Pavel Valerievich Komarov (Russian: Павел Валерьевич Комаров; born 20 May 1986) is an accomplished pool and open water swimmer from Russia.

Pavel Komarov
Personal information
Full name Pavel Valerievich Komarov
Born 20 May 1986

Voronezh, Russia

Pool swimming career


Pavel is a former member of the Russian national swimming team.[1]
In 2004 Pavel competed at the 2004 European Junior Swimming Championships, where he won the gold medal in the men's 4 × 100 metre medley relay event, the silver medal in the 50 meters backstroke, two bronze medals in the 100 m backstroke and the 200 m backstroke events[2].
In 2004-2009 he competed in several FINA Swimming World Cup stages and repeatedly made it to the finals in the Men's 50, 100 and 200 backstroke events. [3][4][5][6][7]

Open water swims


After retiring from his professional career in competitive swimming, Pavel became known as an extreme open water swimmer.

  • In 2017 and 2018 he won the 12-kilometer marathon swim race across Amur Bay in Vladivostok.[8][9]
  • In 2019 he won the same race in the "Classic" category (without fins).[10] And in 2021 he covered the 12-kilometer distance twice in one day. [11]
  • In 2019 he swam across the Eastern Bosphorus Bay in handcuffs. The swim simulated the escape from a prison located on Skrypleva island in Eastern Bosphorus Bay.[12][13][14][15]
  • In 2020 Pavel participated in an unprecedented and dangerous 5-person 50 km relay crossing of Lake Baikal. He and his fellow swimmers covered 50 km across the freezing waters of Lake Baikal without wetsuits in 16 hours 11 minutes, during which the water temperature dropped from 14°C to 6°C.[16][17][18] The swim was nominated for the 2020 WOWSA Awards in the World Open Water Swimming Performance of the Year category [19][20][21][22]
  • Also in 2020 he with his fellow swimmers from X-WATERS team organazied the largest series of open water swims in Russia "Let's hug Russia!" (Russian: "Обними Россию"), in which participants swam in Vladivostok and Kaliningrad in one day (from sunrise to sunset).[23]
  • In 2020 took place another long relay swim — 160-km in the waters of Peter the Great Gulf, a circumnavigation swim relay around the The Empress Eugénie Archipelago on 16-18, where Pavel performed with 15 other swimmers. The swim was dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the founding of the Vladivostok city.[24][25][26][27]
  • In September 2020 Pavel participated in the Russky Round Swim, a 75 km circumnavigation swim relay around Russky Island dediceted to the 75th anniversary of the end of the World War II. The swim was called by local press "Russian circumnavigation" (Russian: "Русская кругосветка").[28]
  • In 2018-2022 Pavel won a number of national and international Winter swimming competitions.[29][30][31][32][33]

Pavel Komarov is currently pursuing his career as a swim coach while continuing to take part in open water swimming events.

  1. ^ Swimming - Pavel Komarov
  2. ^ 2004 European Junior Championships - Meet Results
  3. ^ Плывем хорошо. Но на первые роли не тянем
  4. ^ Плавание: Россияне одержали пять побед на этапе Кубка мира
  5. ^ World Cup, Moscow: Day Two Prelims Complete
  6. ^ Российские пловцы одержали шесть побед во второй день московского этапа Кубка мира на короткой воде
  7. ^ Россияне одержали пять побед во второй день московского этапа Кубка мира по плаванию
  8. ^ Марафонский заплыв "Aмурский залив - 2023"
  9. ^ Приморец Павел Комаров вновь стал победителем марафонского заплыва через Амурский залив
  10. ^ Марафонский заплыв "Амурский залив - 2019"
  11. ^ Марафонский заплыв «Амурский залив» запомнился пловцам ветром, туманом и 12 километрами
  12. ^ Человек в наручниках переплыл Босфор Восточный
  13. ^ Закованный в наручники спортсмен проплыл в море три километра
  14. ^ Приморец переплыл Босфор Восточный в наручниках
  15. ^ Три километра через Босфор Восточный преодолели участники заплыва «Остров Скрыплева»
  16. ^ "На пределе возможностей": приморские спортсмены-экстремалы переплыли Байкал
  17. ^ 15 часов в ледяной воде: экстремалы переплыли ледяной Байкал и установили мировой рекорд
  18. ^ Косатки в водах Байкала
  19. ^ The Unprecedented 50 km Crossing Of Lake Baikal
  20. ^ Lake Baikal Relay Eco-Crossing
  21. ^ Pavel's profile on Openwaterpedia
  22. ^ 2020 World open water swimming association award winners announced
  23. ^ Обняли Россию вплавь
  24. ^ Peter the Great Gulf Swim
  25. ^ Four Extreme Adventures In Russia With Kosatka DV
  26. ^ 160 км в честь 160-летия Владивостока: в столице Приморья стартовал экстремальный заплыв
  27. ^ Трехдневный экологический заплыв завершился во Владивостоке
  28. ^ Повцы из трёх регионов преодолели «Русскую кругосветку»
  29. ^ Преподаватель ДВФУ завоевал 7 медалей на Кубке «Большой Невы» по зимнему плаванию
  30. ^ Приморец Павел Комаров стал чемпионом России по зимнему плаванию
  31. ^ Pavel's page on St. Petersburg Winter Swimming Federation site
  32. ^ Приморские пловцы выиграли небывалое количество медалей на международном чемпионате по зимнему плаванию
  33. ^ Приморские моржи – команда "Косатка ДВ - Порт Вера" привезли с Кубка России 30 медалей