I am a retired professor from the University of Hawaii. My main fields were the Internet, computer security, and cognitive science. I am a docent at Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor, and I write the blog. Regarding aviation history, I only have a minor in history. I have been studying Pacific Aviation history since the 1970s informally. I worked at Boeing after graduating with a physics degree. I worked on acoustics, psychoacoustics, wings, and jet engines. Side note: I got to fly on the 747 prototype and got to experience stalls. I received my doctorate from Stanford in communication (both technical and human). Before coming to the University, I was a project manager at Stanford Research Institute, which is now SRI International.

I hope to make articles on pacific aviation more accurate by bringing in good sources. One thing that irks me already is articles about the Japanese "moving into Indochina." Folks, they did it twice, once in 1940 and once in 1941, and the results were very different. I've read several articles that confuse the two invasions and their results. This sloppiness makes Wikipedia look bad.