Note: The following essay was assigned so the students could practice their editing and also consider biases, which is part of their Wikipedia assignment. Shalor (Wiki Ed) (talk) 15:35, 16 January 2018 (UTC)

A Time I Learned To Like Something


When I was in my first few years of Elementary School, I disliked reading with a passion. I thought it was boring, stupid, and a waste of my time. Why should I be reading when I could be outside playing? The only time I read was when I was practically forced by teachers for homework. It wasn't that I couldn't read, because I could read just fine. It was my mindset on how boring reading was. I also believe it had to do with the fact that I didn't like the books my teachers picked out for me. However, once I hit around 3rd grade, I found this book. It was a wonderful book. "Dolphins at Day Break" from the Tree House Series by Mary Pope Osborne. I originally picked the book due to it's cover, and ended up loving the book with all my heart. For those out there who say "don't judge a book by it's cover", I say away with that advice. It doesn't mean never read books with simple covers, but if it weren't for me being a judgmental ten year old, it probably would have taken me longer to build up my interest in books. From that book forward, I bought, well, my mom bought almost every book in that series. Those, and every other book I found with an animal on the cover. After I grew out of the immaturity of picking a book by the cover, I found that books have a description on the back. Who knew, Right?! Eventually I learned to read the descriptions on books to see if I would actually like it or not. That lead me to picking out more challenging books with interesting story lines and plots. I owe it to "Dolphins at Daybreak" for getting me where I am today. I'm an avid reader and try to read about three books a month, depending on the challenges and length of each one. Books have brought so much excitement to my life. I could drown in them for hours just to realize it's two in the morning, and continue to read regardless. So this was a time I learned to like, even love, something.