User:Patriciosm/Books/ED201 List of Philosophers

List of Philosophers

Philosophers or Education
Ian Angus (philosopher)
Michael Apple
Gaston Bachelard
Khosrow Bagheri
Jacques Barzun
Simone de Beauvoir
Boyd Henry Bode
Anna Brackett
Yves Brunsvick
Nicholas Burbules
Georges Canguilhem
Mario Sergio Cortella
Jacques Derrida
John Dewey
Kieran Egan (educationist)
Clóvis de Barros Filho
Paulo Freire
Hans-Georg Gadamer
William Hare (philosopher)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Johann Friedrich Herbart
René Hubert
Percy Hughes
Robert Koons
Deborah Meier
Antonio Millán-Puelles
Maria Montessori
Naoisé O'Reilly
Howard A. Ozmon
Charles Sanders Peirce
Chaïm Perelman
Richard Stanley Peters
Michael Rosenak
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Debra Satz
Israel Scheffler
Friedrich Schiller
Rudolf Steiner
Iain Thomson
Lev Vygotsky
Carleton Washburne
Andrzej Wierciński
Nicholas Wolterstorff