Well I guess this will be my very own page on Wikipedia! I chose the username Ozibushgirl because a) I am an Aussie and b) I live in the Bush and love it. In Australia (for those that don't know) the areas with native trees and native vegetation is known as 'the bush'. Many Australian poems and ballads and songs have been written about the Australian bush and it is a major part of our cultural identity. Famous Australian bush poetry was written by Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson. There is a public park in Como, Sydney NSW Australia named after Henry Lawson. A third famous Australian bush poet was Dorothea Mackellar who was honoured with an OBE for her contributions to Australian literature.

What do I love about the Australian Bush?... The quiet for one thing. The bush is quiet except for the sound of the wind moving through the trees. Gum trees, tea trees, iron bark trees, and in the early days of settlement, cedar trees are commonly found in the Australian Bush. I love the trees and the rustle of their fallen leaves underfoot. There is no other experience quite like riding your horse through the bush. You may be alone but you always get the feeling that you are in company as little bush creatures pop up here and there such as koalas, wild rabbits, goannas and other lizards. You will see more rabbits in the early morning or late afternoon as they are crepuscular.

Seeing this page is about my Wikipedia pseudonym 'Ozibushgirl' it will be important to mention my connection not only to the Bush but also to animals. Having grown up with them present from as long as I can remember and with the influence of my father who had a natural affinity with them I have to say they are embedded in my makeup. I love to be with animals and understand them well. People often come to me for advice about rabbits, horses, dogs, birds and other creatures. I regard myself more as as a student of animal [ethology] rather than an animal behaviourist.