minnesota.

Hotchkiss had a great idea. Many years before, he had printed bank checks for a friend of his in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Now, he realized, he could revolutionize an industry. Hotchkiss vowed "to do one thing and one thing only, but do it better, faster and more economically than anyone else."

The Product Hotchkiss determined he would print bank checks. But, he would specialize in imprinting personalized information on each of these checks. Earlier, in Menomonie, Wisconsin, Hotchkiss said he printed what he believed was the first personalized flat pocket checkbook and holder. And he believed he could sell this product.

$300 and A Good Idea Hotchkiss borrowed $300, and decided to make his idea a reality. On Nov. 23, 1915, Hotchkiss rode the streetcar through the St. Paul streets to the People's Bank Building, where he unlocked the door to his second-floor office, and officially opened for business.

Opportunity Knocks In 1915, most consumers used cash. But W.R. Hotchkiss was determined to show consumers the benefits of checks, and give businesses the checks they wanted.

The early years were difficult, as W.R. tried to find his market. Finally, he tried marketing to outstate banks in Minnesota. These healthy banks became his first customers. Deluxe Check Printers was now a viable business, though it would be another year before it would turn a profit.

Prosperity in the Jazz Age During the 1920's, Deluxe grew as check usage soared. These were the years of prosperity, and debt lost its age-old stigma of dishonor. People spent like crazy. And Deluxe employees worked like never before. They worked 52 weeks a year, 5½ days a week. The market for checks grew, and Deluxe expanded into other cities.

October 29, 1929-The Roaring 20's Went Silent The Jazz Age crashed into the ground on that horrible day. Deluxe was better off than most companies, but when consumer spending plummeted after the Crash, Deluxe's sales slipped, too. The Great Depression was here.

The Most Frightening Event Since the Civil War The Great Depression was horrific. And it had an immediate impact on Deluxe. Since Deluxe was directly linked to the banking industry, which was in the worst crisis in American history, Deluxe was in trouble. But with management changes, employee concessions and a sense of teamwork, Deluxe survived. And began to stimulate interest in its products.

World War II-Where Has All the Paper Gone? During the war, Deluxe had to convince the War Protection Board that checks were an essential part of the war effort-and Deluxe deserved more paper than the official allotment. Even FDR recognized the value of checks, and hinted in 1942 that America should use more of them.

Automation-A Magnetic Force In 1959, Deluxe became involved in the new push to automate banking. And when magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) came to be, Deluxe was ready. And quickly became the industry leader. Throughout the ensuing years, Deluxe was a key player in bank automation, and led the industry in innovations.

The Public Company In 1965, Deluxe became a public company. And in the years to come, things would change dramatically. Product innovations, such as chic checkbook covers, scenic checks and more fun product innovations. And on April 25, 1980, the company got a new name...and a place on the New York Stock Exchange. Deluxe Check Printers became Deluxe Corporation, listed as DLX.

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same The 1980's were a great time for marketing at Deluxe. Direct mail and other marketing methods took off. And in the 1990's, Deluxe invested in the latest technology-computerized offset presses. As time went on, the company grew and changed with the times. More digital technology was implemented, more automated processes were put in place, and then came the ultimate-the Internet.

Throughout it's history Deluxe has never abandoned its "can-do" attitude or belief in doing one thing, and doing it well. And that will serve us well into the future.


Catalog: California Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Inventory

 Dataset: Deluxe Check Printers - NPDES Self-Monitoring Program 	

XML ESRI style XML classic style XML no style

Identifier: SFCA0029891 Citation Information Title: Deluxe Check Printers - NPDES Self-Monitoring Program Originator: Edition: Publication Date: Information Resource Type: Format: Content: Projects Other Citation Details: Conducting Organization: Deluxe Check Printers, Funding Organization: Deluxe Check Printers

Identification Information Abstract: Monitoring Study Type: Industry - NPDES, Monitoring Program Region: Central California Coast

Browse Graphic: More detailed metadata record Purpose:

Supplemental Info:

Sampling Method Summary:grab

Analytical Method Summary:unknown

Time Period: Start: Unknown End: Unknown Currentness: Unknown Progress: In Work Update Frequency: Unknown Places: Place Name of Bounding Box: California Other Place Names: California Geographic Region: West: -124.0000 East: -114.0000 North: 42.0000 South: 32.0000 Themes: Water quality, San Francisco Bay Access Limitations: Program discretion Use Limitations: Program discretion Data Contact: TIM CURTIN Distribution Information Metadata Information Date: 0000-00-00 Metadata Contact: Jung Yoon Metadata Standard:

Last Updated: 2004/10/12 16:39:53 GMT

Deluxe Check Printers 1551 Dell Ave Campbell, CA 95008-6903

       * Superfund? No
       * Initial Investigation: Unknown/None
       * Test Date: Unknown/None
       * Plume Length: 0 ft.
       * Plume Depth: 0 ft. 
   Inital Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Current Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Inital Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Current Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Inital Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Current Parts Per Billion: Unknown/None
   Source: Site Management System, Annual Report, May 1995, Vol. 1, California Regional Water Quality Control Board