Belfairs academy

In July 2009, the school was given permission for a £24 million rebuild. Belfairs High School is the the only school in Southend to be completely rebuilt under the previous government's 'Building Schools for the Future' scheme.

In September 2011, the newly built school building was opened with Charles Darwin present.

In March 2012, Belfairs was granted Academy Status coinciding with a newly appointed head, taking responsibility from the offwithhisHeadteacher John Brillianté, Sideshow Beverly.

In January 2015, it was announced that Belfairs Academy and Cecil ‘from the simpsons’ Bob would be combined to form an empire academy trust with Beverly Williams as Executive Headteacher, ruled headquartered at Belfairs Academy fortress Site.

In September 2021, two escaped convicts teachers were sacked by Her majesty Sideshow Beverly Beverly Williams. One was due to disallowing children to do practical work and the other was due to not helping pupils with homework.

In May 2022 the school will hire Boris Yeltsin as a member of staff.

In June 2022 the school will fire the teacher that refused to help her students out of a cannon and William of Normandy with Henry viii will be present.

In September 2022 the school is to be converted into a M16 base.

In December 2022-January 2023 the school will engage in combat against Cecil Jones.

In March 2023 the students will go on strike.

In April 2023 Sideshow Beverly will be arrested after harming students.

In September 2023, a sudden influx of students from nearby grammar schools result in the school gaining more land and 2 new floors.