"Point Entities"

A definition of the full nature of the 'Point Entities'1 are limited only to unity itself; non-temporal, non-massless, uni-dimensional creations. An understanding of that which would lead to practical applications as, a non-temporal, massless vector, to and upon any existing or potential brane.[1]

A term that includes a subset, of, 'temporal potentialites'. [2] 'The Temporal Potentialities' as a subset, would then, represent those bound forms existing on any multi-dimensional brane, and may possess mass in motion. The physical practical application of which the mathematics of such, leading to 'invisable', yet defined, spacetime vectors.[3]

Via Mathematic's a class of singular dimension that may be described as a potential or kinetic tensor[4]. Any Point Entity that is excited in such a way, by internal or external force or observation, to vibrate dimensionally, giving rise to an observational[5] vector, and becomes multi-dimensional.[6], [7]

The Optical description of a observed 'Solar Halo'[8] and it's counterpart the observed 'Glory'[9], (the path from halo[10] to glory[11] as the direction of the light) whereby the observer can sense the direction, the passage of light around[12], and thus, observe themselves as a shadow. see Plato's Allegory of the Cave[13], [14], [15](*) the direction of that 'line' is also a subset of the "Point Entities".

(*) In metaphysics a dream[16] then, could be classed as a specific subform (confirm use of source of note on ON THE QUANTUM MECHANICS OF DREAMS AND THE EMERGENCE OF SELF-AWARENESS, an abstract) of temporal potentiality, amongst all Point Entities- (when likened to specific forms of Observational Sensory Space as Color Space[17] 'that which awaits observation' or entanglement[18]. Conjunctive consciousness including thought[19], is a subsumptive entanglement, (The Consciousness Paradox: Consciousness, Concepts, and Higher-order Thoughts By Rocco J. Gennaro) in Category theory[20]

  1. Numbered list item

What The Hex is # 2?


or "The Hexis of # 2"
User storage comments...
to include observational research and 'talking points' for "Point Entities"

"The Potential use of the distinctive, Unusual/unuseual, ordinal sets of numeral 2 operators" by... WWmMcLeod
"the Potential Forms of the numeral 2"
'Hexis (ἕξις) of the numeral 2'

on forms and ideas expressed in mathematics- as/@ -'Over TimeSpace: 2[exp]/c '(The Efflorescent class of numeric 2 operators) a brief review of the 2, and 3 dimensional, use and theory of 'their' poterntial and actual forms.

but, I talk, and talk, I even have to translate myself to be understood in most everyway to everyone-It's my words, dad, sometimes they come out backward. There are times when I think everyone lives their life backward or thinks about stuff backward- you know, like we see backward.
Not everyone.
I visualize and work to express my 'forms & ideas' thoughts [of the 'forward facing mind'], 2 always seems to be paired... like- ((Two... the coincidence or 2nd instance)) I'm just experiencing my conscious thoughts badly, how do stop this- even if I dream it is a potential.
just write it all out in those terms then- mathematically  :) hold fast...
and, 'What to study? Music, Math, or How my brain works?
Think about it.
... Started studying HTML ... "Is 2 somehow a fundamental Universal (enfolded-'Efflorescence') temporal-modifier? and Deeply etched into spacetime? and, "...when raised to the power of ...|2| initializes in the 'geometric potential sets' fundamental in numeric theory " "Two is best described as

Rationally speaking the numeral 2 is a rationalists biggest fear.

  • Use: When expressed as the Even Prime- (by comparison to all other primes, 2 is unique, and is simultaneously the simplest geometric relative expression of any mathematic thoughtform.

Being able to express the numeral 2 as prime is only today a recent acceptance. As was 1, once considered prime, adherents of our evolving, modern numeral theory believe that if... 1 were allowed to be prime- unsolvable negations would appear. I say that the negations are in fact appearing, and seemingly -no one races to their notepads to record those occurance-event(s). Each Mathematician- comes to terms over the numeral 2 - with what amounts to as 'relegious awe' or acceptance of 2's fundamental universal nature Entelarchy. see (Temporal Mechanics) and Synthetic DNA as another Computational Operator see (codes)... any the manifestation of a 2ness in (x,y)space or a 2ness in 3 fields of (x, y,z)Space. may be expressed by either as time including 'manifestedpotentialtimespace' or math as in two dimensions, and as e in an unmanifested 'actualspace'form in 3 dimensions of mass, and, can also, be described and observed as both forms at the same time.

n. math. if 1=unity, then 2 is(use html hoverterm-initially observed as 1) A fold or folding. A pleating. 2 hyperlinked with color operators is a second occurance. see Concedence & Probability Theory ( Walter, you will have to use finesse in refining this term, to conform with standards of lexicographic precision )[[will have to be used in calculations; using time factors. 'Over time 2' modifies those calculating-calculations- to first relate temporal datapoints. Point subset operators -again... sub2 and that -which are effectively point entities manifesting as translation coordinates. just as with Holors. '"With a disarming respect for the use of it's charm, 2 must not be purposely ignored when 'they' appear."'* (Walter- with that said... you should be able to go back and trans *. Solving for 2 will be used commonly, until we solve for 3 (intra-brane translation equations).

Hyle was that other term of operation -as with Hexis, the relation of all of them -every expression in our 'fundamental' truths is to see(see Equivalency) unfold the problem of 2 over time prime. The calculation 'holor' itself has to be an enfolded entangled fundamental in temporal mechanics. 2 used 'at first appearance' of the insoluble ) and meant to stand out as a crossroad, in that -the equation is timed, and the coordinate entity expressed immediately subsets observed and enacted. Used once, per calculation event. A time tested strategy is to first, define the temporal class answer as (2) and work backward to refine the equation.

my thought is - The equations | should | become be less exhaustive, when that happens | we will | 'dream' the bigger mathematic whole. This 'number set' stands before us as -given temporal freedom of translation using other 'entities' that modify ensuing equation. Fundamental time- 2 simultaneous equations incorporating Universal Coordinate algorithms in our system of truth- E=Mc\2 is an example, where Mc is strictly calculated as one set and then, the power of 2 is the other set. Primes specifically 1, 2, and culminating in 3 seem to be deepest truths yet to be incorporated in to a spacetime potential/actual vector field theory.

The equation is expressed as 'Efflorescence' in the time operators, sp. to the power of 2 over time, that 'travels' in time with geometric precision, and the # 2 term that,  "fitness of good or error correction, solves that specific subset of the (((irrational/))) and is used in the the next 'large-scale tensor' calculation. when that one comes along.   

refine concept... a simpler conceptual shorthand addition equation Brane Math- could also solve the organic/mineral [mystery of hyle]. For a known sample of Iron calculate- Iron existing over time - containing used and unused electro-magnetic field/potential fieldspace.. that [quantatization]|on our brane| is further solved from 'that point (energy) that fusion reactions cannot proceed in the heavy mass star- to maximum gravitation field strength in fieldshape:black hole, expressed as a relation to '2 photons and 1 graviton ...If both sets of the same idea in QCD, and are solved so that the energy of 2 entangled quarks, and 1 singular unbounded quark, as temporal field equations, that then is a 'relatedquantity' to the 'metal-Fe' actual or potential magnetic field. A Field to Field range.

The Competing thoughts in the temporal mathematic 'forms' (as... comparative potential math theory relativity -equated for their 'ease of use' -accuracy over time. If the simplest form that describes these synthetic math equations are expressed as; ordered paring of individual subsets compared two by two in an holistic theory of all forms then, 2 is a fundamental relativity constant in the potentialforms of all point entities as solved for; in search of, and in anticipation of each observed '2ness' and their appearance order related with unity, is to me simple. Plug in the observation for each manifested expression of e, equate the setforms solving for the maximum limit of 2ness. a geometric maximum of 2nessform in 2d, existing simultaneously as a equipotential field form in 3d, relating all setform terms to 2 should define a unity/point entity expression. simplist hadronic mass (e) is 3 quarks - two of the 3 share same relativity (2/3 pairing) specific exceptions to this in QCD, (4th order QCD limiting forms relating to 3rd (EM) order forms having maximum equipotential of e in defined in simplest 2nd order expression of frequency e) comparing the two form simultaneously (relative translation of 2d geometric forms in terms as those 3d maximum terms (electro-magnetic limit being photon equipotential at rest mass in e). does this mean allowing any 'geometric orders of two' calculations solved oppositely to each other, comparing 'observed' results in terms of max-minimum e, simultaneously gives rise to a simplest term for a manifestation of a 2formness and is then, the simplest holistic expression? -compare use of binary equations to the geometric limited order equations.

    • if my thought 'point entity' holds up a 'Brane math' e (in this relation) - an electro-magnetic operator ( ) expressed as light.

2 photons appearing with 1 'the gravitation potentate' or it's 'mediator-entity' equals the same 'actualpotential' relation of 2/3rd-ness for 2 lepton -quarkpairings at 2d 'photons at rest mass' -e and

It's my initial sensing of the math, some how 'observed' backward in time-we are thought 'see' in optical color theory expressed by frequency- sound(acoustical-a type of the 3-D operators) QCD. Another point entity expression as form of this 'potential mathematics set' whereby a relation of any quanta our time(spacetime) coordinates- can QCD be defined in classical theory, as frequency sets without locations in actualspace, if so, then the equipotential fields must exist in a potentialspace, when using classical theory.

The field of unity a 'equipotentialfieldform' is the answer to a set of -tensor relation equations use- first term of the 2D forms solved as a relation of-active/potential 'formrelation', when solved/compaired to the 2nd term tensors ... the 3D 'formrelation' of Poterntial/Active so that both 'sets' the 1st and 2nd formtensors are are each"moving backwards" compaired, oppositely-together, solved for that equivalent 'pointset' - my description should be an accurate way to solve the equations -would it be better than cycles of differential calculus-or the same form.

-the completed tensorform's overall robustness is it's translating 'backward in 3d and translating forward in 2d (intersectingrelationterm). - using both 'tensorforms' compare/combine as the expression 'point entity'. if/then- two (or more) mathematically expressed dimensions are solved simultaneously at 'opposite' relations to the other, must be a 'perception' of the two point entities entangled at two different locations observed at the same location.

2 'the literal blackhole' 

much work relatively speaking.
describe rest masses of 2 photons and a graviton ... as similar to Higgs Boson and its by-products.

-2 finds the time. Addition thus is 'a 2 as prime' in time factorization.

The 'ma ma ma mad mad mad "madness"' can be used - [Psychology]cenesthesia in one ((exponent/consciousness)) (1 life as a mathematic-Point Entity), then as prime musmatics -to write the much musical project where I have to incorporate 'them' INTO my music forms... [Music] 'The Prime Numbers' (( underlined )) As the initial tone will have to be rotated (delayed, high potental -with other operators) and then solve for 2, and 3 'expressions'. The rest, I think that the gap order sets can be used chords (chords! Imagine that, Imagine that!) trial and error-express and define/refine.

-worked on fixing an error link to a webpage- the code now works, I decided not to use it at this time... link does not open to my page, but as an example- it works
* Request for Peer Consideration/Review[[21]]

Listings of 2ness: The notes...

→ We are brain-encoded to express the unusual forms of the word Two/(2) '2' (Potentiality and Actuality) cognates at Hexis and Entelarchy... a list of formsPoint Entities

[Grammar][Grammatic Number- Dual form] Two, is s noun, an irregular first person plural form. The Dual form is only used when multiples of people whose numbers are less than 3 or greater than 1. refer to objects whose numbers are less than 3 and greater than 1. [When Exactly 2 persons refer to quantity/quality- 'the two-ness'... as in writer/reader, etc..., use the term- Two... is usually a measurement discriptor (day, week, etc...) because it is dual, use:they (use also- in ordered pairs - specifically as mathematic discriptors) Two(2) |the pluralities of set| as 'they'. 2 dimensions or '(x, y)Space' common in Vector Analysis uses the set (x, y) [see chromo- (combining form) at -chromosomes, (x, y)]

side note- 'Color' is of 3 dimensions- from anc. gk., The ancient greek 'Theory of Color' (chroma-) was used as an expression of mesurment in the proportions of (x, y, z)Space.

side note - Sanskrit still has active nounw, verbs and adverbs. Ancient Hebrew form at sefir/sefira(cognates of 'books/knowledge/') is only a masculine form. In Celtic, some dual forms still exist (cognates at (parts of the body- see earDual (grammatical number)#Celtic Other dual grammatic forms used are termed 'pseudo-plural' a 'potential dual form' of the spoken numeral word! (also an 'elliptical-plural'.

(or... is it 2nd person singular?) Which? It's both somewhere, still.

The Duality before the Prime


It was at the silky time of night that time when we could breathe in Haley's comet.

he mused. planning a response to the void of the blogosphere, He told to gathered assemblage of what he called his self-identity, and began his article. "I had to work on 'The Forms and Ideals' and needed to fill that spot in the e-notes, so I continued on in spirit, The rest is left for review from the observer with the best sourcefrequency tuner".

The Duality before the Prime: Coordinate Matter/Dream, -wwmmcleod

Backwards, but then also the future as strange as that sounds.

  • Power outage that day. I waited to see if (+it) got better or worse.

The clarity of the dream is to the enhanced the mind, as is; the potential of a charge is to time and change">(The clarity of the dream is to the enhanced the mind, as is; the potential of a charge is to time and change (It.)

Magnetism & encoding to form a rock that records. Adding magnetism to our lives has changed us as a species. The observation of the potential of our untapped lives keeps (OUR) conjugate consciousness exploring time, sampling and modeling, sampling and modeling a thought. Could-a, Should-a, Would-a. If I had done this and not that, <a form of direction>

A point entity. can be captured... changing its intensity of focus but not it's singularity--that aspect common to all potential forms of dreamscape. Untapped, timespace fields existing concurrently with folded spaces in a background of vectornoise. First person singular-

Meta-Physics and "The Underpinnings"


'Meta-physics and "The Underpinnings"'

"The tripleness in 1, an implecation of time."
"the duality +1"
"and the 2nd Primacy"

see "Theology of Arithmetic"... a list; a gathering of notes concerning the numeral group... 1-10. reference (#)

@ 3 --
•The point in which; 2 is enclosed- the midpoint,
•One is expressed as a 3rd form,
•trinity is achieved...
→one culminates at origin of two line segments -non continuous or continuous sets of (2,3), including the possibility where...
(all three intersect simultaneously-and to that end- is

where my musical work can proceed -on(123)-off(4)-on(5)-off(6)-on(7) et al... 
(kinda like binary)(color ref) that trinity of long delayed works of mine-   
((insert))set 123 is musically continuous and could be alberti bass comparison.

•"1(life): a Cenesthesia in 1 life" a literary personal discourse on the forms of Mathematics, Music, and Psychology (human cognesence).
•'The Prime Elements'
•"The Prime Numbers" in the musical form- the cenesthesia (see Photonic form of Symphony))

Numeral One (1) culminates (expresses) at it's Intersection of any Prime set (2,3,5,7,11...) as 'unity prime' or 1++ also seen as 1 (double prime-the closed set , 1,2,3). Unity Prime as a DEFINITION ! (a modeling of time) ( ) ( )... set theory of other Numeric 'natures' expressed as homologues of (2,3) Great Number, '"sylvin # '", even-odd, ...other flavors of '2ness : 3ness'.

a. Riemann integral Partitions of an interval & @ Examples indicator function Darboux integral. Linearity
b. Oscillation (mathematics) Oscillation of a sequence, Oscillation of a function at a point, and @ discontinuities-link, Mathematical singularity: and -the real line has a singularity at x = 0
c. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_function#Definition%20using%20oscillation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcontinuity -research @location where a discontinuity is first observed in relation to 123.

note to self


you may never be able to encode your most personal wishes as dialogue structures - if not this LANG then... +?

==to be continued...==
'Glaucon' resumed textthought at 00:00:00... ~paula, after.

2nd try...
tab indent... Incorporating Error: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit"> @ this point>
still needing remainder of orig example at =
-do I add or no,
I still request additional 'Read only link to Edit data' instruction operator.
How would that work for you?
@ 2nd try...
continuing test
Incorporating Error: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit"> @ this point
tab to... Incorporating Error: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit"> @ (this point)= https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit#==??==...UTC ((with additional text after #, reference for link owner-paring eyes only </A>
. (modifed below-insert of placename anchor)

Incorporating Error


test run
test results...
not what I wanted. It seems that loop to paring linkee did not initialize as expected - Incorporating Error: http_remainder_text going to additional (hashtag) This point , and also to https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit&section=2 at (hashtag) This point
I will try to watch this closely-
note to self-
indent tab (that stupid tab- workaround code)Am I asking the impossible with this- a direction to two places link going to two specific places viewable to specific people-each open edit, i.e. the ((Bracketbot:talk edit page ))- a three party call? at this point no doubt.
Correct, Sir.
run (view)
review with modif
review, corrections
It may just represent the present nature of coding via wiki interface
I will use all attempts to track all my movements via this 'sandbox' structure. So that I can backtrack and come forward again- for other interested assigned viewers.
review, observation needing a line break.
You, are really needing review...
review- 2nd review with additional observation- and mods
+ ((new- with inserted text)) all the way back-upward in my log of internal dialogue test view/review process
review, observations @ (((br@Quite challenging methodology for you)))(((br@to each, their own))) (((br-resume observations @))) (((br-2nd try... tab indent... Incorporating Error: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Pantarbe&action=edit"> @ this point>
syntax strings of great length may be useful as rom, but may cause other errors by incorrect syntax model- (((will test for that -see-research needed -((at this point))
(((br-2up))) at resume string ending model- ((simulated (br-) for equation equivalency purposes, a dialogue -speaker'listener dualality format))
review, substitution/insert for (((br-)))call it a synthetic break replacing all prior synthetic br-
imaginary simulation of substition/rewrite insert done.
you get the idea of what I'm dialoging?
time will tell

So I guess it's mine- I just typed the code. I worked for what I intended-
how ever I decide that Education and growth need room- editing means deletion to "make more room"

* Request for Peer Consideration/Review[[22]]