The first Ph.D holder in Reproductive and Family Health in Nigeria is from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. He is an academic per excellence and a world class researcher. He is referred to as a multitasks individual. He dossier is a proofing evidence to that effect. See below to to more about his academic and professional career:

Professor Olukunmi 'Lanre OLAITAN

D.PHE.(Lag); B.Sc.(Ed.); M.Ed.;  Ph.D. (Ilorin);  RN (NMCN.); FICC; FNRCS;  MARHP (Minn, USA); MUNSCN(Geneva);  MTRCN (Nig.); ECD; EONC; YSRH; FGM/C; GSRH  (USAID/JHU, MD, USA); CIH (UK); CE&IE (Finland)

(Professor, Human Sexuality, Reproductive & Family Health Specialist, including Human Fertility, HIV/AIDS, Public Health Education & Promotion, Nutrition Education, Nursing, Women and Adolescent Health, Wellness & Fitness Health Consultant)