(5/16/24) Compiling more info about Blitzen Trapper's new 100's of 1000's album, aiming to add to their page's History section in 2 to 3 weeks. Msg me if you want to collaborate.

Also aiming to set up pages for the last 3 studio albums. Planning to include both Wild and Reckless albums in one page, and will move the info about "differences between the two albums" out of main page History and add it to the W&R page. Idk how soon I'll get around to this.

(6/5/24) oops, it's gonna take a few weeks longer than I hoped to add the BT updates, bc of stuff at my work. Aiming to have it finished by the end of June now. I'm still open to collaborating!


I'm an alt-country music fan, bookkeeper, train enthusiast, and zoology nerd in the United States.

I absorb a lot of info about my music-related special interests that I enjoy sharing with others. I am not a professional writer nor a representative of any person that I have written about.

I primarily edit the Blitzen Trapper page. I want to thank user:kevbot217 for writing most of that amazingly-detailed page and setting the standard that I'm aiming to continue!