
Pedro Pio Martin Perez

He was born in Granada (Spain). I graduated in Documentary Direction on the International Film School of   San Antonio de los Baños,  Cuba. There he directed several films among which stand out “MAYA” (nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival(France) and “DOGS” (premiered at Documenta Madrid (Spain), Official Selection of Interfilm Berlin and selected by cottbus (East Germany) for the sample FOCUS CUBA, as part of the tribute to the 30 years of the Cuban Film School (EICTV)

In Colombia he directed “The Girl of the Bus” film selected by the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival(France), received the awards for Best Picture, Best Director Y Best actress in Bogota Short Film Festival(Colombia), won as Best film the Martil Film Festival(Morocco) and was Official Selection of theMalaga Film Festival(Spain) and the Huesca Film Festival(Spain).

Also in Colombia he directed HACK, film released in Clermont-Ferrand (France), festival recognized for being the most influential in the world in short films.

Currently Pedro is a collaborator for the UN as Documentalist, Editor and Photographer. In Advertising he has worked asDirector's assistantat Lamuvi Films, one of the most important advertising production companies in Colombia.

He is founder ofAtomic, a photographic studio and video production company dedicated especially to the Food PhotographyY organization of Film Workshops Y Photography.