Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services

Lephata la Batsaya Dinopolo/Ditlholwa le Itshireletso

The secret service of the Republic of Botswana.

It was enacted by an act of parliament Intelligence and Security Services Act of 2007.

It is headed by a Director General who is appointed by the President.

The current Director General of DIS is retired Brigadier Peter Fana Magosi.

The DG reports directly to the President and serves as Security advisor to the President.

The DG position is equivalent to the position of Permanent Secretary.

DISS was initially housed at the Ministry of Defense, Justice & Security with other law enforcement agencies such as the Botswana Police Services, Department of Prisons and Rehabilitation, Directorate of Corruption and Economic Crime, Administration of Justice, Attorney General's Chambers, Directorate of Public Prosecution and the Armed Forces (Botswana Defence Force).

It was subsequently moved out of the Ministry of Defense, Justice and Security together with the Directorate of Corruption and Economic Crime to the Ministry of State President. The Financial Intelligence Agency also joined these two agencies at their new ministry.

The DISS was formed from the remnant of the now defunct Special Branch of the Botswana Police Service. Some of its officers were drawn from the Military, Police, Prisons, several other government agencies, private sector and parastatals.

The first Director General was Colonel Isaac Kgosi a close confidante of the ex-President, His Excellency, Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama.

In 2018 in the month of May after the retirement of General Khama from the Presidency on 1 April 2018, the new President, Dr Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi retired Colonel Kgosi and replaced him with Brigadier Peter Fana Magosi, a former Military Intelligence Chief and Special Forces commander.

The DISS is a highly professional intelligence agency that trains it's officers in Botswana, Israel and abroad. It has a cordial working relationship with top tier Israeli spy agency Mossad.

It is a member of Council of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA).

It has a National Security Council just as the army has a Defence Council and the Police has the Police council.

The Central Intelligence Committee has the President, BDF Commander, Police Commissioner, Prisons Commissioner, DIS Director General amongst others as members.

DIS Tribunal listens to queries, complaints of the public on the conduct of the agency.

The Botswana Spy agency has several offices across the country with many offices crowded around the capital city, Gaborone. It's headquarters is at the old Radio Botswana buildings just next to the Vice-President's official residence and opposite Bank of Botswana headquarters.

Just like many intelligence agencies across the world, the DISS operations are clandestine and highly classified. The number of it's operatives is not known.It's seal is classified though it is known it's an offence to publish it as well as to take it's offices, operatives and anything associated with it photographs.

News articles have purported that the agency is rogue and above the law. There has been an outcry that the secret service has a penchant of abusing citizens and trampling on their civil liberties and rights. Furthermore, newspaper reports suggested that the DISS was feared even by the country's security agencies such as law enforcement agencies and civil govt agencies.


In 2008, a Gaborone native, John Kalafatis was gunned down mafia style, with 15 bullets ripping apart his body and the DIS was fingered for his murder. It later emerged that the Military Intelligence of Botswana Defense Force were behind his murder. Brigadier Magosi was the man at the helm of the Military Intelligence at the time. The quartet (4) operatives were arraigned before Gaborone High Court and they were found guilty of Kalafatis murder. They were then sent to prison and later on pardoned after a presidential clemency was delivered for them to be released. The reason being that they were on duty and under strict command when the heinous crime was committed. They later went back to their respective jobs.

Harassment of journalists and Media Censorship

Outsa Mokone, an editor of Sunday Standard Newspaper was arrested and charged with sedition after the newspaper reported that former President Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama drove the presidential vehicle at night and crashed into a Jeep Grand Cherokee belonging to a certain Mr Kaunda. The victim was given a brand new car the following day, reports allege.

Edgar Tsimane, writer of the article sought for asylum in South Africa after his brother who was a DIS agent tipped him off that his life was in danger.

Sonny Serite was dragged before the courts for insulting President General Khama in his articles for sister publication of Sunday Standard Newspaper, The Telegraph.

DCEC agents raided Botswana Gazette offices and confiscated equipment belonging to the newspaper. Lawrence Seretse, editor of Botswana Gazette and Olsen, Managing Director of Gazette were arrested and taken to the Police for questioning.


The Botswana Spy agency has several duties chiefly among them being;

Collection of intelligence from within and outside Botswana.

Safeguarding of economic, political and military secrets of Botswana from internal and external enemies.

Close protection of high profile officials such as the President, His or her immediate family, the Vice-President, former Presidents and visiting foreign dignitaries and any other govt official whose life is deemed critically threatened.

They also do security clearance of people willing to take high positions in the govt, parastatals and State owned enterprises.

Issuance of security license to private security companies.

Investigations of sophisticated and complex crimes.

Anti-terrorism operations, containing of subversive elements both internal and external, covert & clandestine operations fall under their ambit.

Surveillance and cyber intelligence

SIGINT (Signal Intelligence )

MASINT (Measurement & Signature Intelligence)

COMINT (Communication Intelligence)

OSINT (Open source intelligence)

HUMINT (Human Intelligence)

Counter intelligence


The following are some of the known units of this secretive organisation;

Presidential guard (VIP Protection Team)

CAT (Counter Assault Team)

Counter Terrorism and Fusion Agency

Special Forces (Direct Action Paramilitary Unit)

Bomb Disposal EOD squad

Interception Squad

Emergency Response Team

These are some of the units seen only through observation of the eye as most of their units are not publicly declared like the units of Botswana Police Service.

The DIS works closely with other government departments. departments.


Initially, people with security expertise were hired like soldiers, police, correctional officers, custom officials and government security officers. In recent times, people without prior security knowledge have been hired such as university graduates and civil servants. Recruitment of operatives is secret, it is not open as is the case with the Military which advertises it's vacancies on media platforms. The DIS headhunts its potential operatives and officers.


Operatives undergo rigorous training both locally and abroad.Upon completion of training the operatives are posted to numerous intelligence centers across the country, some serve in Botswana foreign missions across the globe, others at ports of entries (borders) which are spread countrywide.


DISS has been criticized for acting as a big brother to it's sister agencies like police, prisons and Anti-corruption agency.

It was accused of trampling down on the constitution after it's former spymaster proclaimed that he does not answer to anyone including the President. He was dubbed the most powerful man in Botswana. It was alleged that they have opened slush accounts which they use to siphon money outside the country. This was a claim that could not be substantiated even by it's claimants.


A senior intelligence operative by the name of Welheminah Mphoentle Maswabi was put on trial for financing of terrorism, money laundering and giving false identity as she possessed multiple passports and a diplomatic passport. It was claimed that more than $34million (340 million pula-Botswana currency) was found on her account. A claim she vehemently denies. It was reported that the funds were in bank accounts across the globe. Royal Scotland Bank, ABSA Bank and HSBC Hong Kong were some of the banks that she opened accounts with. It was cited that she had bank accounts with names like blue flies, fire flies with these banks but after serious scrutiny nothing of that sort was found to be in existence. Towards the end of the year 2019, Ms Maswabi was granted bail and asked to surrender her travel documents.

Her next mention at the Magistrate Court is scheduled for February 2020.


Colonel Isaac Kgosi was arrested upon arrival at the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. He was frogmarched to an army of SUV cars blaring blue lights and wailing sirens in an operation dubbed Hollywood style arrest. He was arrested in front of journalists and in full view of the public.

This was a rare spectacle by the spy agency as most of its operations are kept secret.

Colonel Kgosi was taken to Sir Seretse Khama Barracks Military Police facility, Defense headquarters for the Botswana Defense Forces.

Colonel Isaac Seabelo Kgosi was charged with taking photographs of DIS agents whilst on duty. He was given bail but he skipped bail conditions and went to Malaysia for medical attention. An arrest warrant was issued against him with global police association, INTERPOL notified of him. Seven months after the warrant of arrest was issued, he returned to the country undetected by security agencies and appeared before the Gaborone Magistrate court. He was successfully given bail after giving the court sufficient prove of his medical records.


People have divided attention about the DISS. Some are calling for the overhaul of its act, the Intelligence & Security Act of 2007. Others want it to be abolished or disbanded. The media has been reporting negatively about it more especially the private media. There are people who don't find any fault with it more notably the youth who want to be under it's wings largely because of rampant unemployment that has hit them hard.

It was accused of bugging and tapping conversations of even ordinary folks.


Motswaledi was an opposition politician who served as leader of Botswana Movement for Democracy, a splinter party of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party.

He was also a political nemesis of ex-President, General Khama, whom he deemed an authoritarian and repressive leader.

In 2014 on the month of June/July, Motswaledi, parliamentary candidate for Gaborone Central constituency contesting on the ticket of opposition coalition grouping, Umbrella for Democratic Change, was killed in a car accident.

Media pundits, opposition leaders and followers suspected foul play probably on the part of DIS. It was reported that the Special Support Group (SSG) police were the first on the scene and that they ferried his body to a nearby hospital in Goodhope.

Police quickly carried out investigations and swiftly absolved government of any wrongdoing.

The police forensic report said Mr Motswaledi died from a car crash not assassination as was purported by some quarters.

The report was contemptously dismissed by the oppposition. They suspected foul play as empty bottles of alcohol (wine & whiskey) were found in his car. It was presumed that the alcohol was planted in his car with an intention of making up the story of drunk driving as the cause of his tragic car crash.

Mr Motswaledi was believed to be a teetotaler (non-drinker) just like his nemesis General Khama.

A memorial service was held at the University of Botswana Stadium where UDC leaders still reiterated that the state had a hand in his killing especially the feared DIS. UDC youth threatened to stage protests but were stopped by the police, who were deployed in all major routes of Gaborone more especially in downtown Gaborone, where the seat of government is situated. Frustrated by the action of the police, UDC youth entered the stadium singing struggle songs and running amok on the stadium track. The national television, Botswana television-BTV broadcasted the clip and UDC was chastised for being an unruly and destabilizing party that threatens national security of the country.

Mr Nehemiah Modubule, an opposition stalwart of the UDC went on to mention list of people who died at the hands of State Security Agencies (DIS, BDF, Police) during the reign of General Khama military junta regime.

Ruling Botswana Democratic Party members who came to the memorial service were booed and asked to leave the event or they will be manhandled. Botswana Congress Party, an opposition party outside the UDC coalition was also fired from the proceedings.

UDC leader Advocate Duma Boko eulogised Mr Motswaledi with an emotional speech titled, What a man? What a mighty good man?

Advocate Boko pointed fingers at the DIS for assassinating Mr Motswaledi.

The UDC dismissed the Police report and said they will hire their own forensic experts to investigate Mr Motswaledi's death.

Members of the public contributed funds to finance the investigations. The party promised that the report of their forensic experts will be made public.

Years have passed without the release of the UDC forensic report.

The government continues to deny involvement in the death of Mr Motswaledi.

Several days after the memorial service at Mr Motswaledi's funeral in Serowe, BDP & BCP leaders were once again heckled and they immediately left whilst the funeral was on. It was only, the former President Sir Ketumile Quett Masire, a close friend of Mr Motswaledi, who was allowed to speak and give an eulogy of Mr Motswaledi.



Previously, it was under the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development but was later moved to the Ministry of State President. It's main concerns are financing of terrorism, fraud and money laundering.


A unit under the Botswana Police Service (Criminal Investigations Department) which gathers intelligence on criminal activities in the country.


An intelligence branch of the army. Collects intelligence relating to military matters.


Sister department of the DISS at the Office of State President. It is an anti-corruption agency. It is rumored that it has a rivalry with the spy agency as their duties often overlap especially on issues of corruption.


An intelligence unit of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks. It was reported that the current Director General of DISS, Brigadier Peter Fana Magosi was the founder of this unit. It came into prominence during the time when former President's brother, Tshekedi Stanford Khama was the Minister of Environment, Natural Resources and Tourism. The unit was reported to be in a tussle with both DISS & BDF as it was alleged, it lured and hired their personnel by enticing them with better pay. This act infuriated the army and the spy agency. It was also reported that TIS agents mounted a roadblock in Nata village , North Botswana and arrested DISS operatives who were found in possession of ivory that was hidden in a travel bag. News paper reports suggest that a stash of ivory was discovered at a DISS base camp in Ngwashe near Nata after TIS agents ransacked the camp.


DISS was reported to have tortured two (2) police officers and two (2) military personnel after a gun was reported missing at DISS armoury. The gun was subsequently found in the armoury.

Military Intelligence (MI) spy gadget was reported missing after it was lended to the DISS.

Magosi who was MI Director at the time was court martialed for the missing spy gadget. He later sort for a fair trial with civilian courts and the army opted to settle the matter outside court.

It was alleged that an unmarked white landrover defender jeep (pick-up car ) was used as a getaway car that ferried suspected operatives of DISS who shot at Costa Kalafatis, brother to slain John Kalafatis. Costa was accused of stealing a handbag from a lady near Maruapula Traffic lights. Upon encountering the suspected police paramilitary unit (Special Support Group) white landrover defender SUV he ran towards Maruapula flats just near the traffic lights and he was shot on the leg. Police denied involvement and it was suspected that the DIS was behind the shooting, a claim that was never denied by the agency.


A Motswana man studying abroad wrote a dissertation about the DISS claiming that it sponsors state terrorism. He supported his thesis by stating that BDF & SSG (Paramilitary Police unit) never used excessive force against the citizens but that the DISS was heavy handed on citizens.


DISS came into being through funds diverted from the National Disaster Management Office.

Throughout the years, DISS budget was publicly disclosed and it receives the bulk of Ministry of State President 's budget.


After a 10 years hiatus without a Public Relations Office, DISS has found it fit to establish a dedicated public relations office.

It also has a toll free number for members of the public to call when they want to make enquiries and distress(emergency) calls.