Omnifundatoresism is a wikipedian who is interested in the proposition called "Omnifundatoresism."

About Omnifundatoresism


Omnifundatoresism is the proposition "Everyone can become a founder of a religion." This proposition was put forward by Daikoku Manabu in 2006.

Religions are a part of the cultures of the mankind and all religions have value as culture to the mankind. But religions have the undesirable character and in this point religions are extraneous to other cultures of the mankind. The undesirable character which religions have is that they produce the humans who are possessed with the idea that some religion is truth. The reason why it is undesirable is that the humans who are possessed with the idea that some religion is truth are in a kind of enslavement in which they are deprived some liberty.

All religions are fiction. But under the present circumstances we can not say that this proposition is the common sense of the mankind. What must we do to make this proposition the common sense of the mankind? Many people think that the only religion which he or she believes is not fiction but truth. If we advise to them, "the religion which you believe is also fiction," does it have effect? Perhaps such advice will only cause rebound and will not have effect at all. The effective method to make the proposition "all religions are fiction" the common sense of the mankind is not such orthodox one but roundabout one.

Degree how diverse religions exist is called "religious diversity." The Strength of belief which an individual human has is affected greatly by the religious diversity of the people whom he or she meets on a daily basis. Let us suppose that a certain person is possessed with the idea that the religion which he or she believes is truth. If he or she is in the environment in which religious diversity is so extremely low as all people who he or she meets frequently are also possessed with idea that the same religion is truth, there is no room that skepticism to belief arises in his or her mind. In contrast, if he or she is in the environment in which religious diversity is so extremely high as the people who he or she meets frequently believe different religions each other, he or she will reach the recognition that many religions exist in the world and the religion which he or she believes is one of them. This recognition will produce skepticism whether the religion which he or she believes also fiction. Increasing religious diversity can be expected to be the most effective in the roundabout methods to make the proposition "all religions are fiction" the common sense of the mankind.

The number of religions which the mankind has is enormous even present but very fewer than the necessary number to increase religious diversity of the mankind so that it can make the proposition "all religions are fiction" the common sense of the mankind. To reach the aim it is necessary to increase the number of religions thousands times as much as present.

A human who creates some religion is called "a founder of a religion." Increasing the number of founders of religions is necessary to increase religious diversity. But it is difficult to change a human which is not a founder into a founder. One of the factor which make it difficult is a recognition which many people have. It is the recognition that the only special humans can create religions. But this recognition is wrong. The reason for this is that what a human needs to create a religion is only ability to think rationally and all humans are given this ability. All humans can become founders of religions. Namely, omnifundatoresism is true.

Omnifundatoresism is a proposition which denies the wrong preconception of many people that the only special humans can create religions. Sharing the recognition that this proposition is true by many people will increase the number of founders of religions. And an increase of founders will increase religions. And an increase of religions will increase religious diversity. This is the road on which we will follow by the time when the proposition "all religions are fiction" will become the common sense of the mankind.